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Vauhwyt (pronounced "Vow-wet")
Played by Cayzle
Date Created: July 15, 2003
(But Vauhwyt began life as an NPC (Catacombs clerk) on Nov. 18, 2002)
Date Updated: April 12, 2004
Race: Liontaur (wemic)
Class: Rogue/Sorcerer
Level: 2
Experience: 1,150
XP History: A Plot Most Foul: 580; Better Left Alone?: 570
Experience Goal: 2,000 xp to level 3
Campaign: Dirt City
Age: 18
Height: 7 feet even
Weight: 720 pounds
Hero Points: 1
Str: 14 (13*) (+2)
Int: 12 (11*) (+1)
Wis: 13 (+1)
Dex: 15 (16*) (+2)
Con: 14 (+2)
Chr: 16 (+3)
Ability Score Mods: *Scores before application of racial mods are marked above.
Hit Points: 19
Unmodified hit die progression: lvl 1: 6; lvl 2: 4
Armor Class: 15 (+2 dex bonus, +4 natural AC, -1 size) 0r 19 with Blood Armor
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Base Speed: 40 feet
SAVES ========== ========== ========== ==========
Fort: +2 (base: +0 rge, +0 sor, +2 Con)
Refx: +4 (base: +2 rge, +0 sor, +2 Dex)
Will: +3 (base: +0 rge, +2 sor, +1 Wis)
COMBAT (large size) ========== ========== ========== ==========
AC 15/19
Melee: +1 (base: +0 rge, +2 Str, -1 Size)
Missl: +1 (base: +0 rge, +2 Dex, -1 Size)
Weapons.......Tot. Att..........Dam.........Crit.......Range
Longspear.......+1...........2d6(+3s).....x2(20)...10' reach
COMBAT (huge size) ========== ========== ========== ==========
AC 13/17
Melee: +1 (base: +0 rge, +3 Str, -2 Size)
Missl: -1 (base: +0 rge, +1 Dex, -2 Size)
Weapons.......Tot. Att..........Dam.........Crit.......Range
Paws............+1...........1d6(+3s).....x2(20)...10' reach
Fist............+1...........1d6(+3s).....x2(20)...10' reach
Fist(secondry)..-4...........1d6(+1s).....x2(20)...10' reach
Longspear.......+1...........3d6(+4s).....x2(20)...20' reach
Fighting with paws and fist, fist is at –5 to hit and str dam bonus is halved.
Charging gives +2 to hit, +2 damage, and –2 AC.
Huge size results from Enlarge Person spell.
SKILLS (Ranks: 36 Rogue, 3 Sorcerer, 2 WLA) ========== ========== ==========
Bluff................4........+3 Chr.........................+7
Concentration.....2cc +3......+2 Con.........................+7
Decipher Script......4........+1 Int.........................+5
Hide.................4........+2 Dex –4 size.................+2
Intimidate...........4........+3 Chr +4 size*...............+11
Jump.................4........+2 Str +4 speed +1 race.......+11
Move Silent..........4........+2 Dex +1 race.................+7
Tumble...............4........+2 Dex.........................+6
Use Magic Device.....4........+3 Chr.........................+7
cc = cross-class skill; * vs medium size target
Languages: Common, Liontaur, Goblin
SPELLS (sorcerer) ========== ========== ========== ==========
4 cantrips -- Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Message, Dancing Lights
2 first level spells -- Mage Armor, Enlarge Person
Cast per Day: 5 cantrips, 4 first level spells.
SPELL THEME ========== ========== ========== ==========
Special ability from Seal of Beautiful Spells (Golden Tap Prize) -- This seal changes the look of your spells. For example, if you choose the theme of "Screaming Skulls," your fireball might manifest as a small screaming skull that impacts and explodes into a fiery ball that momentarily resembles a 20-foot-radius shattering skull, although it causes damage exactly like a standard fireball. Add +5 to the DC of any Spellcraft check made to identify your spells. This effect is permanent. All your spells have your "theme."
Vauhwyt's Spell Theme: Blood
Specific Spell Manifestations:
-- Read Magic: Whites and irises of eyes turn blood red for duration.
-- Prestidigitation: Effects vary depending on use, but most have blood theme.
-- Message: An icon forms on Vauhwyt's forehead, drawn in red:
----- http://www.woldiangames.com/high_woldian/images/speech.gif
-- Dancing Lights (Vauhwyt calls this "Blood Light"):
----- Torches are red
----- Glowing balls of light look like glowing balls of blood
----- Humanoid shaps seems to drip blood that disappears when it hits the floor.
-- Mage Armor (Vauhwyt calls this "Blood Armor"):
----- After this spell is cast, subject looks like she was dipped in blood, head to toe.
----- A half hour later the "blood" fades to a dried, brownish color.
