Cayzle’s Wemic Site | ![]() |
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Here's what's new on my site.
Note that my screeds (aka my blog) and strips (aka my Web comic) are updated frequently. Okay, frequently-ish. Anyway, I do not update this page every time I post a new screed or strip. For a list of all those, including date posted, take a look at the site home page.3 June 2024: Removed the Internet Defense League Badge from my home page. Evidently the organization is defunct, alas.
31 May 2024: Added a contact link to my user page on AI art site NightCafe.
14 Apr 2024: A very long time ago, when wemic art was rare on the Interwebs, I wanted a custom drawing of a wemic. Inspired by (tracing over) another artist's work, I sketched my own. I am no artist, so it was pretty bad. Today I got AI to redraw my art, and it is SO much better. Take a peek: here is the old and the new. I replaced the old with the new here.
15 Jun 2022: I continue to work on my fork of D&D3E, called Labyrinths & Liontaurs Linked to it from the top of my home page a couple weeks back.
12 Sep 2021: Added a word cloud to the About page.
8 Sep 2020: Revised and updated my links page. Added a roll of gaming links to the home page.
2 Aug 2020: Have I mentioned that I have easter eggs? I just added a link to mine: Labyrinths & Liontaurs.
18 July 2020: Mentioned my art links page on Twitter, so I figured I'd better update it. Well, at least update the bad links. Have not added any art in, what, 6+ years? Some day I'll add a LOT more art, and curate it as well. Someday. BTW, if you want to see good art, go look at my retweets on Twitter.
23 June 2020: For the longest time, my site used the generic favicon, and though I had it in the back of my head to fix that, I never had the time / never cared enough. But then Yahoo replaced the generic favicon with its own Y! favicon, the jerks! And I can't even make a universal replacement! U have to add a snippet of code to each and every page! UGH! Well, I've started that slow process, using my own pink and paw favicon.
15 June 2018: Added secure socket layer protection to the site. Woo Hoo, no more nasty warnings from Chrome that my site is not secure!
25 May 2018: Found out that Oath is discontinuing support for guestbooks. Alas! So I took down the new guestbook entry submission form and links. I suppose that's ok -- no one had signed it since 2016. I kept the old archived posts, though, here.
3 May 2018: Published my second splat book, on 3E bards, and updated my Splat Books page.
April 2018: Unhappy with the ugly look of my home page, I revamped the thing with a header graphic for every screed since 2014 and standardized tagline text length. Looks a lot better now.
2 January 2017: Created a home page for Robot Heaven. Also uploaded a copy of the Pathfinder SRD, a complete set of rules, accessible via one of my easter egg links.
1 January 2017: Completely revamped the site home page for mobile responsivity. Saved the old home page for posterity. I have to say that the new design is NOT an improvement on a desktop. Call it a 25% decrease in utility and beauty. But it is a 100% improvement from a smart phone. SO on the whole, a plus?
11 November 2016: Revised my Links page. Saved the Old Links for posterity.
2 August 2016: Added a prominent link on my home page to my Splat Book Downloads page. Renamed "Click Screeds" to "Other Screeds."
16 June 2016: Revised the History of Wemics page.
20 March 2015: Launched my Splat Books Page, as well as my very first splat book.
29 Jan. 2015: Updated the links on my Wemic Rules and Wemic Characters pages.
18 Nov. 2014: Revamped and expanded the section of the site focused on my own retired wemic PC, Vauhwyt.
3 Nov. 2014: Updated links to Wemic Stories.
9 Oct. 2014: Updated links to Wemic Art.
5 Aug. 2014: Homepage tweaks and art.
25 July 2014: Rotated the quote, added thumbnail graphics to the home page.
16 May 2014: Added quotes, link roll, updated the header on many pages.
17 Feb. 2014: Put the guestbook behind a spam filter. Darn spambots! Added a badge for Net Neutrality and Web freedom ... a kitty badge!
