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Labyrinths & Liontaurs



The foot soldier, the town watch, the caravan guard -- these are the warriors of the world. But where fighters are independent and often work alone or in small, diverse groups, warriors depend on their fellows to join in protecting civilization from the dangers that threaten it.

BAB: +1.0 / level.

Caster Level: +0.25 / level.

Will Save: +0.25 / level.

Fort Save: +0.50 / level.

Reflex Save: +0.25 / level.

Hit Die: d10.

Table: Warrior Advancement
LevelBase Attack BonusCaster LevelWill SaveFort SaveReflex SaveSpecial
1st+1 (+1.0)0 (0.25)+0 (+0.25) +0 (+0.50)+0 (+0.25)Tyro Signature: Following
2nd+2 (+2.0)0 (0.50)+0 (+0.50)+1 (+1.00)+0 (+0.50)HALT I
3rd+3 (+3.0)0 (0.75)+0 (+0.75)+1 (+1.50)+0 (+0.75)Teamwork Feat
4th+4 (+4.0)1 (1.00)+1 (+1.00)+2 (+2.00)+1 (+1.00)Spot Malefactor I
5th+5 (+5.0)1 (1.25)+1 (+1.25)+2 (+2.50)+1 (+1.25)Combat Feat
6th+6 (+6.0)1 (1.50)+1 (+1.50)+3 (+3.00)+1 (+1.50)Adventurer Signature: Surviving
7th+7 (+7.0)1 (1.75)+1 (+1.75)+3 (+3.50)+1 (+1.75)HALT II
8th+8 (+8.00)2 (2.00)+2 (+2.00)+4 (+4.00)+2 (+2.00)Teamwork Feat
9th+9 (+9.0)2 (2.25)+2 (+2.25)+4 (+4.50)+2 (+2.25)Spot Malefactor II
10th+10 (+10.0)2 (2.50)+2 (+2.50)+5 (+5.00)+2 (+2.50)Combat Feat
11th+11 (+11.0)2 (2.75)+2 (+2.75)+5 (+5.50)+2 (+2.75)Hero Signature: Guarding
12th+12 (+12.0)3 (3.00)+3 (+3.00)+6 (+6.00)+3 (+3.00)HALT III
13th+13 (+13.0)3 (3.25)+3 (+3.25)+6 (+6.50)+3 (+3.25)Teamwork Feat
14th+14 (+14.0)3 (3.50)+3 (+3.50)+7 (+7.00)+3 (+3.50)Spot Malefactor III
15th+15 (+15.0)3 (3.75)+3 (+3.75)+7 (+7.50)+3 (+3.75)Combat Feat
16th+16 (+16.0)4 (4.00)+4 (+4.00)+8 (+8.00)+4 (+4.00)Legend Signature: Leading
17th+17 (+17.0)12 (4.25)+4 (+4.25)+8 (+8.50)+4 (+4.25)HALT IV
18th+18 (+18.0)4 (4.50)+4 (+4.50)+9 (+9.00)+4 (+4.50)Teamwork Feat
19th+19 (+19.0)4 (4.75)+4 (+4.75)+9 (+9.50)+4 (+4.75)Spot Malefactor IV
20th+20 (+20.0)5 (5.00)+5 (+5.00)+10 (+10.00)+5 (+5.00)Combat Feat

Skill Proficiencies

The warrior's proficient skills (and the ability scores used to boost each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tactics (Int).

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

Select four weapon groups of your choice (see the rules for weapon groups in Weapons and Armor). You are proficient with all simple weapons in these four groups. You are proficient in martial weapons in your choice of two of these four groups. You are also proficient with all armor and shields (except tower shields).

Spells and Spell Casting

At fourth level your caster level is one, and you can cast inherent spells, which are drawn from the inherent spell list. As with all characters, you follow the general magic rules for spell slots per day, based on your caster level, which advances by one-quarter of a caster level every time you gain an warrior level. Inherent spells use your even (column B) Constitution modifier for bonus spells per day and to boost saving throw DCs.

KNOWN SPELLS LIST: When you gain a caster level, you have the option to learn two spells from the inherent spell list. Divide your warrior class level by four -- that's the highest spell level you can add to your known list (minimum 1).

Class Abilities

Note that two of the Warrior's class abilities target malefactors. These are creatures who fit one or more of the following categories:

  • Creatures within a civilized area who have broken a law of that civilization within the past hour.
  • Creatures who are hostile in attitude and who intend to harm the warrior within the next hour.
  • Creatures who are part of an organization that is the declared enemy of the warrior's organization, if the warrior belongs to one.


