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Spells allowed to 2E Wemic Priests

First Level

  1. Animal Friendship (Animal)
  2. Bless (All)
  3. Combine (All)
  4. Command (Charm)
  5. Create Water (Elemental)
  6. Cure Light Wounds (Healing)
  7. Detect Evil (All)
  8. Detect Poison (Divination)
  9. Detect Snares & Pits (Divination)
  10. Endure Cold/Endure Heat (Protection)
  11. Entangle (Plant)
  12. Faerie Fire (Weather)
  13. Invisibility to Animals (Animal)
  14. Light (Sun)
  15. Locate Animals or Plants (Animal, Divination)
  16. Pass Without Trace (Plant)
  17. Protection From Evil (Protection)
  18. Purify Food & Drink (All)
  19. Remove Fear (Charm)
  20. Sanctuary (Protection)
  21. Shillelagh (Plant)

Second Level

  1. Augury (Divination)
  2. Barkskin (Plant, Protection)
  3. Charm Person or Mammal (Animal)
  4. Detect Charm (Divination)
  5. Dust Devil (Elemental)
  6. Enthrall (Charm)
  7. Find Traps (Divination, Elemental)
  8. Flame Blade (Elemental)
  9. Goodberry (Plant)
  10. Heat Metal (Elemental)
  11. Hold Animals (Animal)
  12. Hold Person (Charm)
  13. Know Alignment (Divination)
  14. Messenger (Animal)
  15. Obscurement (Weather)
  16. Produce Flame (Elemental)
  17. Resist Fire/Resist Cold (Protection)
  18. Slow Poison (Healing)
  19. Snake Charm (Animal)
  20. Speak With Animals (Animal, Divination)
  21. Trip (Plant)
  22. Warp Wood (Plant)
  23. Withdraw (Protection)

Third Level

  1. Call Lightning (Weather)
  2. Continual Light (Sun)
  3. Dispel Magic (Protection)
  4. Flame Walk (Elemental)
  5. Hold Animals (Animal)
  6. Locate Object (Divination)
  7. Magical Vestment (Protection)
  8. Meld Into Stone (Elemental)
  9. Negative Plane Protection (Protection)
  10. Plant Growth (Plant)
  11. Protection From Fire (Elemental, Protection)
  12. Pyrotechnics (Elemental)
  13. Remove Curse (Protection)
  14. Remove Paralysis (Protection)
  15. Snare (Plant)
  16. Speak With Dead (Divination)
  17. Spike Growth (Plant)
  18. Starshine (Sun)
  19. Stone Shape (Elemental)
  20. Summon Insects (Animal)
  21. Tree (Plant)
  22. Water Breathing (Elemental)
  23. Water Walk (Elemental)

Fourth Level

  1. Animal Summoning I (Animal)
  2. Call Woodland Beings (Animal)
  3. Cure Serious Wounds (Healing)
  4. Detect Lie (Divination)
  5. Divination (Divination)
  6. Giant Insect (Animal)
  7. Neutralize Poison (Healing)
  8. Protection From Evil, 10-foot Radius (Protection)
  9. Protection From Lightning (Protection)
  10. Reflecting Pool (Divination)
  11. Repel Insects (Animal, Protection)
  12. Spell Immunity (Protection)
  13. Tongues (Divination)

Fifth Level

  1. Animal Growth (Animal)
  2. Animal Summoning II (Animal)
  3. Anti-Plant Shell (Protection)
  4. Atonement (All)
  5. Commune (Divination)
  6. Commune With Nature (Divination)
  7. Cure Critical Wounds (Healing)
  8. Dispel Evil (Protection)
  9. Magic Font (Divination)
  10. True Seeing (Divination)

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