5E Wemics [7-Nov-24] Part Two: Cayzle's wemic rules for 2024.
5E Wemics [6-Nov-24] Rules from around the Internets.
DNP2023 [17-Apr-24] More Diplomacy tourney results.
DNP2021 [11-Apr-22] Results in an annual Diplomacy Tourney.
DNP2020 [20-Feb-21] Results in an annual Diplomacy Tourney.
Taur Jokes! [8-Jul-20] Laughing WITH the taurs, not at them.
Cayzletaur! [30-Dec-19] I dreamed that I was, yes, a wemic.
Take a Break. [1-Nov-19] A new skill for Pathfinder First Edition.
The Whisperer [2-Mar-15] A PF PrC for characters with companions.
Lion Bar [14-Jul-14] A wemic's favorite snack-time treat.
Sneaky! [25-Apr-14] 17 ways to deny that dex bonus.
Lamia [13-Apr-13] The origins of a wemic-like creature.
Hand-Off [27-Nov-11] How to give an item to a friend in combat.
Feats, Etc. [19-Oct-09] Feat and stat progression in Scurry.
Craphound [16-Oct-09] A scout class for Scurry.
Scurry Redux [8-Jul-09] Tabular summary of races and classes.

Cast [9-Dec-08] Gustav asks you to pay attention.

Flame war [10-Aug-08] How to defeat a "Creature of the Net."

Thanks, Gary! [5-Mar-08] May the continual light shine upon him.

Pony Ante [21-Feb-08] Gustav rides into the dungeon.
Zeoll [15-Feb-08] My bard / druid / seer wemic PC and the idea of having several strategies from which to choose.

The Sun-Door [11-Feb-08] Grace gets the party in by kissing up.
Defense Monster [2-Feb-08] Putting it all together in one survivable package.

Mooned [15-Jan-08] What it means to become a cleric.

Hooked! [10-Dec-07] You say you seek Adventure!?!

Thanks [22-Nov-07] Happy Turkey Day!

Finally Five [6-Nov-07] Ray feels fed up with foolery and fun.
Grace'oween [31-Oct-07] A Scarrrrry Story ... that's true!
Save Monster 2 [28-Oct-07] Race, Feat, and Item options for maxing your saving throws.

Inspired [18-Oct-07] A poem, a plan, a canal, Pameop!
Fun Clicks [9-Oct-07] Links of divers shapes and sizes.
Excellent Maps [29-Sep-07] Ten tips for making battle maps in Microsoft Excel.

Drawing a Map [10-Sep-07] Grace sketches out the rescue plan.
Save Monster 1 [25-Aug-07] The right way to multiclass if you want to max your saves.

Planning [8-Aug-07] Escape or rescue? Both are in the works.
Armor 5 [6-Jul-07] Maxing your AC without using armor.

Orders [25-Jun-07] The party learns more about Ray's dilemma.
Armor 4 [21-Jun-07] Using the heaviest of armors

Starving Ray [20-Jun-07] In which we meet Hope's brother for the first time.
Armor 3 [19-Jun-07] Using the heaviest of armors.
Armor 2 [15-Jun-07] Maxing your AC with both armor and dexterity.
Armor 1 [14-Jun-07] Revisiting the stock armor table, with implications.
Survivability [12-Jun-07] Starting a series on hit points, armor class, and saves.

Move Actions [21-May-07] Hope draws her weapon and stands up -- and that's all!

Surprise [21-May-07] Grace and friends are startled to be surprised.
Odds & Ends [15-May-07] Things to do, reader feedback, coming attractions.

Expert Ambush [14-May-07] Wandering minions of the Eastern Bunny sneak up on our heroes.

Stepping Out [7-May-07] Hope's brother is missing, but a clue is found.

Cantrip! [23-Apr-07] Is Prester real? Is Grace nuts? Both?

Dawdlers [12-Apr-07] Harnessing the power of the random roll.

Dump Stat [9-Apr-07] Grace discovers that her new friends are not exactly swift.

The Aristocrats! [6-Apr-07] The fifth Non-PC Class picks show business over the Glorious Peeple's Revolution.
Fighting Trickster [21-Mar-07] A combat-oriented PrC to illustrate my recent design ideas.

