Labyrinths & Liontaurs



Your god has rewarded your faithfulness and fervor by sending an outsider to serve and protect you. This outsider, called an eidolon companion, forms a close bond with you, and you both become more capable as you travel the path of devotion to a sacred cause. In addition, you gain the ability to summon other divine warriors, guides, and advisors to boost your power in service to your diety. But this power comes with a price: your spells and abilities are limited compared with other classes because you spend your time and resources directing and enhancing the outsiders you summon from your god's plane.

Role: As a summoner, your main role is to advance your god's mission and to support your allies and your summons. While your magic comes from a higher power, you rely heavily on your eidolon companion in dangerous situations. Within an adventuring group, your eidolon may act as muscle, scout, mount, and jack-of-all-trades; you may be more suited to play a role as a supporter, healer, negotiator, and leader.

Restrictions: Your alignment must be the same as your god's. You must follow the ethos of your god. You may only honor one god, and no others (though you can tolerate or even ally with followers of other gods, especially if their gods are aligned with yours). However, your connection to your god is stronger than the bond that other priests share -- in part because the outsiders you summon report back directly about your adventures. Up to three times in your career, your god may call on you personally to perform a service of some kind, a quest that you cannot refuse. If you find your alignment drifting, if the restrictions of your ethos are too onerous, or if you refuse a required service, you and your game master should have a conversation about meeting these restrictions -- or about changing gods, or even changing class.

Base Attack Bonus: +0.50 / level.

Caster Level: +0.75 / level.

Will Save: +0.75 / level.

Fort Save: +0.75 / level.

Reflex Save: +0.50 / level.

Hit Die: d4.

Table: Summoner Advancement
LevelBase Attack BonusCaster LevelWill SaveRef SaveFort SaveSpecial
1st+0 (+0.50)0 (0.75)+0 (+0.75)+0 (+0.50)+0 (+0.75)Tyro Signature: Eidolon Companion I
2nd+1 (+1.00)1 (1.50)+1 (+1.50)+1 (+1.00)+1 (+1.50)Summon Helper Spirit or Companion's Interaction Cantrip
3rd+1 (+1.50)2 (2.25)+2 (+2.25)+1 (+1.50)+2 (+2.25)Tyro Summons or Companion's Combat Cantrip
4th+2 (+2.00)3 (3.00)+3 (+3.00)+2 (+2.00)+3 (+3.00)Summon Lesser Scout or Companion's Exploration Cantrip
5th+2 (+2.50)3 (3.75)+3 (+3.75)+2 (+2.50)+3 (+3.75)Tyro Tier Choice
6th+3 (+3.00)4 (4.50)+4 (+4.50)+3 (+3.00)+4 (+4.50)Adventurer Signature: Eidolon Companion II
7th+3 (+3.50)5 (5.25)+5 (+5.25)+3 (+3.50)+5 (+5.25)Summon Translator Spirit or Cure Moderate Wounds
8th+4 (+4.00)6 (6.00)+6 (+6.00)+4 (+4.00)+6 (+6.00)Adventurer Summons or Shield Other
9th+4 (+4.50)6 (6.75)+7 (+6.75)+4 (+4.50)+6 (+6.75)Summon Counselor or Find Traps
10th+5 (+5.00)7 (7.50)+7 (+7.50)+5 (+5.00)+7 (+7.50)Adventurer Tier Choice
11th+5 (+5.50)8 (8.25)+8 (+8.25)+5 (+5.50)+8 (+8.25)Hero Signature: Eidolon Companion III
12th+6 (+6.00)9 (9.00)+9 (+9.00)+6 (+6.00)+9 (+9.00)Summon Messenger Spirit or Transfer Health
13th+6 (+6.50)9 (9.75)+9 (+9.75)+6 (+6.50)+9 (+9.75)Hero Summons or Shield Ally
14th+7 (+7.00)10 (10.50)+10 (+10.50)+7 (+7.00)+10 (+10.50)Summon Greater Scout or Bind Senses
15th+7 (+7.50)11 (11.25)+11 (+11.25)+7 (+7.50)+11 (+11.25)Hero Tier Choice
16th+8 (+8.00)12 (12.00)+12 (+12.00)+8 (+8.00)+12 (+12.00)Legend Signature: Eidolon Companion IV
17th+8 (+8.50)12 (12.75)+12 (+12.75)+8 (+8.50)+12 (+12.75)Summon Missionary Spirit or Suborn Summons
18th+9 (+9.00)13 (13.5)+13 (+13.50)+9 (+9.00)+13 (+13.50)Legend Summons or Transfer Actions
19th+9 (+9.50)14 (14.25)+14 (+14.25)+9 (+9.50)+14 (+14.25)Summon Visionary or Dimension Hop
20th+10 (+10.00)15 (15.00)+15 (+15.00)+10 (+10.00)+15 (+15.00)Legend Tier Choice