Level 1 Warrior Tyro Tier Signature Ability: Following You gain a +1 morale bonus on attacks and skill checks when you are following a direction or command. If you disobey a command from someone you have previously agreed to follow earlier in the day, you lose all benefit of this ability and suffer a -1 morale penalty on attacks and skill checks for the rest of the day. The bonus (and penalty) increases by +1 for every five character levels you gain after taking this ability.

Level 2 Warrior Tyro Tier Interaction Ability

  • HALT I (Sp): If you encounter malefactors, you can command them to Halt, as per the Command spell, using your warrior level as the caster level (if it is higher than your caster level) and with a DC of 9 + half your warrior level (or caster level) + your odd (column A) Charisma modifier. HALT is a standard action that you can use a number of times per day equal to your odd (Column A) Constitution modifier. If your targets are not malefactors, they are immune to HALT If your targets are characters with more warrior levels than you, they are immune as well.

Level 3 Warrior Tyro Tier Combat Ability

  • Teamwork : You gain a teamwork feat for which you qualify.

Level 4 Warrior Tyro Tier Exploration Ability

  • Spot Malefactor I: (Su): If a malefactor approaches you within 30 ft and you have line of sight, you know that they are a malefactor. If they are hiding, your spot check has to beat their stealth check for this power to work. If they are pretending to be something other than what they are, your spot check has to beat their bluff check. Spotting a malefactor requires no action.

Level 5 Warrior Tyro Tier Feat

  • Select a Warrior Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a combat feat for which you qualify.


Level 6 Warrior Adventurer Tier Signature Ability: Surviving You automatically stabilize when you are brought to negative hit points, and you only die when you reach negative hit points equal to twice your Constitution ability score. If a failed saving throw would bring you to negative hit points or result in your death, including the save vs a Coup de Grace, you gain a circumstance bonus equal to half your character level on the save.

Level 7 Warrior Adventurer Tier Interaction Ability

  • HALT II (Sp): Your HALT command lasts a number of rounds equal to your warrior level or your caster level, whichever is greater. Each round, the target makes a new saving throw as a full-round action to end the effect.

Level 8 Warrior Adventurer Tier Combat Ability

  • Teamwork : You gain a teamwork feat for which you qualify.

Level 9 Warrior Adventurer Tier Exploration Ability

  • Spot Malefactor II: (Su): Your ability now works to spot malefactors within 60 ft. Also, you know the category or categories into which a spotted malefactor fits.

Level 10 Warrior Adventurer Tier Feat

  • Select a Warrior Adventurer or Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a combat feat for which you qualify.


Level 11 Warrior Hero Tier Signature Ability: Guarding You cannot be surprised by any creature with fewer character levels or hit dice than you have. You gain a competence bonus equal to half your character level on spot checks and CMD.

Level 12 Warrior Hero Tier Interaction Ability

  • HALT III (Sp): Your HALT command now affects a number of targets equal to your caster level or your warrior level, whichever is higher.

Level 13 Warrior Hero Tier Combat Ability

  • Teamwork : You gain a teamwork feat for which you qualify.

Level 14 Warrior Hero Tier Exploration Ability

  • Spot Malefactor III: (Su): Your ability now works within 90 ft. Also, if the malefactor fits into the third category and belongs to an organization, you learn the name and purpose of that organization.

Level 15 Warrior Hero Tier Feat:

  • Select a Warrior Hero, Adventurer, or Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a combat feat for which you qualify.


Level 16 Warrior Legend Tier Signature Ability: Leading Any character within line of sight and willing to accept your commands is immune to demoralization attempts and gains a morale bonus to saves against fear equal to half your character level. They also gain a bonus on initiative equal to your even (column B) Charisma modifier. If you are carrying a banner or if a subordinate carrying one is within 10 ft of you, the bonus extends to those who can see the banner.

Level 17 Warrior Legend Tier Interaction Ability

  • HALT IV (Sp): Targets affected by your HALT command make new saving throws every other round, not every round. You may manacle a HALTed target's hands or feet as a move action, and you may tie up a HALTed creature with a full round action. There is no saving throw or opposed check allowed to resist these bonds, though once the HALT wears off, they can resist as usual, for example, with Escape Artist or Break checks.

Level 18 Warrior Legend Tier Combat Ability

  • Teamwork : You gain a teamwork feat for which you qualify.

Level 19 Warrior Legend Tier Exploration Ability

  • Spot Malefactor IV: (Su): Your ability now works within 120 ft, and you do not need line of sight, nor can a malefactor hide from you (they can still fool you with a good disguise or pretense). If you do not have line of sight, you know distance and direction.

Level 20 Warrior Legend Tier Feat

  • Select a Warrior Legend, Hero, Adventurer, or Tyro Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a combat feat for which you qualify.