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The Lost Book and the Rising of the Fey
Module dates: February to August 2005.
Duration: A month or so.
Characters: Vauhwyt, Vorelle, Theo, Olyn, Zayne, Rose, DietrichThe liontaur looks at Vorelle, Theo, Rose, and Berlon. She too has no desire to tell the long story. But fortunately, there’s someone who never tires of the sound of his own voice -- Mookie is happy to tell the tale.
The raven flaps to the top of Vauhwyt's head and caws, "You want a story! Sure! No Prob! I got a story for ya!"
Okay, so the Prince calls us in to chat about the Book. Seems his Princeship hasn’t been sleepin too good. Seems some henchman of his named Graitchen stole the Book. You know the Book! That Book, yeah.
The Prince says we’ll talk about rewards later. He says a guy name of Jolath is our contact. You heard of him -- the spymaster fellow.
Turns out the Prince has been, like tainted by the Book. he *knows* where it is, get it? Like *sesnses* it. Yeah, we didn’t think too much of that either. So the Prince is jumpy like an happy-leaf eater what ain’t got no more weed to chaw. That tells us he’s not in a good way, get it? Not in a good way at all.
Well, we got no choice, so we look into it, okay? First off, we poke around the Palace and find some nasty stuff. In Graitchen’s quarters we find a dead elf who was strangled. Plus a secret passage. Down that we found Th'Ayvanen's dead body. Plus Marteaus symbols.
Then we headed out to the swamp to get the Book back. In the swamp we met our friends Priscilla the Witch and her pal Warwick. She gave us some helpful advice and a potion that sent us on our way.
Hey! That was when the elves were voting to wake up the Fae King! Stupid elves!
Anyhoo, Vorelle drank the potion and led us to Graitchen. She led us across a rivulet, around a stinky bog, under some mud, past a mulberry thicket, and to a hut on stitls, where Graitchen was hiding.
Then there was an eclipse, lots of omens, ash falling from the sky, and the Fae King woke up. With all the catastrope, we attacked. Rose killed a kobold, we subdued a lizardman, the Boos was felled by laughing, Vorelle was held, Theo webbed Rose, and confusion reigned! But I pulled a bear out of the Bag or Tricks, and that killed Graitchen! Ha! It was me! I did it! Well, Graitchen helped, killing himself when it looked grim for him.
That got us the Book and some loot. We also talked with the lizardman. He said that lizardmen and kobolds would be raiding the city in five days. That was three days ago, I think.
We sent word back to the Prince with all this news via message bird, by the way.
Then we went to Berlon’s village, which was nearby. The Matriarch of the village was real nice, and we had a good visit. Then heck broke loose. More strange omens, the Matriarch’s treehouse breaks open, the Book goes nuts, and the Boss’s pal, Fiedel, pops in.
Then the Gold Dragons popped in! They took the Book, said they would have a word with the Prince personal like, and high-tailed it out of there. Oh, and Valdor Dragonstone flirted with Vorelle! Like he always does! Valdor likes Vorelle! Valdor likes Vorelle!
Vauhwyt interrupts to say, “Hush up, Mookie! Go on with the story!”
So the next day the allies of the Fey King attacked the village! There was a tree, flying things, pixies, sprites, what have you. That meant a fight, and the battle quickly turned south. We figured that the fae were after us, so if we skedaddled, the fae would leave the village alone. That was our thinking, anyway! So then *we* high-tailed it out of there with some magic help from Fiedel.
Back home, it seems that plants are invading Dirt City, but not in a good way. Rotten giant fruit, big vines, and people getting sick and crazy like. Plus this strange disease is starting to kill folks -- like Rosie’s brother, but that was later. Fiedel puts us in touch with Clueth at the Temple of Wardd, and the padre tells us about the Pumpkin in the Full Moon Market. Clueth tells us we need four giant pumpkin seeds to make the antidote to the sickness the fae has been spread. We decide to tackle that in the morning. The Boss didn’t sleep so good. Busy at church.
So the next morning we had a fight at the market by the pumpkin. You mighta heard about that. Theo was incredible inside the gourd! He snuck in alone and stole the seeds we needed fr the antidote! I could not believe my eyes! Looks like our scardy cat is growing up to be a tiger! The rest of us fought the fey outside, and we woulda stomped them, but some gimundous crawly-digger monster came after us and we ran back to the Temple.
We spent the night there, which was night before last, which was the third night since the warning about the lizard raiders.
In the morning, the Fae King’s goons attacked! More pixies and sprites and fae things, not to mention the digger-crawler thing. That came up under the temple and swallowed our pal Dietrich! Swallowed whole! Boy is he lucky we carned him out of that thing before he got dissolved in the thing’s tummy!
Well, we fought off that attack, but the darn fae stole back the antidote! So we chased after and got it back! The Boss captured the fae folk on their boat, which we turned over to the Knives. You know about that.
Then we got some rest and slept the night. That was the fourth night since the lizard raid warning, so that means the raid is coming either today or tomorrow, depending on how lizards count days. If they are coming at all, which I don’t know!
That’s it! We got back the Book, fought off the Fae King’s friends, and got the antidote back to the temple. Now all that’s left is the little matter of our reward!