Cayzle’s Wemic Site

Check out Labyrinths & Liontaurs, my in-progress indie version of D&D3.5 / PF1.0.

Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 078 [27-Feb-25] Maturin is King of Robot Heaven
Website FeedbackWebsite Feedback [5-Feb-25] Reader comments and web traffic.
Poison in L&LPoison in L&L. [28-Jan-25] Spiders and drow and poison, oh my!
5E FightersMore Attacks Than You! [9-Jan-25] What makes you so fighty in 5E?
Kinda PsionicsKinda Psionics [11-Dec-24] Psi-like options for 3E & PF.
20 Years of Screeds20 Years of Screeds [15-Nov-24] Two decades of blog posts!
5E Wemics5E Wemics [7-Nov-24] Part Two: Cayzle's wemic rules for 2024.
5E Wemics5E Wemics [6-Nov-24] Rules from around the Internets.
Medieval SagittaryA Shootin' Sagittary [31-Oct-24] Fighting dragons, c1469.
D&D for KidsD&D for Kids [7-Jul-24] Introducing children to TTRPGs.
Etruscan TaursEtruscan Taurs [10-Jun-24] Feline, equine, or something else?
Even Better AI ArtEven Better AI Art [24-May-24] Artificially intelligent wemics.
Dipsters No-Press 2023 TourneyDNP2023 [17-Apr-24] More Diplomacy tourney results.
More AI WemicsAI Art Levels Up [30-Mar-24] Getting better at drawing wemics.
L&L Chugs AlongL&L Chugs Along [23-Mar-24] One year later, much accomplished.
AI Chatbox and WemicsChatting with a Robot [3-Apr-23] About wemics, of course!
Wemics drawns by Artificial IntelligenceWemics Drawn by Robots [30-Mar-23] Drawn ... poorly!
Playing Old School in L&LPlaying Old School in L&L. [23-Mar-23] Lessons from 1E D&D.
Experience Points in Labyrinths & LiontaursExperience Points in L&L [30-Jan-23] Progression for four games in one.
Good & Evil in Labyrinths & LiontaursGood and Evil in L&L [25-Dec-22] Biased towards good.
Ancient Greek TaursAncient Greek Taurs [15-Oct-22] Ambiguous taurs in Greek art.
Attacking from HidingAttacking from Hiding [13-Jun-22] In first edition Pathfinder.
Sneak Attacks in 3E & 5ESneak Attacks in 3E & 5E [8-Jun-22] Comparing and contrasting.
Pugilist Priest PrCPugilist Priest [24-Apr-22] A PF 1.0 PrC for divine martial artists.
Dipsters No-Press 2021 TourneyDNP2021 [11-Apr-22] Results in an annual Diplomacy Tourney.
Skills in LnLRethinking Skills in L&L [20-Mar-22] How I would make skills better.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 077 [17-Mar-22] Sure, it's a Happy St. Patrick's Day!
A Persian lion-centaurAncient seal with hunting scene [06-Feb-22] A Persian lion-centaur.
Centaurs Gatherum, a zineCentaurs Gatherum [30-Nov-21] An old zine with liontaur art.
Magic in LnLRethinking Magic in L&L [5-Oct-21] Multiclassing that really works right.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 076 [11-Sep-21] By any other distance, groans as hard.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 075 [11-Sep-21] New comics in the post-Flash age.
Bathroom protectors, indeed!Bathroom guards, indeed! [07-Jul-21] You need a wemic in the loo.
Lion-centaurs of UrartuLion-centaurs of Urartu [20-Jun-21] Wemics of Ancient Armenia!
Burmese ManuthihaManuthiha of Myanmar [5-Jun-21] Burmese wemics!
Ancient Greek Lion-CentaurGreek Liontaur. [28-May-21] A sphinx with arms? That's a wemic!
Dipsters No-Press 2020 TourneyDNP2020 [20-Feb-21] Results in an annual Diplomacy Tourney.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 074 [18-Feb-21] The (entrepreneurial) spirit is willing ...
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 073 [8-Jan-21] Flash is dead! But it sure was Flashy!
Urmahlullu Cylinder SealsAll the Urmahlullus. [3-Oct-20] on cylinder seals.
Greensinger archetypeZeoll the Greensinger [17-Sep-20] Extreme archetypes.
Three English SagittariesThree English Sagittaries. [15-Sep-20] In Middle Ages Churches.
Sphinxes and a SagittarySphinxes and a Sagittary. [10-Sep-20] At the Met in NYC.
Intro to LnLRanting about Open-Source RPGs [4-Sep-20] And intro to LnL.
Two BloodlinesTwo Bloodlines. [13-Jul-20] For Spelling and Binding.
Taur Jokes!Taur Jokes! [8-Jul-20] Laughing WITH the taurs, not at them.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 072 [25-Jun-20] 4 years of high school French, wasted.
DnD in pop cultureD&D and Pop and Culture. [20-Jun-20] It's totes magotes cool!!
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 071 [14-May-20] Great Again, indeed!

Items of YoreMagic Items of Yore. [21-Feb-20] 1st Edition D&D items to use today.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 070 [17-Jan-20] first they came for the periods
Cayzletaur!Cayzletaur! [30-Dec-19] I dreamed that I was, yes, a wemic.
Break SkillTake a Break. [1-Nov-19] A new skill for Pathfinder First Edition.
Scary Halloween!Scariest Halloween Decor Ever! [28-Oct-19] Almost too sick for the Web.
Epic PlayEpic Play Advice. [25-Oct-19] Ideas for high-level PC adventures.
Harappan Lion Centaurs Harappan Lion Centaurs [21-Oct-19] Seals from the Indus Valley.
lamia minis Lamia Miniatures [27-Aug-19] Five painted ladies.

