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3E Class Variants for Wemics
Wemic clerics, known as priests, are just like clerics except for a very few alterations:1) They are not proficient with medium or heavy armor, but they are proficient with shortswords, longswords, greatswords, daggers, all clubs, all spears, and javelins, instead of standard cleric weapons.
2) Wemic priests must choose two of the following domains: Travel, Animal, War, Hunting. Hunting is a new Domain (see below).
Note: A wemic cleric can choose to be a priest, using these rules, or a traditional cleric.
Wemic druids, also known as priests, are just like druids except for a very few alterations:1) They are proficient with shortswords, longswords, greatswords, daggers, all clubs, all spears, and javelins, instead of standard druid weapons. Multiclass priests of this kind have the same weapon restrictions that traditional druid multiclassed characters do.
2) Wemic priests do not gain the wildshape ability. Instead, they gain one domain, like a cleric, and the use of one domain spell per level. These wemic priests must choose one of the two following domains: Travel or Hunting. Hunting is a new domain (see below).
Note: A wemic druid can choose to be a priest, using these rules, or a traditional druid.
This domain is appropriate for priests of hunting gods and for priests who adopt a nature-oriented ethos.Granted Powers: Totem Bag: A priest always carries a small bundle of sacred relics, called a totem bag. A priest's totem bag serves as her divine focus. If a priest defeats an opponent single-handedly, then the priest can add a totem or relic from the defeated opponent to the totem bag. After the totem (a small bone, tooth, claw, or bit of horn) is added to the totem bag, the priest receives +1 insight bonus against creatures of that same race as a favored enemy. Like a ranger's favored enemy bonus, this grants a +1 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Wilderness Lore, and weapon damage rolls; it applies to creatures of a particular race, not type, so a goblin totem gives the bonus against goblins only, not hobgoblins or bugbears, for example. The priest may have only one totem per level, only one totem per race, and no totem from a creature immune to critical hits. This bonus does not stack with a ranger's favored enemy bonus. A priest can discard a totem to make space for a new one. Also, the wemic priest has access to Hide, Move Silently, Profession (Hunter), and Wilderness Lore as class skills.
Hunting Spells:
1) Expeditious Retreat
2) True Strike*
3) Invisibility
4) Snare
5) Locate Creature
6) Find the Path
7) Improved Invisibility
8) Discern Location
9) Sympathy*A wemic priest's True Strike has no verbal component, so it can be cast from hiding without alerting prey.
If a game master feels that this wemic priest option is too powerful, here are two ideas to limit it:
- A wemic priest with the Hunting Domain must cast a Guidance spell on a new totem within one minute of making the kill.
- Instead of the full range of weapons listed, the priest must choose to be proficient with just three of those listed.
A new prestige class, fine for any race, but an especially good fit for wemic priests. Note: Totem Bag levels stack: A 10th level wemic priest / 5th level seer can have up to 15 totems.
In desolate and isolated places, far from civilization, wemics live harsh lives, using stone age technology to wrest survival from raw nature. These wemics are often barbarians and rangers -- they may have no tradition of priests, bards, or sorcerers. Abandoned by gods, these wemics turn to witches for healing, guidance, and a measure of wisdom. A game master might want to rule that wemic barbarians cannot start the game with metal items, such as swords, armor, and shields. Wemics naturally live on the wild fringes of society, and wemic barbarians live in even wilder areas, where 'civilized' folk (and their metal items) are never found. Wemic witches may also be an interesting option for some players; they are well suited to the "tribal witch doctor" archtype.BARD
Wemic bards play an important role in their society. In a culture with no tradition of writing, bards are often called on to remember laws, arbitrate conflicts, and judge disputes. Diplomacy and Sense Motive are important skills for these bards.FIGHTER
There are a number of feats that are especially useful for wemic fighters. Weapon focus, Weapon finesse, and Weapon specialization can all be used with a wemic's claws. A wemic's size and strength make Improved Bull Rush a good choice; size and strength also makes grappling a good option. A wemic using a large or even huge weapon has an advantage with Improved Disarm -- especially since you can disarm and attack with claws as part of a full attack action.MONK
Game masters should not allow wemic monks. Any large size monk is too powerful, and requires new rules for speed and damage. Moreover, adding claws to the mix defeats the whole idea -- wemics, because they have claws, are never unarmed!PALADIN, WIZARD
Wemics cannot read, so vanishingly few are wizards. And there is no tradition of wemic paladins in their native lands. However, an inventive player could create a character concept for a wemic with these classes. Maybe a wemic cub, enslaved as an infant, was freed (or bought!) by a lawful good temple and raised as a paladin. Maybe an exiled elf wizard, living with a pride of wemics, teaches one of the brighter cubs how to do magic. But such characters would be very exceptional and rare.RANGER
Ranger is the wemic's preferred class -- there is no xp penalty for a wemic gaining ranger levels. The most common favored enemy is animals, since wemic hunters compete with animal predators for the wild herds they use for food. Rangers with access to metal weapons typically use a greatsword in one hand and a longsword (a light weapon for a large creature) in the other.ROGUE
Wemics do not live in cities, so the urban arts of rogues are not useful to them. However, a gamer could use the rogue class to simulate a range of character concepts. A "rogue" with Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Profession(Trader), Sense Motive, and several languages makes a great merchant A "rogue" with Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Intuit Direction, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, and Swim makes a fine scout or explorer. Other concepts, like diplomat or highway robber, work well too. On the other hand, skills like Decipher Script, Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery, Innuendo, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Read Lips, and Use Magic Device are vanishingly rare among wemics from non-technological hunter amd herder cultures.SORCERER
While Sorcerers are not common among wemics, they are also not unknown. They may be feared by more superstitious and unsophisticated wemics, however.