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Notes On Vauhwyt
The following refer primarily to Vauhwyt at the beginning of her career, when she was adventuring in Dirt City.
Vauhwyt is small for a liontaur, and slender, like someone who exercises too much or who hasn't always had enough to eat. Her skin is tawny; her eyes cat-like and golden; and her fur is light tan. The tuft of hair on the tip of her tail matches that on her head. Her auburn hair is long, thick, and mane-like -- on the right side only her hair is swept back, showing off a beautiful glowing crystal earring in the shape of scales; on the left side her hair falls over her face and ear. Vauhwyt's face is round with high cheekbones and a small nose (human, not cat-like). Her paws are big; her figure is average; her tail is long, compared with other wemics.
Vauhwyt has a light, soprano voice (a little like Karen's from Will & Grace), and sometimes it leads others to take her less than seriously, because it sounds young and girly. She tends to smile a lot too, which doesn't help her seem serious. Although she has not lived among others of her kind for many years, she still retains a trace of the wemic accent -- rolling Rs, especially at pauses or the ends of sentences.
Usually you will see her dressed in a white shirt or light armor. Sometimes she will tuck a wildflower behind her ear. She keeps neat at all times -- clean and trimmed fingernails, sharp and filed claws. She carries no weapons (aside from the ones nature gave her).
Vauhwyt is cheerful and optimistic, despite a troubled background. She is determined and never gives up; she encourages others, too. Her enthusiasm can be contagious or annoying! Once she gets her head set on the right thing, she sticks with it and finds it hard to compromise. She can be headstrong and outspoken, but she is daunted by authority and tends to be quiet when talking with bosses or elders -- unless they are just plain wrong! Then she might lose her temper.
But Vauhwyt has a dark side as well. She can be moody and quiet -- that's a sign that she she is holding her tongue and is thinking worse than what she is saying. She does not feel bad about killing, and is not reluctant to fight when a foe "needs to be dead." She is not squeamish and has little tolerance for those who are. In fact, she does not have much patience for those she scorns. Sometimes she speaks harshly, and it may be that there is a dark shadow on her past.
Vauhwyt does tend to wear her emotions openly, if you know what to look for. If she holds her tail straight up, she is feeling happy, playful, or mischevious. If her tail is straight out or lashing up and down, she is excited or agitated. If her tails is twitching side to side -- watch out! Also, when Vauhwyt is thinking about threatening or fighting someone, she tends to expose her claws and tap them on the floor.
Vauhwyt turned up in Dirt City two or three years ago. Her first friend there was Vorelle, a ranger who helped Vauhwyt when she first arrived. Vauhwyt doesn't talk about her life before, but she has told some of the details to Vorelle. It's clear, though, that Vauhwyt grew up hard, with little love and less security.
In Dirt City Vauhyt to learn some rougher skills, like how to lie and how to hit where it hurts. She scrounged a while, then worked for one of the Houses as an enforcer, helping intimidate folks who needed intimidating. She has a high-pitched voice and looks hungry, but nonetheless, when a seven foot tall and ten foot long liontaur starts tapping the floor with the sharp claws on her forepaws, people with guilty consciences tend to pay attention. But then the Godwar ended and everybody died and was reborn. Vauhwyt decided she needed more. She took a job as a clerk at the Catacombs magic shop and learned she had an affinity for magic and magic items. Always fascinated by tales of magic, the liontaur learned to read and write, and soaked up all the magic lore she could find.
Maybe it was her exposure to so much magic, or maybe it was something else, but since working at the Catacombs, Vauhwyt has felt strange twitchings. She has felt a tingle, from time to time, handling powerful magic items. And other times stranger things have happened -- like the beads of blood that form on her hands like sweat, only to disappear a moment later. People at the Catacombs think that she has the potential to be a sorcerer, and Vauhwyt wants to explore her potential.
Anyway, as she worked at the Catacombs, Vauhwyt met many adventurers and helped all kinds of grand folk. Serving all those fabulous famous customers woke something in the liontaur, and it inspired her to come back to Dirt City to make more of her life. Resigning her job, she came back to the wild Wold to seeking fortune and power -- seeking to answer the hungry longings of her heart. (But once in a while she returns to the Catacombs to visit, and even dons her old clerk's apron if the shop is busy.)
Secret Information
Vauhwyt was the runt of her litter, and her parents, wemic traders, sold her into slavery when they were desperate for operating capital. She was only a cub then, but it taught her that even those you trust can be bad. She ended up in the hands of a big tribe of goblins, who worked her very hard as they roamed the Land of Izen.
She was given the dangerous jobs to do, such as preparing poisons for goblin missiles. Because she was large (compared to a goblin), she also was set to work tending a pack of wolves that the goblins kept as mounts. She did better with the poison than the wolves.
The goblins called her beast-girl, fit only to sleep with beasts. Once, as punishment for talking back, the goblin chief cut off her ear. She is still disfigured, but she hides the scar with her long hair -- she is ashamed to let others see it.
One of the wolf-tenders, a goblin named Mookie, befriended her and was kind to her. One day she had the chance to escape, since only she and Mookie were about. But Mookie cried out and attacked her when she tried to leave -- and she killed him to be free.
After her escape, Vauhwyt found herself living from hand-to-mouth. She struggled to stay alive, and she had a hard time of it. She snuck through the goblin lands and came to Dirt City. There she befriended a shy ranger (Vorelle, Kathy's PC) who helped shelter her. She hasn't talked much with anybody about the days before Dirt City.
Being sold into slavery by your own family does bad things to you. Vauhwyt has been deeply wounded, and sometimes it shows in harsh words or deeds. Sometimes she feels insecure, and does whatever she can to feel safe. She has an empty longing in her heart, which will be satisfied only when those who once hurt her can hurt no one else forever. In the quiet hours of the night, she prays to dark Jancassis, goddess of revenge.
Secret Information about Vorelle: Vauhwyt's friend Vorelle, the shy ranger, is MARRIED! Against her wishes, her family forced her into it! Wow! Vauhwyt is outraged and wishes she could take care of this "husband" for Vorelle.