Labyrinths & Liontaurs



Life is an endless adventure for those who live by their wits. Ever just one step ahead of danger, rogues bank on their cunning, skill, and charm to bend fate to their favor. Never knowing what to expect, they prepare for everything, becoming masters of a wide variety of skills, training themselves to be adept manipulators, agile acrobats, shadowy stalkers, or masters of any of dozens of other professions or talents. Thieves and gamblers, fast talkers and diplomats, bandits and bounty hunters, and explorers and investigators all might be considered rogues, as well as countless other professions that rely upon wits, prowess, or luck. Although many rogues favor cities and the innumerable opportunities of civilization, some embrace lives on the road, journeying far, meeting exotic people, and facing fantastic danger in pursuit of equally fantastic riches. In the end, any who desire to shape their fates and live life on their own terms might come to be called rogues.

Role: Rogues excel at moving about unseen and catching foes unaware, and tend to avoid head-to-head combat. Their varied skills and abilities allow them to be highly versatile, with great variations in expertise existing between different rogues. Most, however, excel in overcoming hindrances of all types, from unlocking doors and disarming traps to outwitting magical hazards and conning dull-witted opponents.

Base Attack Bonus: +0.75 / level.

Caster Level: +0.50 / level.

Will Save: +0.25 / level.

Fortitude Save: +0.25 / level.

Reflex Save: +0.75 / level.

Hit Die: d6.

Table: Rogue Advancement
LevelBase Attack BonusCaster LevelWill SaveFort SaveRef SaveSpecial
1st+0 (+0.75)0 (0.5)+0 (+0.25)+0 (+0.25)+0 (+0.75)Tyro Signature: Sneak Attack I
2nd+1 (+1.50)1 (1.0)+0 (+0.50)+0 (+0.50)+1 (+1.50)Canny Observer or Charmer
3rd+2 (+2.25)1 (1.5)+0 (+0.75)+0 (+0.75)+2 (+2.25)Uncanny Dodge or Evasion
4th+3 (+3.00)2 (2.0)+1 (+1.00)+1 (+1.00)+3 (+3.00)Trapfinding or Surefoot
5th+3 (+3.75)2 (2.5)+1 (+1.25)+1 (+1.25)+3 (+3.75)Tyro Tier Choice
6th+4 (+4.50)3 (3.0)+1 (+1.50)+1 (+1.50)+4 (+4.50)Adventurer Signature: Sneak Attack II
7th+5 (+5.25)3 (3.5)+1 (+1.75)+1 (+1.75)+5 (+5.25)Black Market or Coax Information
8th+6 (+6.00)4 (4.0)+2 (+2.00)+2 (+2.00)+6 (+6.00)Improved Uncanny Dodge or Improved Evasion
9th+6 (+6.75)4 (4.5)+2 (+2.25)+2 (+2.25)+6 (+6.75)Trap Spotter or Follow Clues
10th+7 (+7.50)5 (5.0)+2 (+2.50)+2 (+2.50)+7 (+7.50)Adventurer Tier Choice
11th+8 (+8.25)5 (5.5)+2 (+2.75)+2 (+2.75)+8 (+8.25)Hero Signature: Sneak Attack III
12th+9 (+9.00)6 (6.0)+3 (+3.00)+3 (+3.00)+9 (+9.00)Hard Mind or Convincing Lie
13th+9 (+9.75)6 (6.5)+3 (+3.25)+3 (+3.25)+9 (+9.75)Slippery Mind or Poisoner
14th+10 (+10.5)7 (7.0)+3 (+3.50)+3 (+3.50)+10 (+10.50)Mind Like A Trap or Fleetfoot
15th+11 (+11.25)7 (7.5)+3 (+3.75)+3 (+3.75)+11 (+11.25)Hero Tier Choice
16th+12 (+12.00)8 (8.0)+4 (+4.00)+4 (+4.00)+12 (+12.00)Legend Signature: Sneak Attack IV
17th+12 (+12.75)8 (8.5)+4 (+4.25)+4 (+4.25)+12 (+12.75)Master of Disguise or Rumor Monger
18th+13 (+13.50)9 (9.0)+4 (+4.50)+4 (+4.50)+13 (+13.50)Defensive Roll or Opportunist
19th+14 (+14.25)9 (9.5)+4 (+4.75)+4 (+4.75)+14 (+14.25)Cat Burglar or Tremorsense
20th+15 (+15.00)10 (10.0)+5 (+5.00)+5 (+5.00)+15 (+15.00)Legend Tier Choice

Skill Proficiencies

The rogue's proficient skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Scrivening (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex)..

