Labyrinths & Liontaurs



When people are facing problems they cannot handle, you are the person who finds a way through the mess. When subtlety and discretion are required, you supply that in spades. When you need to slip in and then out of a situation without being recognized, no problem. You may be called on to speak publicly to represent someone else, or you may be undercover and unknown to all. Threats, blackmail, abuse, criminality -- some fixers solve those kinds of problem; other fixers use those tools as needed. Rescue, assassination, leadership, stealth, spying, and just plain common sense are your specialties.

You help your friends, or your friends of friends, or just maybe anyone with the right amount of coin. You may work for powerful people or the common folk, for a higher purpose or yourself. Although people have specialized in fixing problems in every culture, the fixer is not a common fantasy trope; you may find it useful to preuse this Wikipedia article on fixers.

Role: Within an adventuring party, some fixers are team captains or guides, leading their parties through whatever it takes to fix the latest snafu. Or you may focus as an individual on fixing the problems your friends make for themselves! Rogues, bards, and rangers -- people with a diversity of useful skills -- make great fixers, but any class can have the wit and gumption to step into the breach when things go wrong.

Requirements: The Universal System tends to offer the Fixer prestige class to characters who have had remarkable experiences ...

If you have focused on one of these to the point of obsession, or if your experiences have touched on most or all of them, then the Universal System may offer you the use of this prestige class.

Base Attack Bonus: +0.50 / level.

Caster Level: Similar to +0.75 / level, see below.

Will Save: +0.50 / level.

Fort Save: +0.50 / level.

Reflex Save: +0.50 / level.

Hit Die: d6.

Table: Fixer Advancement
LevelBase Attack BonusCaster LevelWill SaveFort SaveRefx SaveSpecial
1st+0.50+1.0+0.50+0.50+0.50Prestige Signature: Fixer's Stand
2nd+1.00+2.0+1.00+1.00+1.00Intimidating Posture or Tenacious
3rd+1.50+2.0+1.50+1.50+1.50Lock Down or Lunge
4th+2.00+3.0+2.00+2.00+2.00Spot Malefactor or Eternal Watch
5th+2.50+4.0+2.50+2.50+2.50Prestige Tier Choice
6th+3.00+5.0+3.00+3.00+3.00Master Signature: Defense Master
7th+3.50+5.0+3.50+3.50+3.50Leader or Inspire Trust
8th+4.00+6.0+4.00+4.00+4.00Last Word or Shield Allies
9th+4.50+7.0+4.50+4.50+4.50Xyzzy or Bust Out
10th+5.00+7.5+5.00+5.00+5.00Master Tier Choice

Skill Proficiencies

The fixer's proficient skills (and the ability scores used to boost each skill) are Break (Str), Climb (Str), Intimidate (Chr), Jump (Str), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), and Tactics (Int).

Skill Ranks per Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

You gain no new proficiency with weapons, armor, or shields.

Spells and Spell Casting

Prestige classes do not add the usual fractional increase to caster level each time you advance. Instead, at some levels you add a full caster level, and at other levels you add none. The spell level of fixer spells varies from fixer to fixer -- see these rules on prestige class spell aquisition. When you cast spells gained through this prestige class, those spells are inherent in nature, and they follow the rules for inherent spells. The casting ability score for this prestige class is intelligence, which is used to set fixer spell DCs, and, if it is your highest casting ability score, to set concentration checks and bonus spells per day.

KNOWN SPELLS LIST: When you add a caster level, the spells you add to your known spells list are pre-selected:

Class Abilities


Level 1 Fixer Prestige Tier Signature Ability: Fixer's Stand (Su) Once you have rolled initiative and entered combat, you can take a stand in defense of a position. You gain combat bonuses the longer you stand in one place without moving. Standing in place for the first round offers no bonus. On the second round, you gain a +1 sacred bonus to attack, to armor class (but not CMD), to damage reduction, and to Will saving throws. On the third round, the bonuses rise to +2; on the fourth round, to +3, and finally, on the fifth round, to +4, that is, +4 to attacks, +4 AC, +4 Will saves, and 4/- damage reduction. If you voluntarily move, even a five-foot step, your bonus resets to +0.

Level 2 Fixer Prestige Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 3 Fixer Prestige Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 4 Fixer Prestige Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 5 Fixer Prestige Tier Choice: Select a Fixer Prestige Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a feat from the Fixer or Hard-Ass Feat Trees for which you qualify, treating your own tier as if it were one step higher.


Level 6 Fixer Master Tier Signature Ability: Defense Master (Su) You gain a +1 competence bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defefense (CMD); in addition, when you are using your fixer's stand, that bonus to CMD increases to +2 on the second round, then +4, then +6, then +8. In addition, you may take a five foot step once per round while maintaining your fixer's stand.

Level 7 Fixer Master Tier Interaction Ability (pick one):

Level 8 Fixer Master Tier Combat Ability (pick one):

Level 9 Fixer Master Tier Exploration Ability (pick one):

Level 10 Fixer Master Tier Choice: Select a fixer Master or Prestige Tier Interaction, Combat, or Exploration ability that you have not yet chosen, or choose a feat from the Fixer or Hard-Ass Feat Trees for which you qualify, treating your own tier as if it were one step higher.