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Spells allowed to 2E Wemic BardsFirst Level
- Audible Glamer
- Cantrip
- Charm Person
- Detect Magic
- TruthTell*
- Find Familiar
- Friends
- Hypnotism
- Identify
- Sleep
- Taunt
- Ventriloquism
Second Level
- Bind
- Command (Priest 1)
- Deafness
- Detect Evil/Detect Good
- Forget
- Know Alignment/Undetectable Alignment
- Remove Fear/Cause Fear (Priest 1)
- Scare
- Summon Swarm
- Tasha's Uncontrollable Hideous Laughter
- Whispering Wind
Third Level
- Background Music*
- Bestow Voice*
- Chant (Priest 2)
- Clairaudience
- Enthrall (Priest 2)
- Hold Person
- Speak With Animals (Priest 2)
- Suggestion
- Summon Help I*
Fourth Level
- Charm Monster
- Confusion
- Emotion
- Enchanted Weapon
- Fire Charm
- Fumble
- Magic Mirror
- Shout (Roar)
- Summon Help II*
Fifth Level
- Animal Summoning I (Priest 4)
- Call Woodland Beings (Priest 4)
- Chaos
- Domination
- Feeblemind
- Hold Monster
- Speak With Plants (Priest 4)
- Summon Help III*
- Tongues (Priest 4)
Sixth Level
- Animal Summoning II (Priest 5)
- Enchant an Item
- Geas
- Legend Lore
- Mass Suggestion
- Summon Help IV*
*New Wemic Bard Spells
The following spells are offered to flesh out the spell lists. They are tailored for Wemic Bards. Game Masters should review them before judging them acceptable for use in a campaign.
(Enchantment/Charm)Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Hearing
Saving Throw: SpecialFor the duration of this spell, the caster must tell the truth. Moreover, those in hearing range of the bard who are affected will know and believe that the bard is telling the truth. Those friendly to the bard are automatically affected with no saving throw. Those who are neutral must save vs. spell at a -4 penalty or be affected; those who are hostile save normally; and those in combat save at a +4 bonus. Unaffected creatures view the statement of truth as they would if the spell had not been cast at all. Affected creatures know the bard is telling the truth, but the spell does not change their emotions or motivations.
Wemic Bards use this spell before declaring judgements and in arbitrations. Note that this spell cannot force anyone else to tell the truth, or to detect lies.
Summon Help I, II, III, IV
(Summoning)Range: Up to one mile per level
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 3, 4, 5, 6
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: NegThis spell is very much like the traditional Monster Summoning spells, except that the creature brought by the spell is not teleported or conjured from another dimension, but summoned from a nearby location by the power of the Bard's song. Only one creature that is friendly or neutral will be summoned by the spell; a creature cannot be summoned if the creature knows of the bard and is hostile to him or her.
There are four varieties of this incantation, gained as 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th level spells. The casting time and maximum hit dice of the creature summoned varies:
- Summon Help I: Cast 3, Max HD = half the Bard's level.
- Summon Help II: Cast 4, Max HD = the Bard's level.
- Summon Help III: Cast 5, Max HD = twice the Bard's level.
- Summon Help IV: Cast 6, Max HD = thrice the Bard's level.
The success of this spell depends on a number of factors. First, the Game Master must determine the nearest creature with at least one hit die that can be summoned within range -- if there are none, the spell fails. The GM may choose to randomly select a nearby creature. Second, the creature must save vs spell, with a penalty of the difference between the maximum HD the bard can summon and its own HD. If the save suceeds, the Game Master keeps trying for the next closest creature in range, if there is one. If the save fails, the creature will try to come to the Bard's location, travelling at its fastest rate -- but the travel time counts against the spell's duration. Of course, if the bard is in a locked room, or a maze, or deep in a fortress, the creature may not be able to arrive before the spell's duration ends. If the creature does arrive, it will do its best to help the Bard in any way -- exactly like the Monster Summoning spells. When the duration ends, the creatures will wander off from whence it came, attacking only in self defense.
The material component of this spell is a carved bone horn that is winded as part of the casting. This is not consumed, but it is fragile and does cost 100 gp in coin or trade.
Bestow Voice
(Enchantment/Charm)Range: Creature touched
Components: S, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: One creature
Saving Throw: NoneThis spell allows the creature touched to speak the native language of the caster. If cast on self, the spell counters the effects of magical silence. It allows those who are magically or physically mute to speak. And it can be cast on any thing that has no voice -- including plants, animals, all manner of monsters, and inanimate objects -- so long as the recipient has a mind of animal intelligence or higher.
Note the spell cannot be cast on a recipient who already uses a voice to produce speech; the spell cannot be used to communicate with beings who speak an unknown language. The material component of this spell is the beak of a raven or parrot or other bird that can talk.
Background Music
(Illusion)Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 10 ft per level radius
Saving Throw: SpecialWith this spell, the caster creates a continuing illusionary stream of background music that can be heard by all within 10 feet per level of the caster.
The music is controlled by the bard's subconscious, and it reveals the bard's current emotional state of mind. While this spell lasts, the bard cannot move silently or detect noise and receives a -1 penalty to all surprise rolls.
However, the spell enhances any music performed by the bard, so that it is more beautiful and compelling than it would be otherwise. For the spell's duration, the bard receives :
- a bonus of +1 on all charisma-based reaction checks.
- a penalty of -1 for others saving vs. paralyzation when the bard tries to influence their reactions.
- a bonus of +1 on all musical proficiency checks.
- an extended duration of an extra round when inspiring and rallying friends.
- a bonus of +1 on all saves made while trying to counter magical sound attacks.
If a listener suspects that an illusion is at work, a successful normal save will reveal the illusionary nature of the background music. After a successful save, a listener will be immune to the spell's reaction check adjustments.
The material component of this spell is an actual instrument with which the caster is proficient. This instrument is consumed in casting the spell.
The caster can choose to end this spell at will.