Skill Ranks per Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

Select four weapon groups of your choice (see the rules for weapon groups in Weapons and Armor). You are proficient with all simple weapons in these four groups. You are proficient in martial weapons in your choice of three of these four groups, and with exotic weapons in two of the three martial groups. You are also proficient with all armor and shields.

Spells and Spell Casting

Spells: At fourth level, when your caster level is one, you can cast inherent spells, which are drawn from the inherent spell list presented in Spell Lists. As with all characters, you follow the general magic rules for spell slots per day, based on your caster level, which advances by 1/4 of a caster level every time you gain a rogue level.

Note that casting inherent spells is different from casting other spells. There are no specific and particular words or gestures required -- instead, you just speak from your heart, or mutter, or curse loudly, if the spell has verbal components. Just clap someone on the back, or scowl, or point, as you would do naturally in conversation, if there are somatic components. As a player, you track spell slots and game mechanics; as a character, you may not even be aware you are casting a spell. Your character might say, "Give me a sec to get over it," before casting a Walk It Off spell to regain hit points, not realizing that pacing in a circle is actually the somatic component of a spell.

Characters who cast in this way (Barbarians, Rogues, and Rogues) are called marrowmancers by those who study magic deeply. As an marrowmancer, constitution is your spell casting ability score.

Learning new spells: When you gain a caster level, you have the option to learn two spells from the intrinsic spell list. Divide your rogue class level by four -- that's the highest spell level you can add to your known list (minimum 1). For example, at rogue class level 4, you can add first level intrinsic spells to your list; at rogue class level 8, you can add second level intrinsic spells.

Class Abilities


Level 1 Rogue Tyro Tier Signature Ability: Sneak Attack I (Ex): If you can catch an opponent unable to defend effectively from your attack, you can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Your attack deals extra damage any time your target is denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when you flank your target. This extra damage is 2d6. Should you score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet. With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), you can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. You cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty. You must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Level 2 Rogue Tyro Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 3 Rogue Tyro Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 4 Rogue Tyro Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 5 Rogue Tyro Tier Choice: Select a rogue Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a gallimaufry feat from among those for which you qualify.


Level 6 Rogue Adventurer Tier Signature Ability: Sneak Attack II (Ex): When you succeed with a sneak attack, the extra damage is +4d6, not +2d6. Also, if an ally is in melee with a foe, and the foe blocks your line of sight to your ally. then your ranged attacks gain sneak attack damage as well. Finally, the range of your sneak attacks increases by 5 ft per 5 character levels, increasing at character levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. Requires Sneak Attack I.

Level 7 Rogue Adventurer Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 8 Rogue Adventurer Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 9 Rogue Adventurer Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 10 Rogue Adventurer Tier Choice: Select a rogue Adventurer or Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a gallimaufry feat from among those for which you qualify.


Level 11 Rogue Hero Tier Signature Ability: Sneak Attack III (Ex): When you succeed with a sneak attack, the extra damage is +6d6, not +4d6. Also, thrice per day, in addition to your usual sneak attack damage, you make the target queasy for a number of rounds equal to your character level. There is no saving throw. This ability does stack with itself and with other effects that create the queasy and sickened conditions (from queasy to sickened to nauseated), and the longest duration applies to the stacked effect. Requires Sneak Attack II.

Level 12 Rogue Hero Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 13 Rogue Hero Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 14 Rogue Hero Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 15 Rogue Hero Tier Choice: Select a rogue Hero, Adventurer, or Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a gallimaufry feat from among those for which you qualify.


Level 16 Rogue Legend Tier Signature Ability: Sneak Attack IV (Ex): When you succeed with a sneak attack, the extra damage is +8d6, not +6d6. Also, once per day, you can forgo your sneak attack damage to attempt to knock out an opponent. After a sneak attack hits, it does normal damage, but instead of dealing sneak attack damage (and instead of any effect that triggers when the you deal sneak attack damage), you can declare that this is a knock-out, making the target fall unconscious for 2d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude save reduces this effect to staggered for 1d2 rounds. The DC of this save is equal to 9 + half your character level + your even (column B) Dex modifier. Requires Sneak Attack III.

Level 17 Rogue Legend Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 18 Rogue Legend Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 19 Rogue Legend Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 20 Rogue Legend Tier Choice: Select a rogue Legend, Hero, Adventurer, or Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a gallimaufry feat from among those for which you qualify.