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Formal Name: Zeoll, Student to Shaman Frith, Warrior to Pride Nonowla, and Son to Clan Aene
Player Name: Cayzle
Date Updated 7 April 2002
Date Created 2 October 2000
Email: cayzle@yahoo.com
AIM: aiwendil
This character sheet can be found online at
Campaign Name: The Taur Isles
Character Level: 4
Class Levels: Druid 1 / Ranger 1 / Bard 2
Experience Points: 6,395
Gender: Male
Align: N. Good
Speed: 40'
Str 12 (+1)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 17 (+3)
Dex 10 (+0)
Con 15 (+2)
Chr 18 (+4)
(note: +1 Chr at level 4)
HP: 36 (D1:8D+5L+2C; R1:7R+2C; B1:5B+2C; B2:3B+2C)
... note: D=druid; R=ranger; B=bard; L=liontaur; C=constitution
Hero points: 1
AC: 15 (base 10; +4 natural AC; +2 leather armor; -1 size)
Saving Throws
Fortitude: +6 (+2D +2R +0B +2 Con)
Reflex: +3 (+0D +0R +3B)
Will: +10 (+2D +0R +3B +3 Wis +2 Iron Will)
Primary: Using a +1 Greatsword
---- Total = +1 (+1 R; +0 D; +1B; + 1 Str; -2 2-weapons; -1 size; +1 enh bonus)
---- 2d6+2 (+1 Str & +1 Enhancement Bonuses); 19-20 Crit/x2; no range
Secondary Weapon: Using a Long Sword
---- Total = +0 (+1 R; +0 D; +1B; + 1 Str; -2 2-weapons; -1 size)
---- 1d8+0 Str Bonus; 19-20 Crit/x2; no range
Secondary Natural: Using Two Paws with swords as full attack
---- Total = -3 (+1 R; +0 D; +1B; + 1 Str; -1 size; -5 secondary)
---- 1d4+0 Str Bonus; 20 Critical/x2; no range
Charging Natural: Using Two Paws on a leaping charge (-2 AC)
---- Total = +4 (+1 R; +0 D; +1B; + 1 Str; -1 size; +2 charge bonus)
---- 1d4+3 Str Bonus; 20 Critical/x2; no range
Extra Combat Modifiers:
---- +1 damage vs. favored enemies: outsider (hell hounds)
---- +1 damage vs. totem races: humans
---- +1 to hit and damage with Bardic Inspire Courage
Class Abilities (some noted elsewhere on this page)
- Bard: Bardic Music -- Inspire Courage, Countersong, Fascinate (see PHB)
- Bard: Bardic Knowledge -- d20 +3 (see PHB)
- Druid: Nature Sense (see PHB).
- Druid: Totem Bag contains one human totem
(see www.geocities.com/cayzle/characters/zeoll/woldtaurs.html).- Wemic Priest (honoring all gods as he once honored Tomi):
- Receive 2 hero points at 1st level and another extra beyond the normal for each level of spells they can cast. These extra hero points may only be used in advance of a roll, not to repeat a roll. (note: special Domi points lost when he died)
- Gain proficiency with and can use all swords freely.Speak positively at all times.
- Cannot use missle weapons.
- Cannot flee except as a strategic retreat
Racial Traits
- Large Size* Monstrous Humanoid
- Speed: 40 feet
- Languages: Wemic, Tauric
- Size: L* (7-8 feet tall)
- Weight: (700 - 1000 lbs.)
- Lifespan: Wemics live to be about 150 years old; they are considered adults at about age 20.
- +1 Strength and Intelligence
- -1 Dexterity
- +4 Natural Armor Class bonus (Base AC 14)
- +5 Hit Point Bonus (one time only first level bonus)
- +1 Jump, Move Silent rolls
- Low Light Vision
- Favored Class: Ranger
*Large in Size
- AC: --1
- To Hit: --1
- Hide: --4
- Carrying Capacity is tripled for large quadrupeds
- Armor:
- Weighs double
- Costs double for Minotaurs
- Costs quadruple for Wemics and Centaurs
- Weapons:
- Medium weapons are light weapons
- Large weapons are one--handed weapons
- Huge weapons are two--handed weapons
- Note that though no Huge weapons are listed in the Players Handbook, the Monster Manual and the DM Guide have suggestions on how to create statistics for them.