Aura of Courage [5-Mar-07] Grace learns that you don't need a class ability to be brave.
Feline Music [1-Mar-07] in the latest album from Walker Kong.

Gold & Gear [26-Feb-07] Good news about starting equipment.
Ducktaur! [21-Feb-07] If it walks with four legs and has arms -- or wings -- it's a Taur!

Iron Rats [19-Feb-07] Free room and board for new adventurers!

Illiterate [12-Feb-07] Grace explains why liontaurs resist newfangled arts, like writing.

Sheet [5-Feb-07] Grace proves that she is quite a character.
Tell All [2-Feb-07] How to make combat more fun.

Listen Check [29-Jan-07] Grace hears herself talking out loud, then hears a welcome from afar.

+1 on Jump Checks [15-Jan-07] Grace channels her inner Neo to make a leap of faith.
Just My Type [9-Jan-07] Classifying wemics and liontaurs as humanoids, monstrous humanoids, or both.

Name [1-Jan-07] In which we are introduced to our hero.
Break! [1-Dec-06] Thoughts on a new Break skill.
New Avenger [27-Oct-06] Righter of Wrongs! Seeker of Justice!
Quick [10-Oct-06] Applying Quick Draw to weapons, non-weapons, and weapon-like objects.
Conjure 2 [27-Sep-06] Using conjured creatures to track for you.
Design Contest [7-Sep-06] Comments on entries in a summer-theme design contest.
SummerKin 2 [5-Sep-06] A prestige class for the LightBrothers of the SummerKin.
SummerKin 1 [2-Sep-06] A cult of wemics and humans who worship the sun.
Mod the Map [11-Jun-06] More on Shrink Item: Unshrinking large obstacles (part 2 of 4).
Bec De Corbin [20-May-06] Names for characters, nostalgia, and a 1E D&D reach weapon for 3.5E.
Shrinky Dinks [18-May-06] Getting creative with the Shrink Item spell (part 1 of 4).
Resurrection [16-Apr-06] Breathing life into the blog and into your dead PCs.
Origins 5 [9-Feb-06] The wemic on King Stephen's coat of arms.
D&D in the News [7-Feb-06] Negative (and positive) representations of gamers in the media.
Crit Monster [27-Jan-06] How to get the most bang from your critical hit buck.
Origins 4 [29-Nov-05] A hint of wemics in ancient Greek mythology.
Rogue Sniper [23-Nov-05] Getting the most out of the hide skill and sneak attack rules.
Collecting [16-Nov-05] Bottle caps and wemic links.
Captured! [12-Nov-05] Tips for making your escape.
Torture [16-Oct-05] in role play games.
Spellspinner [9-Oct-05] A spider mage prestige class with its own spell progression.
Greed [26-Sep-05] Power inflation in PrCs.
Scent [23-Jun-05] A keener nose in your future?
Review 6 [17-Jun-05] Pride of Place, by Jason.
Review 4c [16-Jun-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Chapter Two.
Review 4b [10-Jun-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Chapter One.
Sex at the Core [1-Jun-05] A new Core Story for the Book of Erotic Fantasy.
Review 5 [27-May-05] The Magehound by Elaine Cunningham.
Review 4a [23-May-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Initial thoughts.
Violet [20-May-05] Indulging the blogger's paternal pride.
Teaser [22-Apr-05] Previewing a review.
Chakats [15-Apr-05] Part 5 of Sex in D&D.
Itemsmith [4-Apr-05] Making the most of item creation feats.
Review 3 [1-Apr-05] A review of a 2E wemic bard.
Lame 2 [30-Mar-05] Another missed post.
Whipped [28-Mar-05] The strange ranged melee weapon.
Review 2 [23-Mar-05] Swords into Plowshares.
Lame 1 [16-Mar-05] Missed post.
The Liontaur [11-Mar-05] Designed as a one-hit-die player race.
Diplomessy [9-Mar-05] Problematic social interaction skills.
The Mentalist [7-Mar-05] Brain power for games that shun psionics.
GNS Wemics [19-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part two).
Questions [11-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part one).
More Comics [15-Dec-04] Some of the stuff I missed the first time around.
Sized Up [10-Dec-04] Game balance issues for large PCs.
Sonnets [8-Dec-04] Getting the rhythm right with your new rule.