Labyrinths & Liontaurs



Chroniclers delight in writing stories and telling tales. Some are fantasy journalists, witnessing remarkable events, seeking marvels, and then spreading the news. Some are entertainers, telling stories both comedic and tragic, aloud or written, as authors, as collectors of tales, as moralists and hedonists. The heart of the chronicler's magic is that words are weapons, that spells start with spelling, that the pen is, indeed, more powerful.

Most chroniclers enjoy language, because they love stories told and written in words. (A very few artist chroniclers love stories told in pictures.) Some collect tales the way hunters collect trophies. Others are creators, writing fictions, reporting true events. They travel and adventure for novelty and discovery, though they navigate hearts as often as they navigate geography. They have interests in common with loremasters. except that chroniclers want to share what they know; loremasters tend to be introverts, and chroniclers, extroverts.

Role: With their command of language, chroniclers often serve as party faces, negotiators, and ambassadors. As jacks of all trades, they are as useful in a fight as in a forest or a metropolis. Chroniclers are usually happy to teach others. They may be lawful or chaotic, but they are more often good, since their nature is to share their tales with others.

Requirements: The Universal System tends to offer the Chronicler prestige class to characters who have demonstrated remarkable curiousity, creativity, and a love of tales ...

If you have focused on one of these to the point of obsession, or if your experiences have touched on most or all of them, then the Universal System may offer you the use of this prestige class.

Base Attack Bonus: +0.5 / level.

Caster Level: +1 / level, see below.

Will Save: +0.75 / level.

Fort Save: +0.25 / level.

Reflex Save: +0.5 / level.

Hit Die: d6.

Table: Chronicler Advancement
LevelBase Attack BonusCaster LevelWill SaveFort SaveRefx SaveSpecial
1st+0.5+1+0.75+0.25+0.5Prestige Signature: Silver Tongue or Stylus
2nd+1.0+2+1.50+0.50+1.0Muckraker or Page Turner
3rd+1.5+3+2.25+0.75+1.5Speak Truth to Power or The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword
4th+2.0+4+3.00+1.00+2.0Deep Pockets or Pathfinding
5th+2.5+5+3.75+1.25+2.5Prestige Tier Choice
6th+3.0+6+4.50+1.50+3.0Master Signature: Charmer or Rune Master
7th+3.5+7+5.25+1.75+3.5Enthralling Tale or Reporter's Business
8th+4.0+8+6.00+2.00+4.0Soothing Word or Reporter's Neutrality
9th+4.5+9+6.75+2.25+4.5Bibliophile or Reporter's Access
10th+5.0+10+7.50+2.50+5.0Master Tier Choice

Skill Proficiencies

The chronicler's proficient skills (and the ability scores used to boost each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Chr), Gather Information (Chr), Knowledge (all) (Int), Language (Int), Perform (Oratory) (Cha), Ride (Dex), Scrivening (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Ranks per Level: 6 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

You gain no new proficiency with weapons or armor.

Spells and Spell Casting

As a chronicler, you add one caster level each time you progress in the prestige class. The spell level of chronicler spells varies from chronicler to chronicler -- see these rules on prestige class spell aquisition. When you cast spells gained through this prestige class, those spells are arcane by type. The casting ability score for this prestige class is charisma; use your even (column B) charisma modifier for chronicler spell DCs, and, if it is your highest casting ability score, to set concentration checks and bonus spells per day.

KNOWN SPELLS LIST: When you add a caster level, the spells you add to your known spells list are pre-selected:

Class Abilities


Level 1 Chronicler Prestige Tier Signature Ability: Select one of these two options:

Silver Tongue (Su): You are gifted with an expressive and eloquent manner, as well as deep insight into what makes people tick. As part of the action required to use these skills, you gain a competence bonus equal to one-quarter of your character level on Perform (Oratory), Gather Information, and Disguise checks. Also, you may always choose to take 10 on charisma-based skill checks, even when you would not normally be allowed to do so. When you cast a language-dependant spell (or SLA), you gain a +1 bonus to caster level to determine the variable effects of the spell, and the spell DC, if any, is increased by 1.

Stylus (Su): You gain a stylus, that is, a wand-like object that you can use for writing; your stylus never runs out of ink, and you can change the color at will. You can also use it to erase your own writing, like the Erase spell, also at will. You can use your stylus to cast Arcane Marking as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your character level. Your stylus may be made of any material you like, but regardless of material, it weighs one pound, has hardness 10, and 30 hit points. If you break or lose your stylus, you may conjure an identical one out of thin air after a night's rest. When you cast a spell (or SLA) that has a written component (for example, one with maps, runes, glyphs, sigils, or symbols), you gain a +1 bonus to caster level to determine the variable effects of the spell, and the spell DC, if any, is increased by 1. (If you possess a wizard's arcane tool, or gain one after taking this prestige class, you may choose to have both the arcane tool and your stylus; or you may choose to combine the two, treating the stylus as a wand.)

Level 2 Chronicler Prestige Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 3 Chronicler Prestige Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 4 Chronicler Prestige Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 5 Chronicler Prestige Tier Choice: Select a Chronicler Prestige Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose any gallimaufry feat for which you qualify, treating your own tier as if it were one step higher.


Level 6 Chronicler Master Tier Signature Ability: Select one of these two options:

Charmer (requires Silver Tongue) (Su): Once per day, you may take 20 on a charisma-based skill without taking extra time to do so, and even if you would not normally be allowed to take 20 on that check. In addition, you gain the Charming Demeanor signature class ability of the Charm Domain. If you already have Charming Demeanor, or if you gain it later, you instead gain the A Personal Friend ability of the Charm Domain.

Rune Master (requires Stylus) (Su): You gain complete immunity to any spell (or SLA) that has a written component (for example, one with maps, runes, glyphs, sigils, or symbols). In addition, you gain the Blast Rune signature class ability of the Rune Domain. If you already have Blast Rune, or if you gain it later, you instead gain the Slot Rune ability of the Rune Domain.

Level 7 Chronicler Master Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 8 Chronicler Master Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 9 Chronicler Master Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 10 Chronicler Master Tier Choice: Select a chronicler Master or Prestige Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose any gallimaufry feat for which you qualify, treating your own tier as if it were one step higher.