27 Jan. 2014: Fixed broken links and added new links to my Wemic Rules Links Page.
18 Dec. 2013: Fixed a lot of bad links due to old GeoCities code. Put up a new quote.
20 Aug. 2013: Updated the Guestbook. Put up a new quote.
4 Apr. 2013: I've been working on the About page.
1 Apr. 2013: Fixed dead Geocities links and started the Wemic History page.
31 Mar. 2013: Cayzle's Wemic Site is risen from the dead! With a brand new, content-rich homepage design. You can still touch the wounds -- I'm working on fixing all the dead links. Also, note, as the day requires, some Easter Eggs I have hidden on the site!
16 Nov. 2009: Alas, with the demise of GeoCities, my original host for this site, many of my old links have stopped working. It's all reparable, but as I repair things, please forgive the mess and broken links.
Oct 19, 2009: Rotated the quote at the top of the home page.
Dec 6, 2008: Updated and expanded the Cat's Grace pages detailing the cast of the comic.
Feb. 7-14, 2008: Updated and expanded the pages detailing Zeoll, my wemic seer.
Oct. 16, 2007: Added a few new pages to my Wemic Links.
Oct. 15, 2007: Updated a recent screed with a new "fun click."
Sept. 30, 2007: Updated the eight reviews I've posted in my screeds -- consistent titles and ratings, mostly.
Sept. 26, 2007: Updated all the links on all my Wemic Links pages and added some new ones. Also updatd my "Realms of Evil" banner link on the home page and rotated my home page quote.
March 1, 2007: Updated my home page quote with a line from a new album.
Jan 2, 2007: Updated my Wemic Rules Links page.
Jan 1, 2007: Started my Web comic, Cat's Grace.
Dec 27, 2006: Updated the links on the left side of the home page, including anchor tags to the Old Screeds page. Put a new quote at the top of the home page. Updated wiki links on the Miscellaneous Wemic Links page.
June 24, 2006: Posted some feedback to this screed. Updated the links on the left side of the home page.
May 16, 2006: Changed the quote at the top of the home page. Created a Yahoo blog to mirror my screeds. Updated my wemic stories links.
December 1, 2005: Moved my site from to
November 15, 2005: Updated a a screed on D&D in society with a new link. Also added the "Previous three screeds" links, mostly so that my myriad readers will not miss something new just because they haven't stopped by in a few weeks. What's that? You haven't stopped by in a few weeks because of my irregular posting? La La La La La! I can't hear you! I'm too busy crafting my next screed!
October 10, 2005: Updated three screeds: Reader feedback and a link to horizon walker power plays on this screed, a link to NPC classes boosted up in power on this screed, and feedback from a reader on capturing and killing NPCs on this screed.
August 28, 2005: Added home page links at left to Storycrafter and D&D Online. Updated two screeds.
July 31, 2005: Added two links to my wemic links. Rotated the home page quote.
July 12, 2005: Posted updates to several of my screeds. Worked on cleaning up and adding to my wemic links.
June 17, 2005: Added a few links to the recent obit screed for Dave Sutherland.
June 10, 2005: Posted some feedback to this screed on crossbows and this screed on The Magehound. Keep those cards and letters coming, folks!
May 30, 2005: Posted some solid feedback to this screed.
May 20, 2005: New quote for the top of the home page. Blog resumes.
May 18, 2005: Added more comments from others on past blogs here and here. With the two blogs I updated yesterday, I think I'm caught up on that. But I still have lots of other content to update!
May 17, 2005: Added comments from others on past blogs here and here. Lord knows I am still way behind on updating the site, but at least these two comments are up!
April 27, 2005: Blog goes on hiatus following Violet's birth.
February 22, 2005: Added a link on the home page to Closet Gamers, a very funny D&D-oriented Web comic.
February 14, 2005: Organized and added Web comic links to my home page.
February 8, 2005: Added a a couple links for technorati at the bottom of my home page.
January 25, 2005: Added a link to the The Guild of Gaming Women's Journal.
January 13, 2005: Changed the quote on the top of the home page. Altered the home page layout to put newer content near the top of the page. I was afraid that visitors would not see the good stuff immediately.
December 17, 2004: Tinkered with the date format for the list of old screeds on the left of the home page.
December 11, 2004: Got some feedback on bard armor for this screed (scroll down after clicking, please).