Skill Proficiencies

The summoner's proficient skills (and the ability scores used to boost each skill) are Craft (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Planes, Religion) (Int), Language (Abyssal, Axiom, Celestial, Infernal, Protean) (Int), Profession (all) (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

Pick any two weapon groups; you are proficient with all simple weapons in your chosen groups. You are also proficient with the favored weapon of your god. You are proficient with light armor, light shields, and bucklers.

Spells and Spell Casting

At second level, when your caster level is one, you can cast divine spells, which are drawn from the divine spell list presented in Spell Lists. As with all characters, you follow the general magic rules for spell slots per day, based on your caster level, which advances by three-quarters of a caster level every time you gain a summoner level. As a priest, Wisdom is your spell casting ability score.

KNOWN SPELLS LIST: Each time you gain a caster level, you learn two new spells. You may not choose spells from the Evocation and Necromancy schools. Because you are a priest, you may choose to pick spells from the divine spell list. The level of the spell cannot exceed three-quarters of your new summoner level (minimum 1).

Summoning Creatures

Note that when you use your summoner spell-like abilities to summon a creature of a particular type, you always summon the same individual. If you call a quasit, it is always the same quasit. If you call a trumpet archon, it is always the same one. Have fun roleplaying these interactions, especially since the creatures you summon may have interesting personalities, likes, dislikes, and mannerisms, as determined by your game master, possibly in consultation with you. In general, the game master roleplays the summoned creature, although this task could be delegated to another player, or even to yourself. In practical terms, this rule has the several ramifications:

Class Abilities


Level 1 Summoner Tyro Tier Signature Ability: Eidolon Companion I You can summon a companion of the outsider type called an eidolon. Your eidolon companion forms a link with you. Refer to the general rules for companions for more details.

Your eidolon takes a form shaped by the your desires. It can have either a quadrupedal, bipedal, or legless (serpentine or fishlike) base form (see below). The eidolon's physical appearance is up to you -- it can appear mundane and nondescript, like a natural creature; or it can appear as some sort of fantastical, impossible, otherworldly creature. This control is not fine enough to make the eidolon appear like a specific creature.

In addition, each eidolon companion receives a pool of evolution points that can be used to give it different abilities and powers. When you first gain your eidolon, at its first hit die, it starts with two evolution points in its pool. It gains another two points at 3 hit dice, and two more at 5 hit dice. When you gain new points, you can spend them on upgrades and powers that you select. You can only access Tier One evolutions, which cost 1 evolution point each. Information on evolution points, class specials, and more is avalable below.

Level 2 Summoner Tyro Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 3 Summoner Tyro Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 4 Summoner Tyro Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 5 Summoner Tyro Tier Choice: Select a Summoner Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a magic feat from among those for which you qualify.


Level 6 Summoner Adventurer Tier Signature Ability: Eidolon Companion II You can now access Tier Two evolutions, which cost 2 evolution points each. At this tier, you have the chance to respend your entire evolution pool as you like. Your eidolon gains two evolution points at 7 hit dice, and two more at 9 hit dice. Refer to the general rules for companions for more details, and also see below.

Level 7 Summoner Adventurer Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 8 Summoner Adventurer Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 9 Summoner Adventurer Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 10 Summoner Adventurer Tier Choice: Select a Summoner Adventurer or Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a magic feat from among those for which you qualify.


Level 11 Summoner Hero Tier Signature Ability: Eidolon Companion III You can now access Tier Three evolutions, which cost 3 evolution points each. At this tier, you have the chance to respend your entire evolution pool as you like. Your eidolon gains two evolution points at 11, at 13, and at 15 hit dice. Refer to the general rules for companions for more details, and also see below.