Medieval Italian sagittary The Wemic of San Michele en Foro [28-May-19] Standing watch.
Play-By-PostRunning a Great Long-Term RPG [1-Jan-19] How to go the distance.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 069 [27-Dec-18] Into the Valley of Derp.

Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 068 [1-Aug-18] In Games As In Life.

aquamanile sagittary 3 Wemic Medieval Aquamanilia [6-Jun-18] Wash your hands!
Magic OilsOils vs Potions in PF and D&D. [24-May-18] Don't quaff; Smear!
Produce Flame SpellTouch Spells in PF and D&D. [8-Apr-18] Damage by the touch.
Bards and BellsBards and Bells in PF and D&D. [25-Mar-18] New magic items.
cylinder seal urmahlullu Sphinx with Arms [20-Feb-18] On an Ancient Assyrian Cylinder Seal
medieval sagittariesMedieval Sagittaries [10-Jan-18] Perched atop columns.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 067 [8-Jan-18] Reboot.

Grace Erf ComicCat's Grace 109 [9-Aug-17] Always in the Last Place You Look.
Grace Erf ComicCat's Grace 108 [5-Aug-17] The Writing On The Walls.
Grace Erf ComicCat's Grace 107 [1-Aug-17] Not Just Magic - Emojic!

Grace Erf ComicCat's Grace 106 [28-Jul-17] Just Like The Spell.

Grace Erf ComicCat's Grace 105 [24-Jul-17] Moment Of Clarity (ex).
Grace Erf ComicCat's Grace 104 [20-Jul-17] Watch Out For The Punpkin.
Grace Erf ComicCat's Grace 103 [16-Jul-17] Yes, That Big Purple Thing.
Grace Erf ComicCat's Grace 102 [12-Jul-17] Paging Vinz Clortho.

Grace Erf ComicCat's Grace 101 [8-Jul-17] Popping In On Erfworld.

Prayer Book WemicBibliotheque nationale de France [26-May-17] Bien sur!
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 066 [23-May-17] Super Robot Power: POSE!!
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 065 [17-May-17] More Like Robot Teavana, Amirite?!
TitanA 2nd Titan Falls [6-May-17] Jason B. McAllister died last year.
Mentalist PrCThe Mentalist PrC for PF [10-Apr-17] Try a Magical Psionist.
psionics bloodlinePsionic Bloodline [30-Mar-17] ESP, telepathy, and mental powers.
Golden Horn of DenmarkDanish Liontaur, 400AD [6-Jan-17] A tauric ideograph on a gold horn.
medieval sagittary1300's Pitcher [3-Jan-17] Wemics from the Danish Nat'l Museum.
Magic SantaYuletide Bloodline [25-Dec-16] A Sorcerer's Xmas Spirit.
medieval lion centaurLiontaurs in a Book of Hours [24-Dec-16] Middle Age prayer book.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 064 [13-Dec-16] That's for Glen! And Maggie!
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 063 [1-Dec-16] With apologies to Rich Burlew
secret doorsReal Life Secret Doors [15-Nov-16] Roll to see if you find any.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 062 [9-Nov-16] ElectShun ReLeaf

Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 061 [26-Oct-16] Actually Playing The Trump Card
clingHold Me Closer, Tiny Grappler III [19-Oct-16] Feats, items, and more.
clingHold Me Closer, Tiny Grappler II [26-Sep-16] A better option.
medieval sagittary25 Medieval Sagittaries [25-Sep-16] NYC's Morgan Library.
medieval sagittarySacred Sagittaries [30-Aug-16] Lions & lion-people in a prayer book.
clingHold Me Closer, Tiny Grappler I [26-Aug-16] D&D vs Pathfinder.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 060 [19-Aug-16] Borg Mantra: Ohm Mani Padme Hum
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 059 [10-Aug-16] I <3 My Jack Russell Terrier
wemic dollWemic Art in Doll Form [8-Aug-16] Beautiful posable liontaur creations!
prestige castingPushing Prestige Casting Past 10 [1-Aug-16] My new splat book rules.
A losing position in KielDiplomacy Nightmare [26-Jul-16] A sad board game position.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 058 [14-Jul-16] Celebrate liberté, égalité, roboticité!
pied piperMusical Mayhem [6-Jul-16] 12 musical items, GRADED!
medieval sagittaryStammheim Missal [29-Jun-16] A wemic in an illuminated tome.
liontaur musicChasing Urmahlullu [19-May-16] Liontaur music.
Magic HatsHat's the Ticket! [17-May-16] Three magic hats inspired by Erfworld.
Diplomacy SearchIn Search Of Diplomacy [16-May-16] Finding online articles.
GekirJack Chalker's Wemics [9-May-16] Gekir in the Well World.
GilgameshWemics in The Epic Of Gilgamesh [26-Apr-16] Myths in Ancient Assyria.
MurderhoboNow Be Good! Part 2 [22-Apr-16] Prisoner problems solved!
Lion-ManeBest Comic Villain Ever! [20-Apr-16] Named "Lion-Mane." Really.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 057 [14-Apr-16] She's not Nobody!

Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 056 [30-Jan-16] "So now back to my den I am bound!"
MurderhoboNow Be Good! [3-Jan-16] You don't have to be a murderhobo.
Hillary as HermioneWhat Harry Potter Character is Hillary? [2-Jan-16] No hints!
Centaur or UrmahlulluAncient Taur [28-Dec-15] Centaur or urmahlullu? You decide.
Tower ShieldTower Shield 2 [20-Dec-15] More for your portable wall.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 055 [18-Dec-15] Noël Coward

Gogi Saroj PalGogi Saroj Pal [14-Nov-15] An Indian artist's hybrid, feminist work.
Passing NotesDiplomacy Check [12-Nov-15] The Power Of Passing Notes.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 054 [3-Oct-15] Trading Oil For Gears

alien taursSpaceman Wemic [2-Oct-15] A Harvard prof's speculations.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 053 [13-Sep-15] Going Off Script

Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 052 [10-Sep-15] Maybe He'll Give Us A Prize
Shooting RangeSquint And Shoot! [30-Jul-15] Spotting your target.
Floral TalesThe Tail of the Sagittary [24-May-15] Fancy floral fleur-de-lis tails.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 051 [22-May-15] Japes And Capers

modern liontaurArtists and Twitter [21-Apr-15] The delightfully named Kat Nicholson.
wemic brand baby foodWemic Brand Baby Food [12-Apr-15] Now with 0 pesticide residues!
wemic disorderThe "Wemic" of 1574 [26-Mar-15] An evolving definition
Cayzle's Little Splat Book of Prestige & ClassSome Prestige and a Little Class [20-Mar-15] My very first splat book.
A Cat WhispererThe Whisperer [2-Mar-15] A PF PrC for characters with companions.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 050 [19-Jan-15] Something For Everyone
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 049 [7-Jan-15] A Runcible Offense

TwitterRockin' Robin [5-Jan-15] Tweet! Twittery tweet!

Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 048 [13-Dec-14] Join The Chorus

A HeroThe Adventuring Hero [7-Dec-14] A PF PrC that uses hero points.
flying wemicsBest. Drolleries. Ever. [29-Nov-14] Plus, puking gut faces!
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 047 [24-Nov-14] Greasing the Wheels of Justice
Limoges LiontaursMedieval Sagittaries [21-Nov-14] Three more examples.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 046 [21-Oct-14] Fun, Games, and More!

Medieval French SagittaryThe Dreadful Sagittary [17-Oct-14] The one who fought at Troy.
King Stephen HeraldryGules, Three Sagittary In Pale Or [10-Oct-14] The Wemic King.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 045 [5-Oct-14] Lead Zeppoli

Puppies of DeathPuppies of Death [4-Oct-14] A D&D scenario for PCs level 10-11.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 044 [3-Sep-14] Stark Raven Mad

shillelaghMax Melee Damage [31-Aug-14] Carry a really big stick.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 043 [28-Aug-14] Look On My Works!

improved assassin for pathfinderThe Improved PF Assassin [15-Jul-14] An old favorite revisited.
Lion BarLion Bar [14-Jul-14] A wemic's favorite snack-time treat.
improved assassin for DnDThe Improved D&D3.5 Assassin [13-Jul-14] An old screed rewritten.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 042 [30-Jun-14] Miles To Go Before I Weep
OGLD&D Next Is Looking Closed! [30-May-14] What Would Ryan Do?
Tower ShieldTower Shield 1 [15-May-14] Amazing protective options.
Lion GodLord Narasimha [15-May-14] A Hindu god who is not a wemic.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 041 [1-May-14] No Joy In Robot-Heaven-Ville
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 040 [26-Apr-14] Where Your Eyes Don't Go
sneak attacksSneaky! [25-Apr-14] 17 ways to deny that dex bonus.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 039 [11-Apr-14] The Ancient, Marinated

TitanDavid A. Trampier, 1954-2014 [31-Mar-14] A gaming Titan falls.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 038 [7-Mar-14] The Joy Of PBM

