Labyrinths & Liontaurs



Key Ability: Int | Trained Only: Yes | Armor Check Penalty: No

You have learned to speak and read an additional language.

Like Craft, Knowledge, Perform, and Profession, Language is actually a number of separate skills. When you devote a skill rank to the Language skill, you choose a new language that you can speak. However, you are not a native speaker, and you must make Language skill checks to speak, understand, read, and write effectively.

The languages typically allowed in a Labyrinths & Liontaurs campaign are listed below.

Table: Standard Languages and Their Alphabets
LanguageTypical SpeakersAlphabet
Aboleth*Creatures of the trenches and depths of the oceansn/a
AbyssalDemons, chaotic evil outsiders, clericsInfernal
Aklo*Derros, inhuman or otherworldly monsters, evil feyElven
Aquan*Water-based creaturesPrimordial
Auran*Air-based creaturesPrimordial
AxiomAxiomites, inevitables, lawful neutral outsiders, clericsAxiom
Boggard*Boggards, gripplisBoggard
CelestialGood outsiders, clericsCelestial
Dark Folk*Dark creepers, dark slayers, and dark stalkersCommon
DraconicKobolds, troglodytes, lizardfolk, dragons, magesDraconic
Drow Sign Language*Drown/a
Druidic*Druids (only)Druidic
GiantOgres, giants, ettins, trolls, minotaursTitanic
GoblinGoblins, hobgoblins, bugbearsDwarven
Ignan*Fire-based creaturesPrimordial
InfernalDevils, lawful evil outsiders, clericsInfernal
LiontaurLiontaurs, rakshashasHieroglyphic
Orc*n/a (dead language)Dwarven
ProteanProteans, chaotic neutral outsiders, clericsProtean
Sphinx*Sphinxes, necromancers, mummies, lichesHieroglyphic
Sylvan*Centaurs, neutral and good fey: dryads, brownies, leprechaunsElven
Terran*Xorns, other earth-based creaturesPrimordial
Thieves' Cant*Rogues, BardsHieroglyphic
Titan*Titans, cyclopesTitanic
Undercommon*Drow, duergar, grimlocks, kuo-toa, svirfneblin, mind flayersElven
*This rare and exotic language cannot be learned as a bonus due to intelligence, and a teacher must be found in game if one seeks to learn it through the Language skill. For other languages, the game assumes that teachers, formal or informal, can be assumed.

Action: The time it takes to speak. This could be a free action for a few words, up to an hour for a sophisticated oration.

Try Again: Under stress-free conditions, there is no penalty for taking 10 or taking 20, but not in combat, debate, etc. One can always try again, although the creature with whom you are communicating might become frustrated, impatient, or insulted by repeated failure.

Special: You start at 1st level knowing one or two languages (based on your race), plus an additional number of languages equal to your odd intelligence modifier (Your Column A modifier). These are the languages you know fluently, as a native, and they do not change, even if your Intelligence permanently rises or falls. You cannot spend skill ranks on these languages, and you never need to make Language checks for tasks in those languages.