Level 12 Summoner Hero Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 13 Summoner Hero Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 14 Summoner Hero Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 15 Summoner Hero Tier Choice: Select a Summoner Hero, Adventurer, or Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a magic feat from among those for which you qualify.


Level 16 Summoner Legend Tier Signature Ability: Eidolon Companion IV You can now access Tier Four evolutions, which cost 4 evolution points each. At this tier, you have the chance to respend your entire evolution pool as you like. Your eidolon gains two evolution points at 17 and at 19 hit dice. Refer to the general rules for companions for more details, and also see below.

Level 17 Summoner Legend Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 18 Summoner Legend Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 19 Summoner Legend Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 20 Summoner Legend Tier Choice: Select a Summoner Legend, Hero, Adventurer, or Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a magic feat from among those for which you qualify.

Eidolon Companions

An eidolon companion's abilities are determined by your class ability choices, your character level, its hit dice, and the general rules for companions. Your summoned companion has the outsider type for all purposes. You pick a general form for your eidolon -- biped, quadruped, or legless -- per below. All natural attacks are made using the creature's full base attack bonus unless an attack is noted as a secondary attack. Natural attacks add the companion's Strength modifier to the damage roll, unless it is its only attack, in which case it adds 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier. As you gain levels, your eidolon improves as well.

You may want to make a character sheet for your companion. Use the basic statistics for the general form listed below. Your companion gains a hit die each time you level, per the the general rules for companions.

Choose from the following general form options for your companion:


You decide what your eidolon looks like through your choice of general form, evolutions, and your imagination. You could play a legless eidolon as a seal or snake; add gills for a shark; add tentacles, arms, and claws for an eldritch horror from beyond space and time. A quadruped eidolon could look like a horse; add a horn for a unicorn, or wings for a pegasus. Or it could have chicken feet in the back, wolf paws in the front, and the head of an elf. Feel free to add decorative appendages without spending evolution points -- you can have a tail on your "bunny" eidolon, or a pair of small horns on your "tiefling" eidolon, so long as they are just for show. Is your eidolon furry, scaly, feathered, stony, or a mix? What color is it? What sounds does it make? You decide.

You also get to pick your eidolon's personality, general emotions, energy level, and so forth. Have fun roleplaying your companion! That said, your eidolon is not a puppet that follows every command without question. Eidolons have been known to refuse actions that are against their ethoses or alignments (subject to the GM's discretion) and are quick to chide the summoner about such requests. Keep in mind that it is your friend and partner in service to your god.

As an optional rule that your game master may choose to implement, you can link the appearance of your eidolon to an aspect of your god. Perhaps it looks like a creature known to associate or serve your god, or that your god famously defeated, or maybe it even looks like an avatar of your god. If so, and if the GM allows, grant your eidolon a +1 inherent bonus to wisdom as a reward for this association.


In addition to the capabilities above, when your eidolon companion gains an even hit die, select one of the Class Special abilities listed below or one in the Companion rules. If the name of these abilities include a roman numeral, it indicates that the prior ones in the series are required before an advanced one can be taken.


Each eidolon receives a number of evolution points that can be spent to give the eidolon new abilities, powers, and other upgrades. These abilities, called evolutions, can be changed whenever the summoner gains a new signature tier ability, but they are otherwise set. Some evolutions require that the eidolon have a specific base form or fulfill some other prerequisite before they can be chosen.

Attacks: A number of evolutions grant the eidolon additional natural attacks. Natural attacks listed as primary are made using the eidolon's full base attack bonus and add the eidolon's Strength modifier on damage rolls. Natural attacks listed as secondary are made using the eidolon's base attack bonus -5 and add 1/2 the eidolon's Strength modifier on damage rolls (if positive). If the eidolon only has a single natural attack, the attack is made using its full base attack bonus and it adds 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier on damage rolls made with that attack. If you desier, you can take a secondary attack instead of a primary attack. Note that Tier One eidolons can have at most one primary natural attack and one secondary natural attack. If the eidolon is at its maximum, it cannot take evolutions that grant additional natural attacks. At Tier Two, an eidolon can have one primary attacks and two secondary attacks. At Tier Three, two primary and two secondary. At Tier Four, two primary and three secondary. If your eidolon can use weapons, a weapon attack can take the place of a primary natural attack.