December 2, 2004: Added the banner for Realms of Evil, fiddled with the links at left.
November 29, 2004: Added SRD links on the left side of the home page.
November 15, 2004: Redesigned the site home page, added links, started writing screeds. For the nostalgic, here is the old home page.
November 11, 2004: Updated the guestbooks.
March 5, 2004: After a lapse of two years, I fixed and updated all the links to Wemic content around the Web.
January 2, 2002: Fixed and updated my Web ring links (again). Fixed my guestbooks for the new year. Added a couple wemic rules links.
December 20, 2001: Revised my Kingdoms and Honor pages, adding essays on wemic history, sociology, mythology, morality, physiology, , and food production. I also added links to essays on humans found in Kalerre (linked from main page). I also fixed and updated my Web ring links.
December 6, 2001: Got a start on updating my Rules Links, Miscellaneous Links, and Art Links.
October 14, 2001: Revised my Dungeons and Dragons Prestige Class, the Seer to expand eligibility to arcanists and non-spellcasters. For an online game in which I play a wemic named Zeoll, I added a large section, with many maps, detailing Hearthold Keep and I revised the Player List.
August 23, 2001: Made slight improvements to my variant for playing a young wemic who gains hit dice (and monster levels) as he ages. I added notes on armor and a wemic multiattack feat.
August 14, 2001: I got reviewed! By Jenn of Sassy*Licious Reviews. I got a grade of C, with points off for my centered layout, no-frames design, and lack of graphics. Check out the entire review. Thanks, Jenn!
July 22, 2001: Fixed grammatical and spelling errors in my rules for young wemics as 3E player characters. I added thoughts on wemics as rogues to my suggestions for wemics in standard and variant 3E classes. And I updated my character sheet for Zeoll, my wemic ranger/druid in the Taur Isles campaign.
July 16-17, 2001: Updated and added to my wemic story links and art links. Added my take on the Witch, a Dungeons and Dragons class well-suited for wemics with a more wild and savage upbringing.
July 12, 2001: Happy Birthday! My site was started two years ago July 6! To celebrate, I updated information for my 3E wemic druid/ranger, Zeoll. And I added interesting links to my 3E new prestige class, the Seer.
June 2, 2001: Added the Seer, a new prestige class for Third Edition D&D, to my 3E wemic class options. But it's something any race could use!
May 23-26, 2001: Updated all my Wemic links, adding a few new ones as well.
May 18, 2001: Added the quote from Shakespeare to my opening page.
April 20, 2001: Joined the Dark Corner web ring.
April 18, 2001: After a month of hard work, I have completely revamped Cayzle's Dungeons and Dragons pages. I have added analysis of both first edition D&D and third edition D&D wemic rules. I created my own version of the 3E wemic. And I added an extensive range of ideas and variants for playing wemics as third edition player characters. Enjoy!
April 17, 2001: Wounds Unlimited, a Web zine I liked, has folded. So I removed their banner from my home page and got permission to post their review of my site locally, here.
March 16, 2001: Added more detail and updated the playing history for Owyth, my Wemic Priest.
February 15, 2001: Added a great deal of playing history for Owyth, my Wemic Priest.
December 15, 2000: Converted Zeoll, my Wemic Priest character in the Wold Campaign, to Third Edition rules. Also made a few other changes to the Wold section, including a new adventure log and a version of Wemic rules for 3E D&D.
December 8, 2000: Updated my counter and guestbook after Yahoo made changes. Also brought Web ring and other links up to date.
November 5, 2000: Updated all 150 of my Wemic links, adding connections to some really good content: wonderful detail on Wemics in Dark Sun and two new stories, especially!
October 23, 2000: Added a great deal of content to the site through my Kingdoms and Honor Playtest page. If you want to help get the bugs out of the best Web-based somewhat-Wemic-oriented fantasy role-play game ever, please stop by!
October 16, 2000: Added links on my art, character, and miscellaneous links section. Added detail on Zeoll, including a log of events. Zeoll is one of my Wemic characters.
September 29, 2000: Added a new character (with lots of extra info), named Zeoll, to my Wemic Characters section.
