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Curse of the Crescent Moon Market
Module dates: Feb. 1, 2004 to April 21, 2004.
Duration: A week or two interlude, then a busy couple days.
Characters: Vauhwyt, Vorelle, Theo, Zayne, Rose, Olyn, DietrichThe Boss's group heard tell of a couple jobs -- one of which was helping investigate a string of strange deaths. It was a Knives job, and it turned out it didn't pay a copper! But the Boss's friends decided to look into it anyway, out of the fuzzy warm goodness of their hearts.
This was right after the Boss joined the WLA and, more importantly, when she offered me a life of frustration and agita as her familiar. We started off training at the WLA in fighting together, and we ended up putting our new skills to use right away.
So these dried up corpses were turning up in the sewers, with all the life sucked out of them. You know about the sewers in Dirt City right? How there are underground streets and thoroughfares that they call sewers, and under those are the real sewers that bring crap out of the city and to the ocean? Well, anyway, three people had been killed. The group did some checking around. The Knife in charge was a half-elf named Mattison. He turned out to be a bad guy, and later he turned out to be dead, but at first the group didn't know that.
So after some fine detective work, the group gets a lead on this weird guy, a student and breeder of bugs. You know, insects, vermin, creepie-crawlies. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it. Makes me hungry too, but let's not talk about what ravens eat. Anyway, the group interviews this gangly nut job, name of Kernorn, and decides he's a suspicious character. They set a watch on his place, a shop in a passage off the Crescent Moon Market.
"Set a watch"! That means, the Boss told me to hide out and keeping an eye on the door of Kernorn's shop, . Which I did with admirable diligence, of course. So it was no surprise when Kernorn cames out, a few hours later, and with him are a bunch of flying bugs that look pretty fierce. The lot of them, bugs and bug-lover, went down from there into the actual poopy sewer that ran under the Market.
I let the Boss know right away what was happening, so the whole troop of them rush over and down the sewer to confront Kernorn. They find him after a while, and there's a big fight! I was great! I flew circles around these bugs, flanking them so the Boss could give them what for. She got stung pretty bad, but she's a trooper, I gotta give her that, so she just shrugged it off. And in addition to swatting all those bugs, we captured Kernorn too.
We brought him back upstairs, and the Boss let him know in no uncertain terms that he had to cooperate. He said one of his bugs, named Edgar, had grown too big, escaped, and was the source of the murders. Half prisoner, half ally, Kernorn agreed to help us, and we agreed to try to get him and Edgar out of Dirt City (and into exile) alive. Kernorn promised riches as well, but he was such an obvious fruitcake that no one quite believed him.
So the group went back down into the sewers on a bug hunt for Edgar. But before they could find him, they were set upon by Mattison, the Knife who had been in charge of the investigations! Turns out he was a follower of Marteus after all, and in the same cult as Ba'Bac! His mercs, his undead, and he himself put up quite a fight! The Boss more than held her own, with my help, and cut down two mercs. Things got a little dicey, and I wondered if I would have to save the Boss if she went down, but it never quite came to that! Whew!
Then the group reported back to the Knives, spilled the beans about killing Mattison, and spent the night resting. Then they went back down for Edgar. They found him, and were about to capture him, when the Prince's men arrived. The whole lot of us -- the group, Kernorn, Edgar, and the soldiers -- all marched up and got to talk with the prince. He asked us what we thought, and we suggested exile for Edgar and Kernorn. He agreed, and freed them to go away. Turns out Edgar could fly and lay gold eggs! He dropped one, then flew away with Kernorn! We asked the prince to use the gold to help the families of those killed by Edgar, and he did that and gave us each a nice purse as well.
So once again the Boss and her friends took the dumb option (a dangerous job for no pay) and came up sweet as a flower from the sewers of stupidity! What luck! The end.