Selecting Evolutions: Evolutions are grouped by their cost in evolution points. Tier One evolutions cost one point; Tier Two, 2 points, etc. Evolution points cannot be saved. All of the points must be spent whenever you gain new ones, at odd levels as noted in the summoner signature powers. Unless otherwise noted, each evolution can only be selected once.

Tier One: 1-Point Evolutions

Ability Increase (Ex): An eidolon grows larger muscles, gains faster reflexes, sharpens its wits, or in some way acquires an increase to one of its abilities. Increase one of the eidolon's ability scores by +1. This evolution can be selected more than once. It can only be applied once to an individual ability score.

Bite (Ex): An eidolon's mouth is full of sharp teeth, giving it a bite attack. This attack is a primary attack. The bite deals 1d4 points of damage (1d6 if Medium, 1d8 if Large).

Claws (Ex): An eidolon has two sets of dangerous claws at the end of its limbs, giving it two claw attacks. These attacks can be primary attacks or secondary attacks, chosen each round of combat. The claws deal 1d3 points of damage (1d4 if Medium, 1d6 if Large). The eidolon must have the limbs evolution to take this evolution. An eidolon may not have both Claws and Pincers.

Climb (Ex): An eidolon becomes a skilled climber, gaining a climb speed equal to its base speed. This evolution can be selected more than once. Each additional time it is selected, increase the eidolon's climb speed by 10 feet.

Gills (Ex): An eidolon has gills and can breathe underwater indefinitely.

Hooves (Ex): An eidolon has a pair of powerful hooves at the end of its limbs, giving it two hoof attacks. These attacks are secondary attacks. The hooves deal 1d3 points of damage (1d4 if Medium, 1d6 if Large). The eidolon must have two limbs (legs) evolutions to take this evolution, but only the forelegs gain the hoof attacks. The back legs also gain hooves that cannot attack, but with the evolution, the eidolon can wear four horseshoes.

Improved Damage (Ex): One of the eidolon's natural attacks is particularly deadly. Select one natural attack form and increase the damage die type by one step. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different natural attack.

Improved Natural Armor (Ex): An eidolon's hide grows thick fur, rigid scales, or bony plates, giving it a +2 bonus to its natural armor.

Limbs (Ex): An eidolon grows an additional pair of limbs. These limbs can take one of two forms. They can be made into legs, complete with feet. Each pair of legs increases the eidolon's base speed by 10 feet. Alternatively, they can be made into arms, complete with hands. The eidolon does not gain any additional natural attacks for an additional pair of arms, but it can take other evolutions that add additional attacks (such as claws). Arms that have hands can be used to wield weapons, if the eidolon is proficient.

Magic Attacks (Su): An eidolon is infused with sacred magic, allowing it to treat all of its natural attacks as if they were magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. These natural attacks are also treated as the alignment of the eidolon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Mini-Mount (Ex): You can ride your eidolon even if you are the same size as it is, if its carrying capacity for a light load is greater than the sum of your weight, your gear's weight, and its gear's weight. Without this evolution, you must be one size smaller than your quadruped or legless eidolons for it to serve as a mount; note that bipedal eidolons cannot take this evolution and can never serve as mounts.

Pincers (Ex): An eidolon grows a set of large pincers at the end of one pair of its limbs, giving it two pincer attacks. These attacks are secondary attacks. The pincers deal 1d4 points of damage (1d6 if Medium, 1d8 if Large). Eidolons with the grab evolution linked to pincers gain a +2 bonus on CMB checks made to grapple. The eidolon must have the limbs (arms) evolution to take this evolution. An eidolon may not have both Claws and Pincers.

Pounce (Ex): An eidolon gains quick reflexes, allowing it to make a full attack after a charge. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped base form.

Resistance (Ex): An eidolon's form takes on a resiliency to one particular energy type, which is usually reflected in its physical body (ashen hide for fire, icy breath for cold, and so on). Pick one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). The eidolon gains resist 10 against that energy type. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different energy type.

Scent (Ex): An eidolon's sense of smell becomes quite acute. The eidolon gains the scent special quality, allowing it to detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents can be detected at twice the normal range. Scent does not allow the eidolon to precisely locate the creature, only to detect its presence. It can detect the direction with a move action. The eidolon can pinpoint the creature's location if it is within 5 feet. The eidolon can use scent to track creatures.