Woldian Games Ad [17-Feb-14] An ad for the Wold [17-Feb-14] Made for a PBM gaming zine.
PBP DnD 3Long-term PbP D&D games [15-Feb-14] Part Three. ... LINKS!
PBP DnD 2Long-term PbP D&D game [1-Feb-14] Part Two ... more TIPS.
Wemic MockeryA Wemic in the Mainstream [26-Jan-14] Hathos alert! Hathos alert!
PBP DnD 1Long-term PbP D&D games [24-Jan-14] Part One ... TIPS.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 037 [22-Jan-14] Let's Just All Agree To Call It "Spinach."
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 036 [25-Dec-13] What's That Cloud Look Like?
Medieval drolleries and grotesqueriesMore Medieval Lion Hybrids [19-Dec-13] On the trail of drolleries.
The Lion Centaur of 1846The Lion Centaur of 1846 [17-Dec-13] Instrumental bit of Americana.
Lions and Taurs at The CloistersLions & Taurs at The Cloisters [1-Dec-13] Thankful for medieval art.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 035 [28-Oct-13] What the Dickens?!
Enlarged and Reduced ProjectilesEnlarged and Reduced Projectiles [23-Aug-13]
Cat-Centaur PhotoThe Most Disturbing Cat-Centaur Picture Ever [20-Aug-13]
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 034 [18-Jul-13] En Fuego!
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 033 [15-Jul-13] A Pun Too Far
Daddy's Little WemicDaddy's Little Wemic [11-Jun-13] Not that I'm biased or anything.
Carvings of lion-people and lions in prehistoryAn Ancient Lion-Man [15-May-13] Prehistoric lion-people and lions.
LamiaLamia [13-Apr-13] The origins of a wemic-like creature.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 032 [12-Apr-13] Permission On A Grassy Knoll
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 031 [29-Mar-13] Casual Good Friday.
floating kittyFun with Being Tiny [17-Jan-13] Flying (tea) saucers and more.
splat books are badSplat Books Are Bad #4 [3-Feb-12] Summing up and ideas for fixes.
handing offHand-Off [27-Nov-11] How to give an item to a friend in combat.
Alternate Racial AbilitiesLiontaur Alternate Racial Abilities [12-Oct-11] Per the PF APG.
splat books are badSplat Books Are Bad #3 [15-Jun-11] Insulting And Offensive!
splat books are badSplat Books Are Bad #2 [21-May-11] Overpowered And Unbalanced!
splat books are badSplat Books Are Bad #1 [18-May-11] They Are Badly Written!
Prestige Class BalancePower Balance in Prestige Classes [20-Jan-10] Getting it right.
Cat's Grace web comic6.10 More Grace'oween [16-Nov-09] A sincere pumpkin patch.
Cat's Grace web comic6.9 Grace'oween [31-Oct-09] I got a rock.
weapons in scurryWeapons in Scurry [23-Oct-09] 11 weapons and weapon-like items.
Feats in ScurryFeats, Etc. [19-Oct-09] Feat and stat progression in Scurry.
craphound class in scurryCraphound [16-Oct-09] A scout class for Scurry.
Cat's Grace web comic6.8 Grand illusions [24-Aug-09] Scary and believable.
Huck Gee's wemicBest toy ever! [18-Aug-09] Liontaur art by the talented Huck Gee.
Cat's Grace web comic6.7 All roads lead to illusions [17-Aug-09] All is not as it seems.
Cat's Grace web comic6.6 Caldecott Oscar Winner [13-Jul-09] Really quite the act.
Scurry, a tiny TTRPGScurry Redux [8-Jul-09] Tabular summary of races and classes.
Cat's Grace web comic6.5 This land was made for you and me [4-Jul-09] And for monsters.
Cat's Grace web comic6.4 The most wild things of all [30-Jun-09] I'll eat you up!
D&D LockedOpen and shut case [25-Jun-09] WotC turtles up while DDO hops up.
Cat's Grace web comic6.3 In and out of weeks. [22-Jun-09] Some wild things are afoot.
a wizard counterspellsCounterspelling [19-Jun-09] Magical spell duels done right.
Taur LegsShe's Got Legs! [6-May-09] Taur topics, including taur costumes.
shadowdancerHiding in Plain Sight [16-Apr-09] Hiding and Shadowdancers.
Cat's Grace web comic6.2 For the rest of us! [23-Dec-08] Visions of sugarplums.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 030 [16-Dec-08] Oh Xmas Tree Oh Xmas Tree
Cat's Grace web comic6.1 Resting is quite hard! [15-Dec-08] Almost as hard as this floor.
Cat's Grace web comic5.10 Cast [9-Dec-08] Gustav asks you to pay attention.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 029 [9-Dec-08] Watering Can
Scurry, a tiny TTRPGClasses and Races [1-Dec-08] Options for character creation in Scurry.
Cat's Grace web comic5.9 Stinkin' Trolls [24-Nov-08] Mark engages in some foolery.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 028 [24-Nov-08] Mayors Eat Oates
Scurry, a tiny TTRPGPsychopomp Spells [20-Nov-08] New spells for every class level.
Cat's Grace web comic5.8 More flaming [17-Nov-08] Ray aims to settle the matter.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 027 [17-Nov-08] Cloudy Weather
Scurry, a tiny TTRPGIntro to Scurry [12-Nov-08] Plans for a new roleplay game.
Cat's Grace web comic5.7 What She Said [10-Nov-08] Grace speaks out of turn.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 025 [10-Nov-08] Banana Plant
