Labyrinths & Liontaurs



On the edges of civilization, often skating the edge of respectability and propriety, adepts practice magic learned through oral traditions, hand-me-down teachings, and the whisperings of ancestral spirits. Specializing in brewing potions and interesting substances, adepts use magic to make a place in a community -- sometimes a respected place, as a shaman is honored by a tribe; sometimes disdained in polite society, as a witch is tolerated while convenient.

Base Attack Bonus: +0.25 / level.

Caster Level: +0.75 / level.

Will Save: +0.75 / level.

Fort Save: +0.50 / level.

Reflex Save: +0.25 / level.

Hit Die: d4.

Table: Adept Advancement
LevelBase Attack BonusCaster LevelWill SaveFort SaveReflex SaveSpecial
1st+0 (+0.25)0 (0.75)+0 (+0.75) +0 (+0.50)+0 (+0.25)Tyro Signature: Signature Choice
2nd+0 (+0.50)1 (1.50)+1 (+1.50)+1 (+1.00)+0 (+0.50)Diplomacy +1 or Interaction Cantrip
3rd+0 (+0.75)2 (2.25)+2 (+2.25)+1 (+1.50)+0 (+0.75)Spell +1 or Combat Cantrip
4th+1 (+1.00)3 (3.00)+3 (+3.00)+2 (+2.00)+1 (+1.00)Survival +1 or Exploration Cantrip
5th+1 (+1.25)3 (3.75)+3 (+3.75)+2 (+2.50)+1 (+1.25)Adept Bonus Feat
6th+1 (+1.50)4 (4.50)+4 (+4.50)+3 (+3.00)+1 (+1.50)Adventurer Signature: Signature Choice
7th+1 (+1.75)5 (5.25)+5 (+5.25)+3 (+3.50)+1 (+1.75)Diplomacy +1 or Interaction Cantrip
8th+2 (+2.00)6 (6.00)+6 (+6.00)+4 (+4.00)+2 (+2.00)Spell +1 or Combat Cantrip
9th+2 (+2.25)6 (6.75)+7 (+6.75)+4 (+4.50)+2 (+2.25)Survival +1 or Exploration Cantrip
10th+2 (+2.50)7 (7.50)+7 (+7.50)+5 (+5.00)+2 (+2.50)Adept Bonus Feat
11th+2 (+2.75)8 (8.25)+8 (+8.25)+5 (+5.50)+2 (+2.75)Hero Signature: Signature Choice
12th+3 (+3.00)9 (9.00)+9 (+9.00)+6 (+6.00)+3 (+3.00)Diplomacy +1 or Interaction Cantrip
13th+3 (+3.25)9 (9.75)+9 (+9.75)+6 (+6.50)+3 (+3.25)Spell +1 or Combat Cantrip
14th+3 (+3.50)10 (10.50)+10 (+10.50)+7 (+7.00)+3 (+3.50)Survival +1 or Exploration Cantrip
15th+3 (+3.75)11 (11.25)+11 (+11.25)+7 (+7.50)+3 (+3.75)Adept Bonus Feat
16th+4 (+4.00)12 (12.00)+12 (+12.00)+8 (+8.00)+4 (+4.00)Legend Signature: Signature Choice
17th+4 (+4.25)12 (12.75)+12 (+12.75)+8 (+8.50)+4 (+4.25)Diplomacy +1 or Interaction Cantrip
18th+4 (+4.50)13 (13.5)+13 (+13.50)+9 (+9.00)+4 (+4.50)Spell +1 or Combat Cantrip
19th+4 (+4.75)14 (14.25)+14 (+14.25)+9 (+9.50)+4 (+4.75)Survival +1 or Exploration Cantrip
20th+5 (+5.00)15 (15.00)+15 (+15.00)+10 (+10.00)+5 (+5.00)Adept Bonus Feat

Skill Proficiencies

The adept's proficient skills (and the ability scores used to boost each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

Pick one weapon group from this list: Close, Crossbows, Light Blades, and Thrown. You are proficient with all simple weapons in your chosen group. You are not proficient with martial or exotic weapons. You are not proficient with armor or shields. Note that if you cast arcane spells, armor interferes with a your gestures, which can cause your spells with somatic components to fail (see Arcane Spells and Armor).

Spells and Spell Casting

At second level your caster level is one, and you can cast spells drawn from your class spell list. As with all characters, you follow the general magic rules for spell slots per day, based on your caster level, which advances by three-quarters of a caster level every time you gain an adept level. There are five different kinds of adepts, distinguished by the kinds of spells they can learn. Here are those kinds:

KNOWN SPELLS LIST: Each time you gain a caster level, you learn two new spells. Follow the guidelines above to select from the correct spell choices. The level of the spell cannot exceed your three-quarters of your adept level (minimum 1).

Class Abilities


Levels 1, 6, 11, and 16: Signature Ability: Choose one of the following signature powers: Chymistrie, Lackey, Ritual, Seance.

Level 2, 7, 12, and 17 Interaction Ability: You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks (stackable) or an interaction cantrip (see below).

Level 3, 8, 13, and 18 Combat Ability: You gain a +1 to save DC and caster level when casting a spell of your choice (stacking for the same spell, or selecting a new one) or a combat cantrip (see below).

Level 4, 9, 14, and 19 Exploration Ability: You gain a +1 bonus on Survival checks (stackable) or an exploration cantrip (see below).

Level 5, 10, 15, and 20 Adept Choice: Select an adept interaction, combat, or exploration ability of the appropriate tier or lower that you have not yet chosen, or choose a magic feat.


