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Zeoll's Resurrection
Zeoll looks up from where he stands in the fields and then looks around. It starts lightly at first but grows more insistent as time passes. The pull on his spirit form wants him to move to the south for some reason. Closing his eyes, he tries to ignore it, but the image of an aged human pops into his head.
The human is an older man, maybe in his late sixties, with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Though clean shaven, he looks to be very tired and scarred from former battles. The name Tordid pops into Zeoll's mind, and the liontaur seems to suddenly know him a little better.
He almost seems to be able to see Zeoll ... or maybe he can. "Come to me, Zeoll ... your work in the land of the living is not done yet." He motions for the liontaur to come to him, and Zeoll strangely finds that he wants to. He knows that he could resist, but the question is ... does he want to. "Find the white portal ... only you can find it or see it."
[Summoning Priest Info]
Name: Tordid Yinth
Age: 64
Follower of: Domi
Spell Used: True Resurrection==========
Zeoll never did find it very restful in the so-called Lands of Rest. At first, he berated himself for dying so stupidly. Jumping out ahead of the party! Fighting to the bitter end (and bitter it was)! Idiot!
And even after he made some measure of peace with himself, Zeoll still thought about the Taur Isles. He remembered Domi's command -- to bring unity to the Taur races. He thought and thought about how to do that.
The Lands of Rest are strange, filled with souls of all sorts. Zeoll met many people, many *kinds* of people, more than he ever had before. Many were not Taurs. Many did not honor Domi. A number of people -- good people, Zeoll was surprised to discover -- even followed the Gods of Testing. Zeoll talked with everyone he met, discussing his dream of Taur unity.
Most people thought he was holding on too hard to his past life. Those folk, at peace, often passed on to rebirth. But Zeoll could not find that kind of peace. His soul was too restless.
But he did learn a lot, from the dead in the Lands of Rest. And he often daydreamed -- what would he do if he had the chance to go back. What did he know now that he didn't know then.
It seemed to Zeoll that the Chosen of Domi flailed around aimlessly, from adventure to adventure without purpose. They were moved by events; they did not move events. Zeoll decided that the Chosen needed two things. They needed a Plan. And they needed the People.
Zeoll talked about these ideas with his fellow dead, and he found those who had the skills he needed. He found those who could create an organization, make plans, instill loyalty, and forge vows of allegiance. They were the Oathbound. And Zeoll found those who could craft rumors, shame the mighty, spread tales, and rally people to great events. They were the Stingers.
"If ever I had the chance to return to the Wold," Zeoll thought, "I would seek out and learn from the Oathbound and the Stingers."
And then the call came. At first, a feeling of vindication filled him. "This is it! They need me! Now is my chance!"
But spending years dead will put a twist of humility into anyone -- even a proud, pig-headed, egotistical liontaur. "I hope I will be worthy. I hope I will not mess things up again." He voiced a little prayer in his native tongue as he walked south. "Tomi, if it is your will, please help me be strong and not so stupid this time."
As he searched for the White Portal, he wondered why a human follower of Domi was raising him, rather than a Taur. But he had met humans in the Lands of Rest, and was not so suspicious of them now as he had been back in his former life.
Racing along the grasslands and rivers of The Lands of Rest, Zeoll sees many others who cannot see his yearning for the things of the past. They figure that he should live in the now and not in the past ... this is a time of rest and enjoyment for him now. Many look upon him with suspicion and as an oddity, many do not even note his passing.
He ponders over the reasoning for a human calling him back some more, why a human. Could The Chosen not do it themselves or have someone of the races call him back? That brings another thought to his head ... could things really be that bad in the Taur Islands that humans are involved? Many other thoughts swirl through Zeoll's head as well ... from worries to thoughts of seeing his friends again.
Then Zeoll sees the glow ahead, a bright white light that can only be the portal that he is seeking. As he draws closer, he sees a form standing in front of the portal as if guarding it. Zeoll's mind races ... it cannot be ... why ... for standing before the portal is none other than Gargul himself. His huge form blocks almost all of the portal from the liontaur's view, and he seems to be standing, most obviously waiting on you ... who else would he be wanting to see? Suddenly the prospect of going home is not so sure anymore ... would the keeper of the dead bar Zeoll's way ... would Gargul disapprove of his leaving?
Zeoll remembers stories he has heard about the God of the Dead. [Bardic Knowledge check 14]. He recalls that others who have died and lived again say they met this god, who is sometimes reluctant to let souls pass back to life.
The liontaur approaches the god without hesitation, but stops a respectful distance away. "Great Lord," Zeoll says, bowing, "I know I am unworthy, but I beg your permission to enter this portal."
Gargul looks to the bowing liontaur and nods in approval. It is great that one should show him such respect and to ask his permission is another plus. "Zeoll, you may once again enter the world of the living ... but on one condition." His eyes bore into the liontaur, making him feel funny, as if the God of the Dead is checking to see that he does not lie. "Once long ago I forged a blade of dark and great power ... I thought it lost, but some seek it at this time, and it must not fall into their hands. I will not have my work used in such a way." He pauses to let this sink into the liontaur's head and give him time to come to grips with it. "It will be your duty and payment for your reentrance into the world of the living to acquire this sword ... then find a way to destroy it." His eyes peer into Zeoll's very soul, gauging his reactions and his answer carefully. "Swear that it shall be so, and you may enter this portal ... but be warned that I will jerk you back here if you defy me." Letting the full impact of his words seep into the liontaur, he smiles a knowing smile.
Zeoll decides quickly. He nods and speaks again in his native tongue, which of course the Lord of the Dead understands. "I will make such an oath as you require, Lord Gargul. Yet if I may ask two questions ... how will I know this sword when I see it, and where should I look to find it?"
