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Content Hosted By Cayzle
These Second Edition rules for wemics were written by Spike (Stephen Meyer), and when he took down the content, he kindly let me host it here. You can contact him at s514 at earthlink.net .
While not as popular as some of the other PC monster races, the wemic was at one point the matter of discussion one one of the lists. (The realms list I think.) Below is the result of that discussion. As with other non-standard races, and even the standard ones, the inclusion of this material is up to the individual DM. Another thing that should be noted is that the wemic material below has not been tested and so it might unbalence a game. I would appreaciate any feedback you can give me.
Wemic (35)
Standard Advantages: Natural Attacks, Javalin Bonus, Health Bonus, Stamina Bonus
Animalistic Warrior (15) | - | PC goes berserk in combat gaining +1 to strength, +2 to hit, and +4 to damage. Must roll a save vs. death or will attack non-wemic friends. At the end of combat PC loses 2-5 hp and must roll a system shock. If failed PC loses 2-10 hp and falls uncounsous for 2-8 hours. If hp drops below -10 PC dies. |
Health Bonus (10) | - | The PC raises the Constitution/Health sub-ability by +1. |
Humans Bad (10) | - | Due to a past experence with slavers th PC gains a +1 to hit when fighting any race that has a history of slave trading. |
Hunter (15) | - | PC can track as a ranger of the same level. Has a +20% in territory around his home. |
In Sinc with Nature (15) | - | PC can now has the ability to blend with surroundings. Has a 80% chance to remain undetected and can suprise on a 4 in 6. This works only in the PC's home terrian type. |
Javalin Bonus (5) | - | PC gains +1 to hit with javalins. |
Natural Attacks (10) | - | PC is able to use either weapons or front paws in battle. At 7th level PC can use both attacks in the same round. |
Natural Warrior (10) | - | When fighting normal, mundane creatures PC recieves +1 to hit and +2 to damage. |
One with Nature (5) | - | PC can Pass without a trace 1/day. |
Stamina Bonus (10) | - | The PC raises the Strength/Stamina sub-ability by +1. |
Trust of the Wild (5) | - | PC can cast Animal Friendship on felines only 1/day. If PC ever harms one of the animals he befriended this ability is lost forever. |
Call of the Wild (5) | - | PC now has a totem animal watching over him. Can ask the spirit one question per week. |
Xenophobic (5) | - | PC reacts badly toward any bipedal race. All reactions start at distrusting and go from there. It is hard for the PC to trust and this shows as a -4 reaction from all non-wemics. |
I'm a Monster (2) | - | Due to the PC's appearence he recieves a -2 reaction from any civilized races that have had no contact with wemics. |
Unusual Shape (3) | - | The shape of a a wemic's body causes him to pay twice the normal rate for armor. |
Physical Description
Wemics look like a human torso upon the body of a great cat. The human torso is large and has the physical characteristics of a feline; i.e. a large split nose, golden cat eyes, and a large amount of golden body hair. They are above the human average in physical abilities and about average in other abilities.
Racial Differences
At first it was thought that wemics had only one racial stock, that of lions. But after the discovery of the crystal sphere Isver in the black phlogiston, that old way of thinking has been reduced.
With the discovery of Isver, six other racial stocks of wemics are known to exist. There may be even since the oldest wemic myths on Isver describe a migration from heaven. This is thought to be the crystal sphere of their origin.
The seven known races are the lion, tiger, leopard, panther, puma, jaguar, and the lynx. The tiger wemics are by far the most physically powerful of these seven. This is followed by the loin, jaguar, leopard, puma and panther, and then the lynx. The puma and panther stocks are roughly equal in strengths.
Ability Score Requirements
Note: The charisma score applies only to other races.
Wemics typically wear only jewelry or a light tunic when near their homes. When they hunt nothing except weapons are worn. At war wemics will only wear armor that does not hinder their abilities. The weapons they use depend upon the class of the wemic.
Wemics can speak with any feline through a limited form of body language. They also speak their own language, and a dialect of wemic they call trade tongue.
Character Classes
Wemics can become fighters, mages, priests, and rangers. Only lynx wemics may become rouges. The only multi class combinations allowed are fighter/priests and mage/priests. No other combinations are allowed.
Lynx Thief Adjustments:
Racial Preferences
Wemics are very friendly toward centaurs, halflings, and dracons. They tolerate dwarves and gnomes. And are on neutral terms with any humans they meet. They detest humanoids, neogi, beholders, and Illithids. They will attack these races on sight.
Nonweapon Proficiencies
Wemics raised in tribal settings are required to fill their initial proficiency slot with the following; endurance, hunting, survival, and tracking. After these are gained they may choose freely. They are also able to acquire the following proficiencies at normal cost; direction sense, weather sense, herbalism, animal lore, jumping, bowyer/fletcher, and running. All of these proficiencies can be gained at normal cost regardless of their class. All other proficiencies are restricted as in the players handbook.
Other Things
Wemics do not like oceans, sea, or any large bodies of water. It is extremely unlikely that any will be found on any water borne vessel that is out of sight of land. If forced into such circumstances they must save vs. death once a day or go insane. Manic depressive, homicidal mania, suicidal mania, and catatonia are the most frequent form of insanity encountered among wemics.