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 026 [6-Nov-08] Rain Clouds
ChangeResolving to make improvements [6-Nov-08] Restart button.
Cat's Grace web comic5.6 Flame war [10-Aug-08] How to defeat a "Creature of the Net."
Cat's Grace web comic5.5 Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin [9-Jul-08] That Violet Blue Thing.
Cat's Grace web comic5.4 Save vs rickroll [22-Jun-08] Dr. O clicks on a link.
Cat's Grace web comic5.3 Who says Scrying is not a skill? [22-May-08] Pals on the Web.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 024 [22-May-08] Recycling Day
Cat's Grace web comic5.2 Teh Intertubes [18-May-08] Dr. O is well connected.
DnD My Way - a manifestoD&D 4E My Way 3 [18-May-08] This time about multiclassing.
DnD My Way - a manifestoD&D 4E My Way 4 [18-May-08] Philosophy and Goals.
Tilting at Windmills [15-May-08] Working to get my 3.75E ideas in play at Paizo.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 023 [9-May-08] Homestar Temple
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 022 [8-May-08] They Laughed At Me!
DnD My Way - a manifestoD&D 4E My Way 1 [8-May-08] Philosophy and Goals.
DnD My Way - a manifestoD&D 4E My Way 2 [8-May-08] The Level One Bump.
Cat's Grace web comic5.1 Meet Boing Boing and Dr. O [7-May-08] New recurring villains.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 021 [4-May-08] Robot Hell No. Six
DnD My Way - a manifestoMore 4E Ranting [3-May-08] This time about multiclassing.
The Annotated Arcane Archer III [30-Apr-08] Three mixed archer/caster builds.
Cat's Grace web comic4.10 A Light, A LARP, A Lark, A Larm [22-Apr-08] Prester sheds light.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 020 [22-Apr-08] Robot Hell No. Five
Cat's Grace web comic4.9 Joke's on you [10-Apr-08] Prester is not amused.
Cat's Grace web comic4.8 Riddles in the Dark [3-Apr-08] Or rather, "Jokes in the Dark."
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 019 [3-Apr-08] Robot Hell No. Four
Cat's Grace web comic4.7 Now, in Darkvision! [28-Mar-08] Mark is the troll.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 018 [28-Mar-08] Robot Hell No. Three
Cat's Grace web comic4.6 Say! In the dark? [19-Mar-08] Would you, could you, in the dark?
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 017 [18-Mar-08] Robot Hell No. Two
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 016 [13-Mar-08] Robot Hell No. One
Cat's Grace web comic4.5 North is at the Top [12-Mar-08] True dungeon test: a 30x30 room.
The Annotated Arcane Archer II [11-Mar-08] Making the most of an archery-oriented PC with a full 10 levels of the PrC.
A Cheapskate's Rant About 4E [6-Mar-08] How I'm NOT the target demographic.
Cat's Grace web comic4.4 Thanks, Gary! [5-Mar-08] May the continual light shine upon him.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 015 [3-Mar-08] Escape To Hell
Cat's Grace web comic4.3 Magic Mouth [27-Feb-08] In 25 words or less.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 014 [27-Feb-08] A Robot Gets His Wings
The Annotated Arcane Archer I [22-Feb-08] A two-level dip into this PrC for the arcanist.
Cat's Grace web comic4.2 Pony Ante [21-Feb-08] Gustav rides into the dungeon.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 013 [20-Feb-08] Demand For Euthanasia
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 012 [15-Feb-08] Robotozoan Valentine
ZeollZeoll [15-Feb-08] My bard / druid / seer wemic PC and the idea of having several strategies from which to choose.
Cat's Grace web comic4.1 The Sun-Door [11-Feb-08] Grace gets the party in by kissing up.
Cat's Grace web comic3.14 Like a lamb to the slaughter [4-Feb-08] Follow that lamb chop!
Defense Monster [2-Feb-08] Putting it all together in one survivable package.
Cat's Grace web comic3.13 Encounter Probability [1-Feb-08] Always just one.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 011 [23-Jan-08] Lil' Brother
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 009 [23-Jan-08] Ms. Paint Strikes Again
Cat's Grace web comic3.12 Mooned [15-Jan-08] What it means to become a cleric.
Cat's Grace web comic3.11 The House of Eyes and Flowers [6-Jan-08] News of a dungeon at last!
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 010 [3-Jan-08] The Old Man from Cape Cod
Cat's Grace web comic3.10 Merry Gracemas [26-Dec-07] He'll Go Down In History!
Cat's Grace web comic3.9 Putting the RP in RPG [17-Dec-07] The cat hams it up.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 008 [17-Dec-07] Three Bots Walk Into A Bar
Cat's Grace web comic3.8 Hooked! [10-Dec-07] You say you seek Adventure!?!
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 007 [15-Dec-07] Who Broke The Gongolator?
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 006 [4-Dec-07] Knock Knock Joke
Cat's Grace web comic3.7 Loot in hand [3-Dec-07] Too handy to sell.
