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a Wemic Fighter/Priest played by Cayzle of the Blue Tavern Inn Campaign
Strength 17 +1 to hit, +1 dam, 1-10 [20] open doors, 13% bend bars Intelligence 9 +2 proficiency slots Wisdom 16 +2 wisdom saves, 2 1st and 2nd level bonus spells Dexterity 7 -- Constitution 18 +4 hp, 99% system shock, 100% resurrection Charisma 13 5 henchfolk, +1 reaction
Level 3/3 XP Accumulated: 10,800 Major God: Inalkil Next Level Goal: 15,500 Minor God: Tirth, Demigod of Wemics Alignment: True Neutral AC: 1 (-1 vs. dragons) Male Hit Points: 47 (19,14,14) Height: 7' 10"; Weight: 872 lbs Movement Rate: 12" Hair: Chestnut; Eyes: Golden Brown
Saving Throws
Fighter Priest Adjustments Paralyzation, Poison, Death Magic13 10 +2 vs mental att (wis) Rod, Staff, Wand15 14 +3 vs. dragon magic (shield) Petrification, Polymorph14 13 Breath Weapon16 16 Spells and Magic16 15
1 2 3 4 Priest 2 1 - - Wisdom Bonus 2 2 - - Total Priest 4 3 - - Typical Spells Selected
- Combat/Adventuring - Bless, Cure Light Wounds (x2), Detect Magic; Hold Person, Find Traps, Charm Person or Mammal.
- Outdoors/Travel - Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Animal Friendship, Entangle; Goodberry, Speak with Animals, Obscurement.
- City - Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Command, Light; Goodberry, Hold Person, Heat Metal.
Non-Weapon Proficiencies
(8 initial slots allowed as per Blue Tavern Inn House Rules, 2 extra Int bonus; 1 gained per three levels.)
- Hunting (20) - Allows stalking and possibly surprising prey, starting from 101 to 200 yards with a successful check, advancing undetected another 20 yards closer with each successive check (two extra slots used here for a +4 bonus).
- Tracking (19) - Grants skill in following the trail of creatures and characters, with modifiers as in the Player's Handbook (one extra slot used here for a +2 bonus).
- Religion (18) - Provides knowledge of Wemic religion -- and, with a successful check, grants level advancement without seeking out a higher-level Wemic Priest as teacher. (extra slot used at 3rd level.)
- Dream Reading (16) - Offers vague insights into the near future based on remembered and reported dreams.
- Running (12) - Allows movement at twice normal rate on first day of running and on each following day if a successful check is rolled (Note: -1 to hit on running days).
- Tumbling (7) - Increase AC by 4 if not attacking; +2 to hit in unarmed combat, decrease falling damage with a successful check.
- Wemic - Mother language.
- Common - A second language, Fraweol speaks with a distinctive accent.
- Dragon Common and Sand Dragon - Fraweol suddenly knew these languages after speaking in a dream with the god Inalkil (no language slot cost).
- Literacy - Usually Wemics cannot read at all, but Fraweol was miraculously given the gift of Literacy by god Inalkil in order to help the party solve a puzzle-challenge (no language slot cost).
Attack Chart
*Greatsword (a two-handed sword used in one hand by Fraweol) is the noteworthy sword given to Fraweol by the god Inalkil in the City of Dragonsgate. Any bonus from the Greatsword is not factored into the table.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 Damage Fighter 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 - Claw 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1-4 +1 Javelin 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1-6 +1 Greatsword* 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1-10/3-18 +4
Weapons of Proficiency: Claws (free), Javelin, Club, Long Sword, Short Sword, Dagger, Greatsword -- four slots total for Mastery: +3/+3, Attacks thrice every two rounds.
1 gained per three levels, -2 non-proficiency penalty.
Extra slots and weapon mastery allowed by Blue Tavern Inn House Rules
Granted Powers
- Totem Bag: Used as holy symbol, Fraweol's currently contains these totems: Wemic Sacred Relic.
Special Abilities
- Natural base AC 6.