Regardless of the god's answer, Zeoll thinks for a moment to gather his words, and then declares a deep and binding promise before the diety.
"By Domi, Lord of Courage, I swear that I will devote my new life to finding and destroying the Dark Sword of Gargul -- And if my devotion fades or if I fail in the task, I will die and return to the Lands of Rest. This I take as my solemn oath."
If this satisfies the god, then Zeoll will walk through the portal.
In the background, or maybe in your mind, Zeoll hears the pealing of a single bell, loud and true. At the same time he feels a weight settle on his shoulders, and he knows that he has taken an oath that is very binding.
The God of the Dead looks to Zeoll and gives him a smirk. "You will know the sword when you see it ... jet black and reeking of an evil aura to all -- even a blind fighter could sense it. As to how to find it or where ..." his voice trails off as if he is listening to something, and then he nods his head and continues. "I will have a man contact the group about it ... in fact I feel that they will be seeking the sword as well." He steps to the side so that Zeoll may pass. As the liontaur steps through, he hears one last comment. "Do not squander the life I have given you ... be courageous but not rash." That is the last Zeoll hears as he passes into the white portal.
Still he does not find himself coming out into the world yet. Zeoll has just entered a dark and lightless place that reeks of death, disease and evil. A dark shape detaches itself from the shadows and moves your way. "Welcome, Zeoll, to my little domain." As the shape gets closer, Zeoll is able to make out its general appearance ... Marteaus. There is no mistaking it -- this is Domi's arch enemy, and Zeoll's as well ... but how did the liontaur end up here? Why did Zeoll not end up in the Wold again before the cleric that called him? Breaking Zeoll's concentration, Marteaus speaks again. "We must have a little talk, as I have a task for you." His smile tells Zeoll right away that he has little choice, but Zeoll knows that he cannot trust him.
Events sweep by fast, and Zeoll has no time to answer Gargul except with a brief, "Thank you, lord!" before being yanked into the noxious den of the God of Disease.
Even though Marteaus radiates decay like a week-old corpse, Zeoll cannot help but be awed in the presence of a god, just as he was awed by Fell Gargul. Moreover, although this is the god that killed Great Domi during the Year of Ascension, the druid in Zeoll reminds him that even disease has an important place in Nature. Zeoll does briefly consider spitting in the god's eye, but instead he decides that even an evil god is still a god, deserving of respect, and that there is no reason to be rude to anyone.
On the other hand, the liontaur decides to address the Power in Common, choosing not to gift him with the familiarity of his native tongue.
"Lorrd, although I am a weakling comparred to yourr mighty serrvants, I will attempt yourr task, out of rrespect forr yourr majesty." The liontaur with the thick accent bows low, then rises and adds a qualification. "But you know, my lorrd, as you have the powerr to see to the deeps of me, that I cannot do anything that would betrray my Liege Lord Domi, nor his Chosen, nor can I brreak any solemn vow I have sworrn."
Marteaus smiles, a sick smile that turns the stomach, and then motions for Zeoll to sit in a chair that suddenly appeared. He then speaks to Zeoll in his native tongue and very well at that. "Languages are not unknown to me. I only wish you to find your friends and give them a message for me." He once again smiles as he mentally invades Zeoll's mind. It happens slowly at first until he feels some resistance. He keeps Zeoll occupied with talk though, as he goes about his work. "Your vows need not be broken ... just twisted a little."
Zeoll slowly feels several little parts of his memory getting changed, but he is helpless to fight it. The god twists the need to find Zeoll's friends into a need to spy on them, but not make it obvious. Most of what he is doing is to set up Zeoll's will to be molded by one of his own. He makes not changes in that Zeoll need to sabotage anything that they do, just to bring himself back into their graces. "You seem to understand the situation well my friend." He once again smiles as the portal reopens behind him, and Zeoll sees the priest that had brought you back.
Zeoll passes through the portal back into the world of the living.
Zeoll stands before the priest that called him back. The old man looks rather worried about something but is quickly ushered out of the room by a couple of taurs. The only two left in the room is a minotaur wearing black armor and a snow-leopard-coated liontaur. The minotaur steps forward and extends his hand. "My master said that you would do a service for us ... one in payment for the punishment that The Chosen laid upon you." You instinctively know that he is meaning your death. You have to concur as he smiles at you, they left you in a place that you did not belong.
The young liontaur steps forward and hands the minotaur a small pouch. The minotaur smiles again as he takes it. "My name is Vargas and this is my trusted friend." He hands you the bag and nods at your questioning look. "These will allow you to send the updates that I require about The Chosen." When you peer inside you see several little tokens inside, Quall's Feather Token Bird. There are several of them in there, at least a dozen it appears. "Just dictate the information that you send to me to the bird...whispering in it's ear is good enough and then let it go." With a wave to the liontaur beside him, he sends him outside for a few seconds. "Do be careful though ... they must not catch you."
The liontaur reappears with another taur with him. She smiles at you with big attractive eyes and purrs lightly at Zeoll. "Oh he is a cute one isn't he." She steps up close to Zeoll, still purring. Vargas clears his throat and she jumps back a little and nods her head. Steping back further yet she starts the gestures for a spell and then words start to pour from her lips in a strange language. To the right in the room opens a new portal that appears to lead into a mountainal range. She steps close to Zeoll and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before retreating out of the room.
Vargas shakes his head and then turns to Zeoll. "She is a fiesty one...but you should meet her twin sister." He bursts into laughter that seems sort of strange for this taur. He comes off as being the kind that finds little joy in the Wold or life. "This will lead you to the area that The Chosen are currently at...be careful and remember your duty." He will watch till you step through the portal and it closes behind you.
Steping through the portal you suddenly feel dizzy and then slump to your knees. It appears the the past few hours have taken thier toll on you and you pass out on the rocks.