Labyrinths & Liontaurs



Key Ability: Int | Trained Only: No | Armor Check Penalty: No

You can evaluate the monetary value of an object.

Check: You know the value of all common items. A DC 10 Appraise check determines the value of an uncommon common item. A DC 15 check determines the value of rare items. A DC 20 check is required for exotic items. If you succeed by 5 or more, you also determine if the item has magic properties, although this success does not grant knowledge of the magic item's abilities. If you know the magical properties of an item, you can appraise it with a DC 20 check if its value is under 10,000 gp, or a DC 25 check if its value is more than that. Note that honest appraisers can disagree about the value of an item, within about 10% of the item's value. If your fail the check, you simply do not know the value of the item.

Evaluate Hoard. You can also use this check to determine the most valuable item visible in a treasure hoard. The DC of this check is generally 20 but can increase to as high as 30 for a particularly large hoard.

Vet Deal. You can also use this check, usually as an opposed roll to a bluff check, to tell if someone is trying to rip you off in a situation in which wealth is changing hands.

Action: Appraising an item takes 1 standard action. Evaluating a Hoard takes 1 full-round action. Vetting a Deal is done as part of the negotiation, bargaining, or sales pitch for the deal.

Try Again: Additional attempts to Appraise an item reveal the same result. After you add a rank to your skill, you can try again if you failed before.

Special: Dwarves gain a +3 racial bonus on Appraise checks.