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Welcome to Cayzle's 2001 Guestbook!

These are the comments folks left in my guestbook in 2001, in chronological order. Thanks to you all for contributing.

Name: Mufasa
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?:
Interested in trying my new FRPG?:
How did you find this site?: Did a search for Wemics, Leotaurs or Liontaurs.
Comments: I play a Variable sizing Leotaur simular to a Wemic but a bit more feline. I will do vorarephile if a fur requsts it but RL has put a big crimp into time to do so. I can be found on FurryMuck and Tapsteries.
Name: Dave
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: D&D
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: would but if i had the time...
How did you find this site?: Wounds Unlimited
Comments: Wow, you really like Wemics! Good site.
Name: Ian Stewart
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: D&D
Interested in trying my new FRPG?:
How did you find this site?: random D&D search
Date: 2-22-01
Comments: i thought i was the only one who has put this much time into wemics
Name: Mike A. Nos
URL: Haven't got one yet
E-Mail: Can't say.
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: AD&D SECOND EDITION
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: Sorry, no
How did you find this site?: Through the 'taur webring
Date: 7/3/2001
Comments: Your site is one of, if not THE best 'taur related sites on the net. One of the characters in my AD&D 2nd edition has a centaur-lemur character called a lemurtaur called Many-Rings. Along with several others, he is in a Spelljamming Play By E-Mail campaig
Name: Mike A.Nos
URL: Still none
E-Mail: Still can't say
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: Still AD&D 2nd ed.
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: Sorry, still no
How did you find this site?: Was still on the page from last guestbook entry
Date: 7/3/2001
Comments: After looking at your Guestbook, I found that some of my message had been not put in. Basicly, (Excuse the spelling, no dictionary nearby,) I wanted to say that I am in an AD&D 2nd ed Spelljammer Play-By-E-Mail campaign and anyone interested shoud let me

[Truncated entry, sorry!]
Name: Circe
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: Balder's Gate
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: No.
How did you find this site?: A very good friend of mine recommended it.
Date: 5/24/01
Comments: I really liked the quote from Shakespeare. It shows a real dedication to finding Wemic-related content no matter how hard it is to come by. Bravo.
Name: Iella
URL: http: //
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?:
Interested in trying my new FRPG?:
How did you find this site?: I followed your link from my minotaur post at Monte Cook's message board.
Date: 02Jun01
Comments: I like what you've done with the wemic. I don't have a 3e version on hand to compare it to, but at first glance it seems very playable. My only concern is the age restriction--in many campaigns the first few levels go by quickly, and to limit the player's

[Truncated entry, sorry!]
Name: Lore
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?:
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: Yeah
How did you find this site?: Had to show some people about wemics at supermegatopia... found this with a search and though: good!
Date: today
Comments: I love the site =) very useful too. Though I have to point out something in your rule reviews. You're right, players of Wemics WOULD choose a greatsword, but in real life (okay fantasy settings) are the wemics going to know how effective the sword is? Or

[Truncated entry, sorry! But see this link for much more from Lore on this topic (thanks Lore!)]
Name: Tainor
URL: I'd like to make one
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: Tirn Aill
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: sure
How did you find this site?: metacrawler
Date: 6/14/01
Comments (250 character limit): Nice site! I like all the info on wemics, on Tirn Aill I have a wemic character, you should check it out at It's a fun game.(in case you need the port #, its 4000)
Name: Brock Phillips
URL: not up yet
E-Mail: not up yet
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: AD&D 2nd Ed
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: sorry, no
How did you find this site?: Mike A. Nos told me about it
Date: 20/6/2001
Comments (250 character limit): I found your site after Mike A. Nos reccomended it to me. Keeping this short, it looks great. I am a bay centaur cob and if you need to contact me then use the guestbook. Good site!
Name: Chris Bush
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: AD&D
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: Maybe
How did you find this site?: Told about it by Cayzle
Date: 20/7/01
Comments (250 character limit): The site looks very good, and it is good to see some interest in a race which is usually ignored. The Leonine Centaur is up at the Known World!

Cayzle comments: And it looks good! Check it out here.
Name: Circe
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: Balder's Gate
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: No, thank you.
How did you find this site?: I like the name Cayzle. It's so pretty.
Date: 07/20/01
Comments (250 character limit): I really like the navigation you've built into the site. It's also very thorough. I'd like to see more artwork, though.
E-Mail: chokingvictm27
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: Magic, the gathering
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: possibly
How did you find this site?: surfing
Comments (250 character limit): WAY TO PINK
Name: Ceil LaPlante
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: Thief(Rogue)or Fighter
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: Some wgat
How did you find this site?: You twisted my arm
Date: aug 23,2001
Comments (250 character limit): I've been trying to have a look of your sight, since you first invited me. Now I' going to look arround.
Name: Ceil LaPlante
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: 1/2 elf named Sly Foxx
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: Always
How did you find this site?: I heard of it through some crazy Wemic in the Wold games.
Date: 08/27/01
Comments (250 character limit): I'm just nosy, beside I like cute cats.
Name: E.M
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: any
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: SURE
How did you find this site?: obcsene luck
Date: yea sure why not?
Comments (250 character limit): Thanx, my input w4nt3d 2 play a wemic 4 3ed. Ur st4ts hav m4d3 it po55ibl3. 4nd n0\// sh3'11 13t m3 sl33p! Thanx E.M.
Name: Gildar the mighty
E-Mail: elvendicktracy@YAHOO.COM
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: any
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: sure
How did you find this site?: luck
Date: 11/03/01
Comments (250 character limit): This is a good site. But a little out dated. this is all i have to say about it.
Name: josh tuorila
Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)?: Dungeons and dragons
Interested in trying my new FRPG?: yes
How did you find this site?: I play D&D with a big group of people at my house once a week. I am a wemic in the middle of a group of only elves. I searched on google for a site about the greatest creature to grace an rpg.
Comments (250 character limit): I don't mean to be a perv but we use the sex rules in our game and none of them know any rules or stats on wemic. I was wondering if you have any of these. (Chance of fertility, size of genatalia male and female, other species that can be bed with).

Cayzle comments: I don't really have that kind of info, but check out the essays on wemic sociology and physiology in the fantasy setting of Kalerre.

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