September 12-13, 2000: Confirmed every one of my 100-plus Wemic links. Added three new ones. Updated my Blue Tavern Inn D&D game pages.
September 11, 2000: Revised my pages on Wemic History and Wemic Magic in Kingdoms and Honor. Fixed typos in my Essay on Wemic Culture.
August 22, 2000: Added about ten new links to my Wemic links pages -- art, stories, and rules.
August 17, 2000: Added new information to my Kalerre page in the Kingdoms and Honor section of the site.
July 25, 2000: After three weeks of work, my site redesign is complete! I reorganized everything, added content areas, and improved the navigation. I also added lots of new content, such as an Essay on Wemic Culture, notes and analysis of Wemics in D&D Combat, an entire section on Wemics in Kingdoms and Honor, and two new Wemic player characters in current games of mine.
July 6, 2000: Happy First Birthday to my site One year ago I started this site. Thanks to everybody who has visited, and many thanks to those who have signed my guestbook or e-mailed me. Today I began a site redesign -- look for many changes soon!
June 7, 2000: I got reviewed! I am so excited! And a good review, too (six of a seven possible "wounds")! I suppose it's unprofessional to yell about it, but I can't help myself! Here's the review, by Derek Quinn, in Wounds Unlimited. Thanks, Derek!
May 22, 2000: Added to and confirmed all 130 links on the Wemic Links Page.
May 2, 2000: Made alterations to my Wemic bard rules to balance it better. Added a page of Wemic bard analysis.
April 28, 2000: Joined the TaurRing Web Ring.
April 27, 2000: Fiddled with spell schools allowed to my Wemic Bards and filled out the list of Bard Spells (including a few brand-new spells).
April 25, 2000: Joined The Realm of Heroes Web Ring. Added a PC link on the Blue Tavern Inn Adventurer's Page.
April 24, 2000: Added three new character descriptions and more party history to the Blue Tavern Inn Campaign Adventurers page. Created a new Dragon Hoard page.
April 19, 2000: Updated Fraweol's character sheet to bring him up to third level (yeah!); fixed errors on the Wemic Priest Spells Page; and did some general tidying up on random pages.
April 7, 2000: Updated my character sheet for Fraweol; added to and confirmed links on the Wemic Links Page.
March 28, 2000: Fixed links for Pawn and Clive on the Adventurers of the Blue Tavern Inn page.
March 16, 2000: Finalized (for now!) my version of rules for playing Wemic Bards, including a list of Bard Spells. And on the Blue Tavern Side, I updated my character sheet for Fraweol and my details on the Adventurers of the Blue Tavern Inn.
March 7, 2000: Updated my version of rules for playing Wemic Bards.
March 6, 2000: Brought the character sheet up to date for my Wemic Fighter/Priest, Fraweol.
February 18, 2000: Joined the Web of Fantasy Web ring, which is run by the GM of the Blue Tavern Inn game. I also deleted a couple reciprocal links that were not reciprocating!
February 8, 2000: Updated the Wemic Links Page.
January 13, 2000: Removed the Realms of Evil banner.
November 17, 1999: Confirmed, pruned, and added the links on my Wemic Links Page.
October 28, 1999: Added a new Blue Tavern Inn Adventurers and Quest Page listing the characters in the game and the mission on which they are currently embarked.
October 15, 1999: Added my new Rough Notes on Wemic Bards to the site.
September 29, 1999: Posted the Chaos Lord Page to the Blue Tavern Inn section. Added a link to a related Web site by the Blue Tavern GM. Added several links to my Wemic Links Page.
September 24, 1999: Confirmed all the links on my Wemic Links Page.
August 31, 1999: Added rules on Proficiencies to the Campaign House Rules.
August 29, 1999: Removed two bad links from my Wemic Links Page. Traded banners with the Realms of Evil gaming site (on the home page).
August 20, 1999: A slight addition of notes on Drow to the Campaign House Rules.
August 19, 1999: The biggest new change is my site organization revamp. I split my site into a Wemic part and a Campaign part. Also notable is my new Intro to Wemics.
July 6, 1999: Site launched!