Simple Weapons Training (Ex): Pick one weapon group. The eidolon is proficient with simple weapons in this group. This evolution can me taken more than once. Each time, it applies to a different weapon group. This evolution requires the limbs (arms) evolution, without the claws or pincers that would interfere with holding a weapon.

Skilled (Ex): An eidolon becomes especially adept at a specific skill, gaining a +8 racial bonus on that skill. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different skill.

Slam (Ex): An eidolon can deliver a devastating slam attack with some part of its body. This attack is a primary attack. The slam deals 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Medium, 2d6 if Large).

Sting (Ex): An eidolon possesses a long, barbed stinger at the end of its tail, granting it a sting attack. This attack can be a primary or secondary attack, chosen each round of combat. The sting deals 1d3 points of damage (1d4 if Medium, 1d6 if Large). The eidolon must possess the tail evolution to take this evolution. An eidolon may not have both Sting and Tail Slap.

Swim (Ex): An eidolon gains webbed hands, feet, fins, flippers, or simply the tail muscles it needs to gain a swim speed equal to its base speed. This evolution does not give the eidolon the ability to breathe underwater. This evolution can be selected more than once. Each additional time it is selected, increase the eidolon's swim speed by 10 feet.

Tail (Ex): An eidolon grows a long, powerful tail. This grants it a +2 racial bonus on Tumble and Climb skill checks.

Tail Slap (Ex): An eidolon can use its tail to bash nearby foes, granting it a tail slap attack. This attack is a secondary attack. The tail slap deals 1d4 points of damage (1d6 if Medium, 1d8 if Large). The eidolon must possess the tail evolution to take this evolution. An eidolon may not have both Sting and Tail Slap.

Tentacle (Ex): An eidolon possesses a long, sinuous tentacle, granting it a tentacle attack. This attack is a secondary attack. The tentacle attack deals 1d3 points of damage (1d4 if Medium, 1d6 if Large). This evolution can be selected more than once. Each tentacle also gives a +1 bonus to Climb checks.

Wing Buffet (Ex): An eidolon learns to use its wings to batter foes, granting it two wing buffet attacks. These attacks are secondary attacks. The wing buffets deal 1d3 points of damage (1d4 if Medium, 1d6 if Large). The eidolon must possess the flight evolution, with wings, to select this evolution.

Tier Two: 2-Point Evolutions

Constrict (Ex): An eidolon gains powerful muscles that allow it to crush those it grapples. Whenever the eidolon successfully grapples a foe using the grab evolution, it deals additional damage equal to the amount of damage dealt by the attack used by the grab evolution. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the serpentine base form.

Grab (Ex): An eidolon becomes adept at grappling foes, gaining the grab ability. Pick bite, claw, pincers, slam, tail slap, or tentacle attacks. Whenever the eidolon makes a successful attack of the selected type, it can attempt a free combat maneuver check. If successful, the eidolon grapples the target. This ability only works on creatures the same size as the eidolon or smaller. Eidolons with this evolution receive a +4 bonus on CMB checks made to grapple.

Horns (Ex): An eidolon grows one or more horns on its head, giving it a gore attack. This attack is a primary attack. The gore deals 1d4 points of damage (1d6 if Medium, 1d8 if Large).

Immunity (Su): An eidolon's body becomes extremely resilient to one energy type, gaining immunity to that type. Pick one energy type: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The eidolon gains immunity to that energy type. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time it applies to a different energy type. An eidolon may not have both Resistance and Immunity evolutions for the same energy type.

Keen Scent (Ex): An eidolon's sense of smell becomes even more acute. The eidolon can notice other creatures by scent in a 180-foot radius underwater and can detect blood in the water at ranges of up to a mile. The eidolon must possess the gills and scent evolutions to take this evolution.

Martial Weapons Training (Ex): Pick one weapon group with which you are proficient with simple weapons. The eidolon is proficient with martial weapons in this group. This evolution can me taken more than once. Each time, it applies to a different weapon group.

Medium (Ex): An eidolon grows in size, becoming Medium. The eidolon gains a +2 bonus to Strength and a -1 penalty to Dexterity. This size change also removes the bonuses and penalties that are associated with being Small in size.

