Old Screeds
Spookiest Halloween Ever
We love Halloween at my house, and we always decorate with some spooky stuff, inside and out. Here are some of the scary things we put out this year, the same ones we put out every year.

This ghost looks down over our sloping driveway (we live on a hillside). He's even scarier at night, when we put a red light behind him.

This disembodied head of a black cat reminds me of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. That is, if the Cheshire Cat had had black fur and was even more creepy. Here, take a look -- I definitely see a family relation there! Look at how you can see through his teeth, as if he were fading away ...

This tiger-spider (he has orange and black stripes) is ready to pounce!

Back in the day, I thought it was a little cheesy for the decor to tell you how to feel. Trying too hard, much? But as time has passed, and as this decoration has fallen into decrepitude, I have come to find it genuinely terrifying. You WILL Be Very Afraid, as it turns out.

Now, in addition to all the traditional old outside decor items that we have, this year we added a brand new scary decor item. We placed it right down at the bottom of our hill, for maximum effect on passers-by. But before I reveal it, I have to warn you. This one is truly disturbing. Unlike cats and skulls and spiders, it plays on fear that strikes deeper, more viscerally, and may be shocking to some. So please, if you are nervous or sensitive of disposition, if you prefer not to buy a new keyboard after making a mess of your current one, I ask that you not scroll down. If you do, please do not hold me responsible.
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Yes, it is true! For lifelong Democrats, nothing could be scarier than a actual official lawn sign in support of a Republican for office this election day! Paid for by the local GOP committee! WooOOO!! What's even scarier, if you can stomach it, is that we really DO support this fellow! We think the Democrats on our local town board are doing a terrible job, and we want the Republican to win! So this election year we are crossover voters! AAAAAHHHHH!!!! Actually, this fellow gave us two lawn signs, so we drank the kool-aid and put them both up.
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