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Chaos LordsHere's info on Chaos Lords from Sephiroth's Blade, Game Master of the Blue Tavern Inn campaign.
Hey, this is something I recently found on a place called The AD&D Net; it's a new race and is in my new campaign at Dark Angel Keep. The Black Blades are entirely made up of this race (although it seems to be more of a class, and I've made modifications).
The Chaos Lords are a race of chaotic neutral beings who were once of the normal races, but who were changed by their exposure to the forces of Chaos. They are a separate race and have some superhuman abilities and some hefty restrictions as well. Most Chaos Lords are very tall and thin, 7 feet tall being not unusual for males. Females are usually around 6 feet tall. Their slimness disguises their great strength, which is not completely natural. The features of a Chaos Lord are sharp and angular, though not unattractive. Their eyes change color with their mood. The forces of Chaos in the C.L.'s bodies tend to wear out their bodies much faster than normal; their lifespan being cut down to 70 percent of its max unless the Chaos Lord reaches an extremely high level of experience (maybe 15th or so), in which case one of the (godlike) CHAOS LORDS steps in and grants the character limited immortality. He or she can then still be slain by violence, but will not die from old age (perpetually young), and does not need food, water, or sleep.
Chaos Lords have an outlook on life that is incomprehensible to most normal folks. They want to relieve the world of the burden of Law and artificial strictures. Man should have complete freedom from outside interference -- laws, kings, gods, social pressures, etc. Law is stagnant; no genius can prosper under its influence. People cannot express themselves; they must strive to be like everyone else. There is no change under Law, the poor stay poor and the rich get richer. The nobles do what they will and the rest of the world has to play along or get screwed. Corrupt bureaucracy is almost as bad as a feudal system. Take an anarchist, a hippy, and a lunatic, put their philosophies together and you have a Chaos Lord. Chaos Lords do not form communities of their own because there are so few and they have work to do that takes them all across the world. In most worlds there will be a secret society of Chaos Lords and sometimes they will even have a stronghold somewhere far from civilization.
A Chaos Lord begins play as a normal character and may, upon reaching about 5th to 7th level, attempt to become a Chaos Lord. Mages, fighters, chaos knights, psionicists, and thieves may attempt to become Chaos Lords. He or she must journey to the Chaos Lord stronghold and get a Chaos Lord mage to open a gate to the plane of Pandemonium. The Lord-wanna-be then enters the portal and the gate is closed. If the character survives exposure to Pandemonium and a meeting/test from the powers that be, he or she will become a full Chaos Lord and will have the power to open a probability travel back home by themselves. The chance of surviving the transformation is:
DEX + INT + CHA + 2 * Level = percent chance of survival (To be rolled by DM)
Advantages: (1) Upon completing the transformation, a Chaos Lord gains a +2 bonus to strength. (2) All Chaos Lords possess the following pseudo-psionic abilities:
- Danger Sense (a.k.a. Spider Sense) (Int -3; cost N/A; range special; AoE 10 yd) Always active.
- Adrenaline Control (roll 2d6 and add to Str and/or Dex and/or Con) (Con -3; cost 5/rnd; range 0; AoE personal) Body starts glowing and the Lord's hair starts writhing around the head.
- Probability Travel (journey to Astral Plane physically) (Int; cost 20 + 8/hour; range unlim.; AoE one or more persons) The power can also be used to journey directly to Pandemonium.
- +Any 2 sciences and any 4 devotions. (Common choices include aura sight, metamorphosis, energy containment, & body control)
PSPs to use these powers are calculated as follows:
INT + CHA + 1d6 per level
Credits:This variant was originally found at The AD&D Net; the version above is modified from it. (i.e., Chaos Lords normally are humans, but I didn't like that.) The ORIGINAL Info on Chaos Lords, was here, but now it seems like both these links are dead.