Labyrinths & Liontaurs


Gather Information

Key Ability: Chr | Trained Only: No | Armor Check Penalty: No

You can chat up people in bars, gossip with the fishwives, and eavesdrop on the duke's steward as she haggles with merchants; you have an ear for news.

Check: An evening’s time, a few gold pieces for buying drinks and making friends, and a DC 10 Gather Information check get you a general idea of a city’s major news items, assuming there are no obvious reasons why the information would be withheld. The higher your check result, the better the information. If you want to find out about a specific rumor, or a specific item, or obtain a map, or do something else along those lines, the DC for the check is 15 to 25, or even higher. The GM might rule that some topics are simply unknown to common folk, but should say so before you roll.

Action: A typical Gather Information check takes 1d4 hours of work searching for rumors and informants.

Try Again: Yes, but it takes time for each check. Furthermore, you may draw attention to yourself if you repeatedly pursue a certain type of information.

Special: A half-elf has a +3 racial bonus on Gather Information checks.