Skills (total ranks: 35)
.Animal Emp (D,R)....4D,1R....+4 Cha...-.......+9
.Concen (D,R,B)......2B.......+2 Con...-.......+4
.Diplomacy (D,B).....4D.......+4 Cha...-.......+8
.Handle Animal (D,R) 2D.......+4 Cha...+2......+8
.Heal (D,R)..........+0.......+3 Wis...-.......+3
.Jump (R,B)..........2R.......+1 Str...+31.....+34
.Know (Nat) (D,R,B)..2D.......+1 Int...-.......+3
.Listen (R,B)........+0.......+3 Wis...-.......+3
.Literacy (B)........2B.......-........-.......-
.Move Silent (B).....+0.......+0 Dex...-3......-3
.Perform* (B)........4Dx,2B...+4 Cha...+2......+10
.Sense Motive (B)....4B.......+3 Wis...-.......+7
.Spot (R)............1R.......+3 Wis...-.......+4
.Wild Lore (D,R).....4D,1R....+3 Wis...-.......+8
x = cross-class skill
D = druid ranks (20 total); R = ranger ranks (5 total); B = bard ranks (10 total)
*Perform = Drum, Chant, Song, Poetry (+2 with masterwork drum)
Druid Spells
3 Level 0 spells; Difficulty Class 13
2 Level 1 spells; Difficulty Class 14
Spells Typically Chosen:
Level 0: Guidance, Cure Minor Wounds x2
Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Animal Friendship
Bard Spells
3 Level 0 spells; Difficulty Class 14
1 Level 1 spell; Difficulty Class 15
Spells Chosen From:
Level 0: Dancing Lights, Flare, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
Level 1: Cure Light Wounds, Grease
Note: 10 percent arcane failure chance in leather armor.
Feats (5 total):
Run (gained at first level)
Iron Will (gained at third level)
Two-Weapon Fighting*
* = bonus ranger feat
Wemic (racial)
Common (racial)
Tauric (bonus due to Int)
Druidic (free to all Druids)
(Note: recently learned to read and write)
Special Possessions
- +1 Greatsword (gift from Tomi! Touched & Blessed by Himself!)
- Ring of Jumping (as per DMG)
- Masterwork Drum (+2 on Perform Checks) -- Small head, a long body, with a curve to it, that throbs and thumps pretty nicely. By varying the tension on the head with one hand, the pitch of the drum can be changed. Where and with what force the drum is struck also will affect the nature of the sound produced. The body is fourteen inches deep, and the head just over eight inches across. The body varies in diameter from eight inches at the top, nine and a half in the upper middle, tapering to six and a half inches at the bottom. It was crafted with "outstanding workmanship."
- Potion of Non-Detection (LnB Lottery win!)
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds (Storm Dragon Tourney prize)
- Items (in ALL CAPS) gained Parcel Fishing in the RWI:
- Ashira's Gift of a PEARL (It was given to her, she told Zeoll, in return for helping another cleric of Domi when he lost his way. OOC: The pearl is worth 75gp, and was one of ten (?) given to her party at the end of the Lights of Waha module.)
- A green leather HAT, trimmed with a black ostrich feather. (DM Jan says, "The hat is good quality -- maybe up to the BGC though if you want to put magic on it.")
- Two WEEKS RATIONS wrapped in a beautiful embroidered linen cloth.
- A black leather MONEY POUCH, lined in purple silk
- Flat-top's Gift of a sturdy black leather BELT, with a shiny brass buckle.