Cat's Grace web comic3.6 Introductions, Part 2 [27-Nov-07] Meet The Cast.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 005 [27-Nov-07] Oh You Churubot! 23 Skidoo!
Cat's Grace web comic3.5 Thanks [22-Nov-07] Happy Turkey Day!
Cat's Grace web comic3.4 Introductions, Part 1 [21-Nov-07] Relaxing in a tavern.
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 004 [21-Nov-07] Robotozoan Rampage
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 003 [16-Nov-07] BABY!
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 002 [16-Nov-07] MAMA!
Robot Heaven ComicRobot Heaven 001 [16-Nov-07] Liontaur? What Liontaur?!
Cat's Grace web comic3.3 Exercise in Bickering [11-Nov-07] Too much testosterone.
Cat's Grace web comic3.2 Finally Five [6-Nov-07] Ray feels fed up with foolery and fun.
3.1 Grace'oween [31-Oct-07] A Scarrrrry Story ... that's true!
assassinReformed Assassins [30-Oct-07] and Invoking Rule Zero.
Save Monster 2 [28-Oct-07] Race, Feat, and Item options for maxing your saving throws.
Cat's Grace web comic2.16 Ready, Set ... [22-Oct-07] Going into battle
Cat's Grace web comic2.17 The Gang's All Here [18-Oct-07] And the house is on fire!
Cat's Grace web comic2.15 Inspired [18-Oct-07] A poem, a plan, a canal, Pameop!
2.14 Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' [14-Oct-07] Dancin' to the jailhouse roll.
Fun Clicks [9-Oct-07] Links of divers shapes and sizes.
2.13 A Rescue for Ecclesiastes [8-Oct-07] Time for a lucky break -- jailbreak, that is.
2.12 What Would Gandalf Do? [1-Oct-07] Mark channels his inner istari.
A Map Made With ExcelExcellent Maps [29-Sep-07] Ten tips for making battle maps in Microsoft Excel.
Cat's Grace web comic2.11 Encounter Distance [27-Sep-07] Too far to be spotted!
Cat's Grace web comic2.10 Untrained Hide Check [24-Sep-07] Mark "sneaks" up.
Cat's Grace web comic2.9 Drawing a Map [10-Sep-07] Grace sketches out the rescue plan.
Cat's Grace web comic2.8 Need a Cleric [3-Sep-07] The answer is to multiclass.
Cat's Grace web comic2.7 Prester and the Plan [29-Aug-07] Asking a spiritual advisor for advice.
Save Monster 1 [25-Aug-07] The right way to multiclass if you want to max your saves.
Cat's Grace web comic2.6 All's Fair in Fog of War [13-Aug-07] The perfect diversion.
Hit Point Monster [10-Aug-07] How to max your hit points.
Cat's Grace web comic2.5 Planning [8-Aug-07] Escape or rescue? Both are in the works.
Cat's Grace web comic2.4 Think for Yourself [30-Jul-07] Ray meets a revolutionary.
Cat's Grace web comic2.3 Bear for Breakfast [16-Jul-07] Maybe worse than starving.
Cat's Grace web comic2.2 A Place to Rest [9-Jul-07] Mark's fatigue inspires a halt.
Armor 5 [6-Jul-07] Maxing your AC without using armor.
Cat's Grace web comic2.1 Disappointed after Dark [2-Jul-07] A "rush" to the rescue.
Cat's Grace web comic1.17 Orders [25-Jun-07] The party learns more about Ray's dilemma.
Armor 4 [21-Jun-07] Using the heaviest of armors wildshaped!
Cat's Grace web comic1.16 Starving Ray [20-Jun-07] In which we meet Hope's brother for the first time.
Armor 3 [19-Jun-07] Using the heaviest of armors.
Cat's Grace web comic1.15 Dammit, Jim! [18-Jun-07] Cleric? Hope not!
Armor 2 [15-Jun-07] Maxing your AC with both armor and dexterity.
Armor 1 [14-Jun-07] Revisiting the stock armor table, with implications.
Survivability [12-Jun-07] Starting a series on hit points, armor class, and saves.
Cat's Grace web comic1.14 You Bet Your Life [11-Jun-07] Grace fights a true Marxist.
Cat's Grace web comic1.13 Critical Condition [4-Jun-07] Hope says a prayer and hits hard.
A Power Gamer's Manifesto [31-May-07] In defense of minimaxing.
Cat's Grace web comic1.12 Spray It, Don't Say It! [29-May-07] Mark teaches two so-called "experts" some manners.
Analysis of a Fighter-oriented PrC [23-May-07] Plus the Wing Brother prestige class.
Cat's Grace web comic1.11 Move Actions [21-May-07] Hope draws her weapon and stands up -- and that's all!
Cat's Grace web comic1.10 Surprise [21-May-07] Grace and friends are startled to be surprised.
Odds & Ends [15-May-07] Things to do, reader feedback, coming attractions.
Cat's Grace web comic1.9 Expert Ambush [14-May-07] Wandering minions of the Eastern Bunny sneak up on our heroes.
Cat's Grace web comic1.8 Stepping Out [7-May-07] Hope's brother is missing, but a clue is found.
Cat's Grace web comic1.7 Animal Companion [30-Apr-07] The second smartest member of Grace's party.
Cat's Grace web comic1.6 Cantrip! [23-Apr-07] Is Prester real? Is Grace nuts? Both?
Live Action Wemics [20-Apr-07] An interview with two wemic LARPers.
Cat's Grace web comic1.5 Friends Like These [16-Apr-07] Grace asks Prester for advice.
Cat's Grace web comic1.4 Dawdlers [12-Apr-07] Harnessing the power of the random roll.
Cat's Grace web comic1.3 Dump Stat [9-Apr-07] Grace discovers that her new friends are not exactly swift.