Natural Flight (Ex): An eidolon grows large wings, like those of a bat, bird, insect, or dragon, gaining the ability to fly. The eidolon gains a fly speed equal to its base speed. The eidolon's maneuverability depends on it size. Small eidolons have good maneuverability; Medium, average; Large, poor.

Poison (Ex): An eidolon secretes toxic venom, gaining a weak injury poison attack. Pick one bite or sting attack. Whenever the selected attack hits, the target must make a fortitude saving throw or be poisoned. The save DC is equal to 9 + half the eidolon's HD + the eidolon's odd (column A) Constitution modifier. This evolution can be selected up to three times with increasing potency. The second time it is selected, the poison becomes strong. The third time, it becomes deadly.

Reach (Ex): One of an eidolon's attacks is capable of striking at foes at a distance. Pick one attack form (claws, bite, sting, etc). The eidolon's reach with attacks using that form increases by 5 feet.

Rend (Ex): An eidolon learns to rip and tear the flesh of those it attacks with its claws, gaining the rend ability. Whenever the eidolon makes two successful claw attacks against the same target in 1 round, its claws latch onto the flesh and deal extra damage. This damage is equal to the damage dealt by one claw attack plus 1-1/2 times the eidolon's Strength modifier. The eidolon must possess the claws evolution to select this evolution.

Tremorsense (Ex): An eidolon becomes attuned to vibrations in the ground, gaining tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet. This works like the blindsense evolution, but only if both the eidolon and the creature to be pinpointed are in contact with the ground.

Trip (Ex): An eidolon becomes adept at knocking foes to the ground with its bite or tail (select one), granting it a trip attack. Whenever the eidolon makes a successful attack of the selected form, it can attempt a free combat maneuver check. If successful, the target is knocked prone. If the check fails, the eidolon is not tripped in return. This ability only works on creatures of a size equal to or smaller than the eidolon. The eidolon must possess the bite or tail slap evolution to select this evolution.

Unnatural Aura (Su): An eidolon is obviously of unnatural origin. Normal animals do not willingly approach the eidolon unless the animal's master makes a DC 25 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check.

Tier Three: 3-Point Evolutions

Blindsense (Ex): An eidolon's senses become incredibly acute, giving it blindsense out to a range of 30 feet. This ability allows the eidolon to pinpoint the location of creatures that it cannot see without having to make a Spot or Search check, but such creatures still have total concealment from the eidolon. Visibility still affects the eidolon's movement and it is still denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against attacks from creatures it cannot see.

Breathless (Ex): An eidolon no longer needs to breathe. The eidolon does not breathe, and is immune to effects that require breathing (such as inhaled poison). This does not give immunity to cloud or gas attacks that do not require breathing.

Burrow (Ex): An eidolon grows thick and gnarled claws -- or its existing claws evolve -- allowing it to move through the earth. The eidolon gains a burrow speed equal to 1/2 its base speed. It can use this speed to move through dirt, clay, sand, and earth. It does not leave a hole behind, nor is its passage marked on the surface.

Damage Reduction (Su): An eidolon's body becomes resistant to harm, granting it damage reduction. Choose one alignment: chaotic, evil, good, or lawful. The eidolon gains DR 5 that can be bypassed by weapons that possess the chosen alignment. The alignment must be opposite to one of the alignments possessed by the eidolon. This evolution can be taken more than once, for the same alignment. Its effects stack.

Exotic Weapons Training (Ex): Pick one weapon group with which you are proficient with martial weapons. The eidolon is proficient with exotic weapons in this group. This evolution can me taken more than once. Each time, it applies to a different weapon group.

Frightful Presence (Ex): An eidolon becomes unsettling to its foes, gaining the frightful presence ability. The eidolon can activate this ability as part of an offensive action, such as a charge or attack. Opponents within 30 feet of the eidolon must make a Will save or become shaken for 3d6 rounds. The DC of this save is equal to 9 + 1/2 the eidolon's HD + the eidolon's odd (column A) Charisma modifier. If the eidolon has at least 4 more Hit Dice than an opponent, that opponent becomes frightened instead. Foes with more HD than the eidolon are immune to this effect.

