This small humanoid creature has thin, leathery wings, small horns, and a mischievous smile.
Mephit CR 3
XP 800
N Small outsider (varies)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +6
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 natural, +1 size)
hp 19 (3d10+3); fast healing 2
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +3
DR 5/magic
Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d3+1)
Special Attacks breath weapon (15-foot cone, effect based on type, Reflex DC 13 for half)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th)
1/day—summon (level 2, 1 mephit of the same type 25%), additional abilities based on mephit type
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative
Skills Bluff +8, Fly +10, Perception +6, Stealth +12
Languages Common, one appropriate elemental language (Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran)
Environment any (elemental planes)
Organization solitary, pair, gang (3–6), mob (7–12)
Treasure standard
Special Abilities
Breath Weapon (Su) Each type of mephit can unleash a particular breath weapon every 4 rounds as a standard action. The DC is Constitution-based and includes a +1 racial bonus.
Mephits are the servants of powerful elemental creatures. Key sites and locations on the elemental planes are full of mephits scurrying about on important errands or duties. Each mephit is associated with one element that defines its spells and abilities. The mephit types are listed below.
Air mephits are commonly found on the Plane of Air. These mephits are whimsical and prone to distraction.
• Fast Healing: Works only in gusty and windy areas.
• Speed: Fly 60 ft. (perfect)
• Breath Weapon: A cone of sand and grit that deals 1d8 slashing damage.
• Spell-Like Abilities: blur 1/hour, gust of wind 1/day.
Dust mephits are commonly found on the Plane of Air. These mephits are irritating and persistent.
• Fast Healing: Works only in dusty environments.
• Speed: Fly 50 ft. (perfect)
• Breath Weapon: A cone of dust that deals 1d4 slashing damage. The dust also causes living creatures to be sickened for 3 rounds. A Reflex save halves the damage and negates the sickened effect.
• Spell-Like Abilities: blur 1/hour, wind wall 1/day
Earth mephits are commonly found on the Plane of Earth. These mephits are plodding and humorless.
• Fast Healing: Works only while underground.
• Breath Weapon: A cone of rocks that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage.
• Change Size: Once per day, an earth mephit can enlarge one size category, as enlarge person, except that it only works on the earth mephit. This power acts as a 2nd-level spell.
• Spell-Like Abilities: soften earth and stone 1/day
Fire mephits are commonly found on the Plane of Fire. Fire mephits are vengeful and quick to anger.
• Fast Healing: Works only while in contact with fire.
• Immune: Fire
• Weaknesses: Vulnerability to cold
• Breath Weapon: A cone of flames that deals 1d8 fire damage.
• Spell-Like Abilities: scorching ray 1/hour, heat metal 1/day (DC 14)
Ice mephits are commonly found on the Plane of Air. These mephits are cruel and aloof.
• Fast Healing: Works only in areas below freezing.
• Immune: Cold
• Weaknesses: Vulnerability to fire
• Breath Weapon: A cone of ice that deals 1d4 cold damage. The cold also causes living creatures to be sickened for 3 rounds. A Reflex save halves the damage and negates the sickened effect.
• Spell-Like Abilities: magic missile 1/hour, chill metal 1/day (DC 14)
Magma mephits are commonly found on the Plane of Fire. These mephits are dim-witted brutes.
• Fast Healing: Works only in contact with magma or lava.
• Immune: Fire
• Weaknesses: Vulnerability to cold
• Breath Weapon: A cone of fire that deals 1d8 fire damage.
• Magma Form (Su): Once per hour, a magma mephit can assume the form of a pool of lava, 3 feet in diameter and 6 inches deep. While in this form, its DR increases to 20/magic and it cannot attack. It can move at a speed of 10 feet per round and can pass through small openings and cracks. Anything touching this pool takes 1d6 fire damage. A magma mephit may remain in this form for up to 10 minutes.
• Spell-Like Abilities: pyrotechnics 1/day
Ooze mephits are commonly found on the Plane of Water. These mephits are disgusting and slow to act.
• Fast Healing: Works only in wet or muddy environments.
• Speed: Swim 30 ft.
• Breath Weapon: A cone of slime that deals 1d4 acid damage. The slime also causes living creatures to be sickened for 3 rounds. A Reflex save halves the damage and negates the sickened effect.
• Spell-Like Abilities: acid arrow 1/hour, stinking cloud 1/day (DC 15)
Salt mephits are commonly found on the Plane of Earth. These mephits are cruel and aloof.
• Fast Healing: Works only in arid environments.
• Breath Weapon: A cone of salt crystals that deals 1d4 slashing damage. The salt also causes living creatures to be sickened for 3 rounds. A Reflex save halves the damage and negates the sickened effect.
• Dehydrate (Su): Once per day a salt mephit can draw the moisture from an area in a 20-foot radius centered on itself. Living creatures within range take 2d8 points of damage (Fortitude DC 14 half; caster level 6th). This effect is especially devastating to plant and aquatic creatures, which take a –2 penalty on their saving throws. This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
• Spell-Like Abilities: glitterdust 1/hour.
Steam mephits are commonly found on the Plane of Fire. These mephits are overconfident and brash.
• Fast Healing: Works only in boiling water or steam.
• Immune: Fire
• Weaknesses: Vulnerability to cold
• Breath weapon: A cone of steam that deals 1d4 fire damage. The scalding water also causes living creatures to be sickened for 3 rounds. A Reflex save halves the damage and negates the sickened effect.
• Boiling Rain (Su): Once per day a steam mephit can create a rainstorm of boiling water in a 20-foot-square area. Living creatures within the area take 2d6 points of fire damage (Fortitude DC 14 half; caster level 6th). This ability is the equivalent of a 2nd-level spell.
• Spell-Like Abilities: blur 1/hour
Water mephits are commonly found on the Plane of Water. These mephits are constant jokesters.
• Fast Healing: Works only while the mephit is underwater.
• Speed: Swim 30 ft.
• Breath Weapon: A cone of acid that deals 1d8 acid damage.
• Spell-Like Abilities: acid arrow 1/hour, stinking cloud 1/day (DC 15)