Cat's Grace web comic1.2 The Aristocrats! [6-Apr-07] The fifth Non-PC Class picks show business over the Glorious Peeple's Revolution.
Review 8: Dragon's Whisper [5-Apr-07] A free PDF game world magazine.
Cat's Grace web comic1.1 Mark and the Eastern Bunny [2-Apr-07] We meet a new comrade in arms. Many comrades, actually.
Cat's Grace web comic0.13 Inn to Adventure [26-Mar-07] Starting out.
Fighting Trickster [21-Mar-07] A combat-oriented PrC to illustrate my recent design ideas.
Cat's Grace web comic0.12 Getting the Party Started [19-Mar-07] Grace is invited to join a party.
Cat's Grace web comic0.11 Starting Package [12-Mar-07] Grace makes a buck and makes a friend.
Cat's Grace web comic0.10 Aura of Courage [5-Mar-07] Grace learns that you don't need a class ability to be brave.
Feline Music [1-Mar-07] in the latest album from Walker Kong.
Cat's Grace web comic0.9 Gold & Gear [26-Feb-07] Good news about starting equipment.
Ducktaur! [21-Feb-07] If it walks with four legs and has arms -- or wings -- it's a Taur!
Cat's Grace web comic0.8 Iron Rats [19-Feb-07] Free room and board for new adventurers!
Cat's Grace web comic0.7 Illiterate [12-Feb-07] Grace explains why liontaurs resist newfangled arts, like writing.
Prestige Class Theory [10-Feb-07] Designing fighter-oriented PrCs.
Cat's Grace web comic0.6 Sheet [5-Feb-07] Grace proves that she is quite a character.
Tell All [2-Feb-07] How to make combat more fun.
Cat's Grace web comic0.5 Listen Check [29-Jan-07] Grace hears herself talking out loud, then hears a welcome from afar.
Charge It! [25-Jan-07] Maximizing mounted mayhem.
Cat's Grace web comic0.4 Duration: 1 hour [22-Jan-07] Prester's time is up.
Liontaur Subraces [17-Jan-07] Liontaurs in mountains, savannah, and tundra.
Cat's Grace web comic0.3 +1 on Jump Checks [15-Jan-07] Grace channels her inner Neo to make a leap of faith.
Felines beyond Wemics [12-Jan-07] A look at other cat-kin in D&D, and which ones make the grade.
Just My Type [9-Jan-07] Classifying wemics and liontaurs as humanoids, monstrous humanoids, or both.
Cat's Grace web comic0.2 Character Background [8-Jan-07] Grace learns that she is not actually adventuring, yet.
Cat's Grace web comic0.1 Name [1-Jan-07] In which we are introduced to our hero.
The Cat-Centaurs of Dragaera [26-Dec-06] Wemics in the fiction of Steven Brust.
Break! [1-Dec-06] Thoughts on a new Break skill.
New Avenger [27-Oct-06] Righter of Wrongs! Seeker of Justice!
assassinImproved Assassin [22-Oct-06] Rewarding ten levels in this PrC.
Quick [10-Oct-06] Applying Quick Draw to weapons, non-weapons, and weapon-like objects.
Conjure 2 [27-Sep-06] Using conjured creatures to track for you.
Review 7: Divine Rogues [26-Sep-06] Of the Shadowbane Stalker PrC, with improvements.
Divine Trickster [20-Sep-06] Two ways to play one.
The Wold [14-Sep-06] Needs new players!
Mystic Theurge [11-Sep-06] Going both ways.
Design Contest [7-Sep-06] Comments on entries in a summer-theme design contest.
SummerKin 2 [5-Sep-06] A prestige class for the LightBrothers of the SummerKin.
SummerKin 1 [2-Sep-06] A cult of wemics and humans who worship the sun.
In Their Tiny Hands [24-Jun-06] What other gamers think of Shrink Item.
Dainty Dangers [22-Jun-06] Caveats and cautions (part 4 of 4).
Pint-size Prankage [17-Jun-06] More on Shrink Item: More fun ideas (part 3 of 4).
Mod the Map [11-Jun-06] More on Shrink Item: Unshrinking large obstacles (part 2 of 4).
Bec De CorbinBec De Corbin [20-May-06] Names for characters, nostalgia, and a 1E D&D reach weapon for 3.5E.
Shrinky Dinks [18-May-06] Getting creative with the Shrink Item spell (part 1 of 4).
Prisoner Dilemma [23-Apr-06] What can good PCs do with captured bad guys?
Resurrection [16-Apr-06] Breathing life into the blog and into your dead PCs.
Origins 5 [9-Feb-06] The wemic on King Stephen's coat of arms.
D&D in the News [7-Feb-06] Negative (and positive) representations of gamers in the media.
Crit Monster [27-Jan-06] How to get the most bang from your critical hit buck.
Bible Reading [20-Jan-06] A lion-man in the Bible.
assassinAssassin of Assassins [13-Dec-05] How to beat Uncanny Dodge.
Origins 4 [29-Nov-05] A hint of wemics in ancient Greek mythology.
Rogue Sniper [23-Nov-05] Getting the most out of the hide skill and sneak attack rules.
Collecting [16-Nov-05] Bottle caps and wemic links.
Captured! [12-Nov-05] Tips for making your escape.
Wemic Wear [21-Oct-05] Magic items for liontaurs.
Torture [16-Oct-05] in role play games.
Spellspinner [9-Oct-05] A spider mage prestige class with its own spell progression.
Greed [26-Sep-05] Power inflation in PrCs.
Suicide Potion [10-Sep-05] Debunking a bitter pill.
Stross's Law [5-Sep-05] Applications and exceptions.
Ranking Metamagic Feats [28-Aug-05] Which ones make the grade?
Sweet Sleep [21-Aug-05] Weapon and way of life.
The Best D&D Weapon [25-Jul-05] That you never heard of.