- 5 extra hit points at first level.
- Leap up 10 feet or across 30 feet fram a standing start -- up to 50 feet across with a running start.
- Large in size -- can use large weapons in one hand.
- Paw attacks -- two in each round in addition to normal weapon attacks.
- No use of written items allowed.
- Cannot own more than can be carried.
- Inhuman form -- no boots can be worn; armor is quite scarce.
- Large in size -- weapon damage against large opponents is used.
Special Items and Wealth
- Inalkil's Greatsword (two-handed sword, wielded in one hand by Fraweol -- properties unknown)
- Inalkil's Pendant (it has three symbols on the front and on the back it is inscribed "This is Fraweol, he is under the protection of the Silver Rose, The Black Blades, and Inalkil's Dragon Warriors.")
- Shield of The Shining Sage (This shield has magical runes across its front and back rim that spell out the word "dragon." The runes are magical, so that anyone who reads them sees the word written in their native tongue. Whenever a dragon comes within 30 ft. of the shield, the word "dragon" glows softly for one round, then fades. The shield of dragon protection is normally a shield +3, but it confers +5 protection from all nonmagical dragon attacks (including claws and bite). If the word "dragon" is spoken aloud by the shield's wielder, the whole shield begins to glow with the effect of a light spell and an additional bonus is granted. If the bearer makes a saving throw vs. the dragon's breath weapon, no damage is taken and only half damage is taken if the saving throw fails. Finally, the shield gives a +3 bonus to the bearer's saving throw against any magical spells cast by a dragon against him or her, as a ring of protection.)
- Totem Bag (no special totems yet)
- Bag of Holding (10 lb. weight; 100 lb. capacity)
- Jeweled Platinum Comb - 2,000 gp (practical and beautiful!)
- 10 50 gp gems
- 100 pp
- 10 gp
Item Weight (lb.) Inalkil's Greatsword 15 8 javelins 16 big quiver for javelins 4 Sage's Shield 15 leather armor 23 belt - scabbard - floppy hat with wide brim - totem bag - Pendant - spell components - bag of holding 10 - 4 waterskins (2 gallons) - - 4 weeks rations - - brush and comb - - soap - - flint, steel, tinder - - old sword and shield - Total Weight Carried 83 (Move 12 at 17 Strength)
Fraweol is pronounced like "FRAY-wee-ol" -- and the "ol" is like "old" without the final "d."
He is large, even for a Wemic. His mane is chestnut brown, and his fur, a tawny color two shades lighter. He is clumsy, but tough and strong.
Back home, Fraweol is notorious for being absent-minded and forgetful. He has a bad memory, and he is not quick-witted. But give him half a moment, and he will show flashes of keen reason and insight from time to time. He gets restless and likes to explore. He is spiritual and dreamy, and loves tales of quests and journeys.
This emotive side might seem a contrast to his warrior skills, but in fact they complement each other. Fraweol lives in his body and is attuned to it -- in combat he becomes more graceful and he almost enters a sort of battle trance, wherein his mind is somewhat disengaged. After battle, it is not unusual to see Fraweol looking around with wide eyes at the resulting carnage, seeming puzzled as to how exactly it all happened.
Even more than most Wemics, Fraweol hates getting wet. He wears a big floppy hat to keep rain out of his face. Others have told him it looks stupid, but he doesn't care.
Fraweol grew up in a common pride of Wemics and learned his skills at the side of the pride's shaman, who is also a fighter/priest. But lately he has had itchy paws, that want to feel different grounds beneath them. Wanderlust has brought him to new places.
Fraweol and his comrades are now embarked on a quest to save the Forests of Naztuil. To do so, they must obtain a number of exceptional items. First Fraweol and his friends obtained Snow from the Highest of Mountains, from a Sage after answering three riddles. Then they obtained a Blue Dragon Egg, after defeating two dragons in combat. And the quest continues ...
A early version of Fraweol can be found at Seph's Dark Angel Keep.
copyright © 2000 by Cayzle (all rights reserved)