- 114 gp in money pouch
- A fine golden Topaz (worth 400 gp) from Ceil's RWI Metaphor game
- One of six amethysts from Imp Master RWI YoA scene 1 (100 gp)
- Catacombs voucher for 117 gp
- Left side: long sword (in scabbard)
- Right side: greatsword (in scabbard)
- Center: belt (worn), belt pouch (in front), backback (on back), leather armor, shirt (under armor), beads (braided in mane)
- In belt pouch: coins (see above), components
- In backpack: 1 week's food, 2 skins of water, 2 large sacks, 2 small sacks, silver dagger, 1 spare shirt, tinderbox, small drum, 6 torches, soap
Animal Friend: Gannet the Gannet
Small Animal
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +3 (Dex)
Speed: 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
AC: 15 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +1 natural)
Attacks: Bite +4 melee, 2 claws -5 melee,
Damage: Bite 1d4-1; claw 1d2-1
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft.
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 16, Con 10,
Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4, Hide +7, Move Silent +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (bite)Climate/Terrain: Oceanic
Organization: Solitary or in huge colonies
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: -Note: Gannets charge (dive) against opponents with the usual +2 attack mod and -2 AC mod, as well as with a +1 attack mod from attacking from "higher ground."
Length: 89 - 95 cm (35 - 37 imches - about three feet)
Weight: 2.0 - 3.2 kg (4.5 - 7 pounds)
Wingspan: 1.7 - 1.8 m (67 - 71 inches - almost six feet)
Life span of: 25 - 38 yearsAdult gannets have dazzling white plumage except for narrow grey spectacles and jet black, tapering wingtips. The eyes are an icy blue, and the bill is blue to grey-blue.
The gannet is well equipped by nature for spectacular plunges from great heights. Unlike most birds, it has binocular vision -- that is, its eyes are positioned such that it can see forward with both. This presumably gives it the ability to estimate how far the fish are from the surface of the water. Its strong, streamlined bill is 100 mm long. It has no nostril holes, and its upper and lower bills fit tightly together so that little if any water is forced into the mouth on impact with the surface. Its streamlined body has a system of air cells between the skin of its neck and shoulders and the muscle beneath. As the gannet prepares to dive, its air cells are inflated to cushion its body when it strikes the water.
Zeoll was born to a pride of Liontaurs who were members of the Aene Clan. He was apprenticed to a priest, named Frith, who served as the pride's shaman. Zeoll's people are those who hold to the oldest surviving wemic traditions -- they are nomadic hunters who live in ways that others might see as uncivilized or backwards. They live in tents or under the open sky. They are brave impulsive, and, sometimes, bloodthirsty. Zeoll has shocked his fellow Chosen from time to time with his "barbarism." Also, Zeoll speaks Tauric and Common with an obvious accent, he only learned to read recently, and he collects, as is the practice among his people, totems of fallen enemies.
Once Zeoll was hunting alone for feathers from the elusive Haway bird, which have certain ceremonial uses, when the pride was destroyed in a hell hound raid. Zeoll returned to find all his loved ones dead. After a grieving time, he had a dream that he interpreted as a sign that he should leave the land of his people.
The Liontaur stands seven feet tall and weighs 745 pounds. His mane is auburn, his fur is tawny, and his skin is light brown. He wears leather armor, and carries a greatsword, a longsword, and a wooden shield. Beads braided in his hair signify his family descent, clan, and priest status.
Zeoll is proud and forthright, and he does not mince words, although he never has a negative thing to say. But his arrogance is tempered by a sense of irony and the ability to laugh at himself.
Zeoll's XP History
Event...........................XP Gained.....................Total
.Conversion to 3E................1,350........................1,350
.Surefoot Vinyards..............+1,300........................2,650
.Carl's Maw/Machines RWI game.....+800........................3,450
.Jan's RWI game...................+345........................3,795
.Taur game (Aftermath)..........+1,500........................5,295
.YoA Scene 1......................+300........................5,595
.Jan's Imp Master RWI game........+300........................5,895
.YoA Scene 2-3*...................+300........................6,195
.YoA Scene 4*.....................+200........................6,395
.Storm Dragon Melee Tourney.......+400........................6,795
.Ceil's Metaphor RWI game.........+300........................7,095
.Kent's Vampire RWI game..........+350........................7,445
.Jan's Band on the Run RWI game....+30........................7,075
*self-imposed 50% penalty for DMing one's own PC.