Large (Ex): A quadruped or legless eidolon grows in size, becoming Large. The eidolon gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +2 bonus to Constitution, a -2 penalty to Dexterity, and a +2 bonus to its natural armor. This size change also gives the creature a -1 size penalty to its AC and on attack rolls, a +1 bonus to its CMB and CMD, a -2 penalty on Fly skill checks, and a -4 penalty on Stealth skill checks. A quadruped or legless eidolon must also have the Medium evolution to take this evolution.

Powerful Charge (Ex): Select one of the eidolon's primary natural attacks. Whenever the companion charges, it deals twice the number of damage dice with the selected natural attack plus 1-1/2 times its Strength damage bonus; if it already inflicts 1-1/2 times Str bonus, it instead inflicts double its Str bonus.

Supernatural Flight (Su): The eidolon flies by means of magic. Its maneuverability is perfect. The eidolon gains a fly speed equal to its base speed.

Web (Ex): An eidolon gains a pair of spinnerets, giving it the ability to spin webs. The eidolon can use these webs to support itself plus up to one creature of the same size. It can throw webbing as a ranged touch attack up to 8 times per day, entangling a creature up to one size larger than the eidolon. The webbing has a range of 50 feet and a 10-foot range increment. Creatures entangled by the web can escape with an Escape Artist check or a Strength check (at a -4 penalty). The DC of these checks is equal to 9 + half the eidolon's HD + the eidolon's odd (column A) Con modifier. The webs have a Hardness of 0 and a number of hits points equal to the eidolon's total Hit Dice. The eidolon can climb its own webs at its climb speed and can pinpoint any creature touching its webs when it is touching them too. The eidolon must possess the climb evolution to take this evolution.

Tier Four: 4-Point Evolutions

Blindsight (Ex): An eidolon's senses sharpen dramatically, granting it blindsight out to a range of 30 feet. The eidolon can maneuver and attack as normal, ignoring darkness, invisibility, and most forms of concealment as long as it has line of effect to the target. The eidolon must possess the blindsense evolution to take this evolution.

Breath Weapon (Su): An eidolon learns to exhale a cone or line of magical energy, gaining a breath weapon. Select either acid, cold, electricity, or fire. The eidolon can breathe a 30-foot cone (or 60-foot line) that deals 1d6 points of damage of the selected type per HD it possesses. Those caught in the breath weapon can attempt a Reflex save for half damage. The DC is equal to 9 + 1/2 the eidolon's HD + the eidolon's odd (column A) Constitution modifier. The eidolon can use this ability once per day. The eidolon can use this ability 1 additional time per day by spending an additional 1 evolution point (maximum 3/day). The summoner must be at least 9th level before selecting this evolution. The eidolon must have the Immunity evolution of the same energy type as its breath weapon.

Fast Healing (Su): An eidolon's body gains the ability to heal wounds very quickly, giving it fast healing 1. The eidolon heals 1 point of damage each round, just like natural healing. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost due to starvation, thirst, or suffocation, nor does it allow the eidolon to regrow lost body parts (or to reattach severed parts). Fast healing functions as long as the eidolon is alive. This fast healing does not function when the eidolon is not on the same plane as its summoner. This healing can be increased by 1 per round for every additional evolution points spent (maximum 4).

Heroic (Ex): An eidolon gains a pool of 5 lionheart points that it can spend and regain as a player character does.

Giant (Ex): A biped eidolon grows in size, becoming Large. The eidolon gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +2 bonus to Constitution, a -2 penalty to Dexterity, and a +2 bonus to its natural armor. This size change also gives the creature a -1 size penalty to its AC and on attack rolls, a +1 bonus to its CMB and CMD, a -2 penalty on Fly skill checks, and a -4 penalty on Stealth skill checks. It also gains a 10-foot reach. Any reach evolutions the eidolon possesses are added to this total. A biped eidolon must also have the Medium evolution to take this evolution.

Sticky (Ex): An eidolon can cling and climb on smooth walls and ceilings. It need not make Climb checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside down). It retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. It can use the run action while climbing. It cannot be moved (for example, by grapple, pushing, Telekinesis, etc) unless it fails an opposed Strength check, and it gains a +2 bonus on this check per tentacle. This evolution requires the Climb evolution and at least two Tentacle evolutions.