-- Enlarge Person: An icon forms on the target's forehead, drawn in red:
----- http://www.woldiangames.com/high_woldian/images/big.gif
FEATS ========== ========== ========== ==========
Improved Unarmed Strike
Alertness (with familiar near)
SPECIAL ABILITIES ========== ========== ========== ==========
Rogue: Trapfinding, Sneak Attack +1d6
Sorcerer: Familiar -- Raven (Mookie)
Woldian League of Adventurers: Weapon Proficiency (Longspear), +2 ranks Jump
LIONTAUR ABILITIES ========== ========== ========== ==========
+4 Natural Armor Class
+5 Hit Point Bonus (one time only first level bonus)
Large Size
Low-light Vision
Charge attacks give +2 to hit, -2 AC, and +2 damage
Speed: 40 feet
Racial skill: +1 on Jump and Move Silent rolls
Racial Feat: Taur Multi-Attack
EQUIPMENT (weight in parentheses) ========== ==========
Left side:
A Grey Leather Sectioned Pouch to hold vials and potions (1) -- seals, potions
(won present fishing in the Giggling Ghost) (secured to belt)
longspear (18)
saddlebag (4) -- 150 feet silk rope (15), hammer & five pitons (5), block and tackle (5)
Right side:
large belt pouch (4) -- gold, scrolls
-- silver ring of wolf's head with amber eyes
-- emerald-colored leaf-shaped earring (won in Giggling Ghost contest)
-- A bottle of perfume with a picture of a fairy on it blowing a kiss (same contest)
saddlebag (4) -- change of clothes (artisan’s outfit) (8)
-- bedroll & pillow (10), waterskin & 5 days rations (18)
crystal scales earring
explorer’s outfit
backpack (4) – crowbar in pack (5)
whistle (on chain around neck)
Total Weight: 101 lbs
Max carried for light load: 174lbs; medium load: 175-350lbs; heavy load: 351-525lbs
Money: 72 gp
List of Magic Items:
Crystal Scales (Birthday Present from Bill Troublefinder) -- A pair of crystalline scales hanging balanced from a single chain . It sparkles and shines; it is intricately carved, no more than an inch in any dimension. It is lit by a mild silverish light from within, perhaps just enough to read by on the night of a new moon. It has a loop in its shape that allows it to be worn as an earing, or upon a necklace as a pendant or amulet Its worksmanship is breathtaking, and it seems designed specifically for Vauhwyt.
Tapestry Seals (activiating a seal is a free action, per Jerry, DM Board, 23 Jul 03)
-- Combat Seal -- This seal adds a +1 to hit for your entire group for one round. It may not be used in the same round as another seal exactly like this one.
-- Seal of Sunlight -- This seal lightens any room and will counter most types of magical darkness. It lasts for one round and sheds light in a 60 foot radius. The Seal acts exactly like the spell "Daylight" for one round after it is broken. Thus it can only cancel out magical darkness of equal or lower level -- treat the seal as level 2 for breaking magic darkness.
-- Seal of Curing -- This seal allows any and every character in the party to cast Cure Minor Wounds one time for a duration of one round as a standard action. (This lets anyone stabilize a character who has fallen unconscious in combat.)
-- Seal of Improved Evasion -- Gives the entire party the Improved Evasion Feat for 1 round. If the recipient already has Improved Evasion, he receives a +1 to his saves for that round instead.
-- Seal of Holy Presence -- This seal makes all the weapons of the party Holy Weapons for a period of 1 round. Holy weapons bypass many evil creatures' damage reduction.
-- Seal of Fire Resistance -- Gives all in the group 1d6 fire resistance damage until it runs out.
-- 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1)
-- Small rose colored vial with a gold plaque on it, labelled as follows: "Cure Light Wounds presented to Vauhwyt for her years of service to the Catacombs."
-- Waterskin of Green Gnomish -- second place prize in the Giggling Ghost Thief Contest. Rules for drinking a Green Gnomish for the first time: Make a Fortitude save vs DC18. If you make the save, you get pleasantly drunk in a short amount of time. If you fail the save by 5 or less, you suffer from severe nausea. If you fail by 6 or more, you drops to the floor in a faint. If you roll the dreaded natural 1, you become obnoxiously drunk, suffer from projectile vomiting, and THEN faint dead away! Regardless of whether they save or not, they will suffer a hangover from their first Green Gnomish -- mild if you make the save, severe if you roll the 1.
Scrolls: Shield x2
FAMILIAR (MOOKIE) ========== ========== ========== ==========
Raven (Tiny Magical Beast)
Hit Dice: 2 (9 hp)
Speed: 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 40 ft. (average)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +1 natural AC), touch 14, flat-footed 13
Base Attack: +4 (BAB +0, Dex +2, Size +2)
Attack: Claws +4 melee (1d2–5)
Space/Reach: 2-1/2 ft./0 ft.
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +4
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 6
Feat: Weapon Finesse
Specials: Low Light Vision, Improved Evasion, Speaks Common, Share Spells, Empathic Link
MOOKIE'S SKILLS ========== ========== ========== ==========
Bluff................4........-2 Chr.........................+2
Concentration........5........+0 Con.........................+5
Decipher Script......4........-2 Int.........................+2
Hide.................4........+2 Dex +8 size................+14
Intimidate...........4........-2 Chr -8 size.................-6
Jump.................4........-5 Str -12 speed..............-13
Move Silent..........4........+2 Dex.........................+6
Tumble...............4........+2 Dex.........................+6
Use Magic Device.....4........-2 Chr.........................+2