Wemics on the Web [15-Jul-05] Links and more links.
The Violet [12-Jul-05] That ate my blog!
Wemics with Class [30-Jun-05] Favored classes for wemics.
Not for NPCs only [24-Jun-05] Adapting NPC classes for player use.
Scent [23-Jun-05] A keener nose in your future?
Review 6 [17-Jun-05] Pride of Place, by Jason.
Review 4c [16-Jun-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Chapter Two.
Gaming Links A-Plenty [13-Jun-05] Organized and noted.
Review 4b [10-Jun-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Chapter One.
David C. Sutherland III [9-Jun-05] Lion's heart, artist's hands. RIP.
Ancient UrmahlulluOrigins 3 [3-Jun-05] A medieval wemic!
Sex at the Core [1-Jun-05] A new Core Story for the Book of Erotic Fantasy.
Cross about Crossbows [30-May-05] Ideas for improvement.
Review 5 [27-May-05] The Magehound by Elaine Cunningham.
Two Blogs [25-May-05] Both recommended.
Review 4a [23-May-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Initial thoughts.
Violet [20-May-05] Indulging the blogger's paternal pride.
D&D in the News [27-Apr-05] Good news, bad news.
Faster! Faster! [25-Apr-05] Maximizing your speed.
Teaser [22-Apr-05] Previewing a review.
Dirty Talk [20-Apr-05] Part 7 of Sex in D&D.
Sex by the Book [18-Apr-05] Part 6 of Sex in D&D.
Chakats [15-Apr-05] Part 5 of Sex in D&D.
Cross-Gender Play [13-Apr-05] Part 4 of Sex in D&D.
Sex Rules! [11-Apr-05] Part 3 of Sex in D&D.
Pride in Sex [8-Apr-05] Part 2 of Sex in D&D.
The Romance in RPGs [6-Apr-05] Part 1 of Sex in D&D.
Itemsmith [4-Apr-05] Making the most of item creation feats.
Review 3 [1-Apr-05] A review of a 2E wemic bard.
Lame 2 [30-Mar-05] Another missed post.
Whipped [28-Mar-05] The strange ranged melee weapon.
The Bardtaur [25-Mar-05] Roles bards play.
Review 2 [23-Mar-05] Swords into Plowshares.
Conjure 1 [21-Mar-05] Summoning for Dummies.
The Druidtaur [18-Mar-05] Liontaur as a fighting druid.
Lame 1 [16-Mar-05] Missed post.
Metamagic 1 [14-Mar-05] Empower vs. maximize.
The Liontaur [11-Mar-05] Designed as a one-hit-die player race.
Diplomessy [9-Mar-05] Problematic social interaction skills.
The Mentalist [7-Mar-05] Brain power for games that shun psionics.
Guest Blogger [4-Mar-05] With thanks to Nexx!
Grappling with the Web [2-Mar-05] Some relevant links.
The Arcane Tank 4 [28-Feb-05] Magic items for tanks.
Beastly Wemics [25-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part three).
Game Talk [23-Feb-05] RPG message boards.
The Arcane Tank 3 [21-Feb-05] Some tactics.
GNS Wemics [19-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part two).
RPG Game Theory [16-Feb-05] The Three-Fold Model.
The Arcane Tank 2 [14-Feb-05] Stats, classes, items, etc.
Questions [11-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part one).
"A Bigger Dork" [9-Feb-05] Society, Politics, and D&D.
wizard in armorThe Arcane Tank 1 [7-Feb-05] Spells to cast in armor.
Review 1b [4-Feb-05] Wemic Camp (part two).
Quizzes [2-Feb-05] D&D Web toys.
The Arcane Rogue 3 [31-Jan-05] Spells and skills.
Review 1a [28-Jan-05] Wemic Camp (part one).
Play Nice [26-Jan-05] Game etiquette.
The Arcane Rogue 2 [24-Jan-05] Sneak attacks.
Liontaurs vs. Wemics [21-Jan-05] What's in a name?
Lego WemicRandom RPG Tools [19-Jan-05] Map generators, NPC creators, dice rollers, more.
The Arcane Rogue 1 [17-Jan-05] Familiars.
The Father of Modern Wemics [14-Jan-05] David C. Sutherland III.
Blogging manifesto [12-Jan-05] Links to other blogs; thoughts on my own.
Two-Weapon Fighting [10-Jan-05] New options under 3.5.
Liontaur Lingo [7-Jan-05] Feline accents and languages.
Fantastic Words [5-Jan-05] Languages and names.
The Fighting Druid 3 [3-Jan-05] Wildshape strategies.
Wemics in Neverwinter Nights [31-Dec-04] With a screen grab!
Two Play-By-Post Voices [29-Dec-04] from The Wold and Tazlure.
The Fighting Druid 2 [27-Dec-04] Missile strategies.
Happy Holidays! [24-Dec-04] With grateful thanks to Bernard Doove.
Online RPGs [22-Dec-04] Kinds and links.
The Fighting Druid 1 [20-Dec-04] Melee strategies.
Wemic Origins 2 [17-Dec-04] With photos!
More Comics [15-Dec-04] Some of the stuff I missed the first time around.
The Olde Tyme Bard [13-Dec-04] The very first prestige class ever.
Sized Up [10-Dec-04] Game balance issues for large PCs.
Sonnets [8-Dec-04] Getting the rhythm right with your new rule.
The Fighting Bard [6-Dec-04] Fightin' and singin'.
Just in Size [3-Dec-04] Thoughts on height, weight, age.
Re-Charge It! [1-Dec-04] Plus the Wandslinger.
The Multiclassed Bard [29-Nov-04] How to mix ... and not to!
Great Minds Think Alike [26-Nov-04] Monte and me, that is!
Wemic Origins 1 [24-Nov-04] Lion-centaurs in ancient Assyrian art.
The Bardic Caster 2 [22-Nov-04] Wizard vs. Bard.
RPG Web Comics [19-Nov-04] A round up.
The Bardic Caster 1 [17-Nov-04] Selecting spells.
Two Legs Good! [15-Nov-04] The Lionet: a two-legged leonine PC race.