At non-signature levels, you may choose to learn an interaction, combat, or exploration cantrip. The particular cantrip allowed must be of a type that is the same as the spells you can learn:

Adept Signature Abilities


When you gain this signature ability, you learn to make one magical or non-magical item of your choice from the lists below. Use Spellcraft to make magical items and Craft (Alchemy) to make non-magical items. Each item requires 40 gp and eight hours to make (the DC of the check is listed below); on a failed check, 4 hours and 20 gp are wasted.

In addition, at even levels after gaining this ability, you can select a magic item from the magic item list below to learn how to craft. At odd levels, select a non-magical item to learn how to craft from the non-magic list. No feat is needed for any of this crafting.

Like any character, you can use the Craft (Alchemy) skill to make acid, alchemist's fire, smokesticks, tindertwigs, antitoxin, sunrods, tanglefoot bags, and thunderstones. In addition, at odd levels after gaining this signature ability, pick one non-magical item from the list below to learn to make.

At even levels choose an item from the list below. If a magic item has a Roman numeral in the name, then it is one in a series that requires knowing all the earlier items before a later one can be taken.

Moreover, five levels after gaining this signature ability, you can create a combo item that combines the effects of two of the items listed above that have the same trigger method (drinking, throwing, etc). Ten levels after gaining this ability, you can create a combo item that combines the effects of three items, and at fifteen levels after, you can create a combo item that combines the effects of four items. To make combo items costs 200 gp for a double combo; 1,000 gp for a triple combo; and 5,000 gp for a quadruple combo.

Chymestrie items made by adepts may be purchased by player characters if they can find an adept wishing to sell, at prices negotiated with the game master. Player character adepts generally can sell these items for half the cost to make them.


You gain a lackey companion, a creature bound to you that can serve you in a variety of useful ways, at no cost. You cannot have a lackey if you already have a companion of any other sort. See the general rules for companions for details on how to call your lackey.

You may want to make a character sheet for your lackey. Use the basic statistics for a creature of the companion's kind listed below. Your lackey gains a hit die each time you level, per the the general rules for companions.

Choose from the following options for your lackey companion.

In addition to the capabilities above, when your lackey gains an even hit die, select one of the Class Special abilities listed below or one in the companion rules. If the name of these abilities include a roman numeral, it indicates that the prior ones in the series are required before an advanced one can be taken.


This power grants you knowledge of spells beyond the two that you learn each time you gain a caster level. Pick an adept spell you can learn, one less than or equal to your current caster level. Add that spell to your ritual list. Each time you gain a character level, add another spell to your ritual list.

You can cast spells you know and spells on your ritual list using a special ritual. Even if your caster level is zero, you can use a ritual to cast a spell. Casting a spell in this way vastly increases the casting time, but it also increases the effectiveness of the casting:

When you first gain this ability, you can take a day (8 hours) to perform a ritual and cast a single spell. When you do so, you use your character level, not your caster level, to determine variable affects such as duration and so forth. Doing so does not use up a spell slot. If a saving throw is needed against a ritual spell, then the saving throw DC is 9 plus half of character level plus casting ability score.

Five levels after you gain this ability, the required length of the ritual decreases from 8 hours to 1 hour.

Ten levels after you gain this ability, you can apply any one metamagic feat you know to a spell cast through a ritual, except the Quicken Spell feat.

Fifteen levels after you gain this ability, you can add adept spells to your ritual list that are equal to or less than your character level.


One per day, you can call and speak with a spirit of the dead. To perform a seance, you join hands with those who knew the deceased, and you make a Will saving throw to channel the dead, who speaks through you to those assembled, if you make the saving throw. A seance must be conducted at dawn or at dusk. The location must be quiet and peaceful. If the seance succeeds, the spirit speaks as it will, in its voice through your mouth, in its native tongue, understanding only those languages it knew in life. It is possible that it will speak in a language you do not understand, but others in attendance might. The spirit lies or speaks the truth, as its natural inclination and alignment would direct it. The maximum number of people that can meet in your seance is equal to your combined even Wisdom, Charisma, and Intelligence modifiers. That is also the duration, in minutes, of the conversation you can have with the deceased, if you make the will save. The base will saving throw is a DC30. Your saving throw is modified as follows:

Circumstances Roll Modifier
Spirit personally knew someone in circle +1 per person known
Spirit did not know anyone in the circle save always fails
Spirit was summoned to a seance in the past and was forced to tell the truth -5
Object is present that was treasured by the spirit +1 per object (max +3)
Spirit's hair, blood, or other body part is present +2
Spirit loved the location of the seance +3
You know the name of the spirit +2
Time passed since the spirit died -1 per year
Spirit is evil +5
Time the spirit has been deceased -1 per year
Spirit's attitude towards a person in the circle (use least favorable)
  - Hostile save always fails
  - Unfriendly -10
  - Indifferent +0
  - Friendly +5
  - Helpful +10

Note that evil creatures are more likely to answer a call to a seance because they desire even a few minutes of relief from the horrific torture of the afterlife they must otherwise endure.

Five character levels after gaining this ability, you can compel the spirit to speak only the truth, if you so desire. Spirits compelled in this way are less likely to accept a call to another seance.

After ten character levels, you can summon a spirit even if the spirit knew none of those present. Use the Indifferent modifier of +0.

After fifteen character levels, you can cast a question into the unknown, and a strange spirit will arrive to answer your question. With none of the circumstances listed above applicable, the save DC of 30 applies.