These are the comments folks left in my guestbook in 2003. Thanks to you all for contributing.
Name : Gelfin Talisandra |
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Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)? : AD&D Forgotten Realms |
Interested in trying my new FRPG? : Tooo busy, sorry! |
How did you find this site? : Well, how many other Wemic speciality sites are out there !!!!? |
Date : 12/09/03 |
Comments (250 character limit) : Wonderful stuff, thanks so much for your wealth of info. I am busy with a Campaign involving wemics, and Ive also been unhappy with the slipshod work from Wizards, almost as if they dont think very much of anything that cant cast a book-learned spell-hey! |
Name : Dave Nobtis Sitbon |
URL : |
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Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)? :D&D edition III |
Interested in trying my new FRPG? : Sure |
How did you find this site? : Searching google forD&D |
Date : 08/16/2003 |
Comments (250 character limit) : Great site! I enjoyed my visit here very much. Youll have to stop by my site...Im sure youll all LOVE it! Please keep up the good work, as Ill surely visit again. Thanks, and take care! |
Name : Steven Elmore (Evander Collins) |
URL : |
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Favorite Fantasy Role Play Game (FRPG)? : D&D3 baybee |
Interested in trying my new FRPG? : Certainly! |
How did you find this site? : Google |
Date : 06-20-03 |
Comments (250 character limit) : Oddly enough, my wife entered my old Vampire characters name in Google, and lo, here is my old Wemic pic! I am delighted to see it up and about, and I have no objection to your posting it. On the contrary, Im extremely flattered! I actually have another. |