Labyrinths & Liontaurs



This tiny, whimsical-looking humanoid darts about swiftly on wildly colored gossamer wings.

Pixie CR 4

XP 1,200

NG Small fey

Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Spot +9


AC 18, touch 17, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 natural, +1 size)

hp 18 (4d6+4)

Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +6

Defensive Abilities invisibility; DR 10/cold iron; SR 15


Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)

Melee short sword +8 (1d4–2/19–20)

Ranged longbow +8 (1d6–2/×3)

Special Attacks special arrows

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th)

Constant—detect chaos, detect evil, detect good, detect law

1/day—dancing lights, detect thoughts (DC 15), dispel magic, entangle (DC 14), lesser confusion (DC 14), permanent image (DC 19; visual and auditory elements only), shield


Str 7, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 16

Base Atk +2; CMB –1; CMD 15

Feats Dodge, Weapon Finesse

Skills Tumble +12, Bluff +10, Escape Artist +12, Fly +18, Knowledge (nature) +10, Spot +9, Sense Motive +9, Stealth +16, Use Magic Device +10

Languages Common, Sylvan


Environment temperate forests

Organization solitary, gang (2–4), band (6–11), or tribe (20–80)

Treasure standard

Special Abilities

Invisibility (Su) A pixie remains invisible even when it attacks. This ability is constant, but the pixie can suppress or resume it as a free action.

Special Arrows (Su) When a pixie fires an arrow from any bow, it can decide to change the arrow's properties by sprinkling it with magical pixie dust. Doing so is a free action as long as the pixie is the one who fires the arrow. A pixie can generate a number of uses of dust equal to its Charisma score each day (16 uses per day for most pixies)—the dust is useless to another creature unless the pixie gives the dust freely. In this case, the pixie chooses what effect the dust will have on an arrow when it is applied, and it takes a standard action to apply the dust to the arrow. Once pixie dust is applied to an arrow, the pixie's chosen effect persists on the arrow for only 1 round. As long as an arrow is altered in this way, it does not inflict damage when it hits—it only causes its new effect. A pixie can choose any one of the following three effects when dusting an arrow. Save DCs are Charisma-based.

Charm: The target must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or be affected as though by a charm monster spell for 10 minutes.

Memory Loss: The target must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or be affected by a modify memory spell (this effect can only eliminate the previous 5 minutes of memory—a pixie typically uses this ability to make the target forget it encountered the pixie so it won't chase the pixie when he flees).

Sleep: The target must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or fall asleep for 5 minutes.

Perhaps the best-known and most elusive of all fey creatures, pixies live in the deepest, most pristine forests, but their insatiable curiosity often leads them far from home. Most pixies stand just over 2 feet tall—though they typically fly about the eye level of creatures they're conversing with in order to maintain eye contact—and weigh about 30 pounds. Pixies talk quickly and easily become overexcited.

Strange beings both of and beyond the natural world, pixies have magic that occasionally favors them in strange ways. For example, one out of every 10 pixies exhibits an additional spell-like ability that it can use once per day (caster level 8th), usually baleful polymorph, beast shape II (Tiny creatures only), or even a powerful spell like irresistible dance. Alternatively, you can change the types of effects that pixie dust can have on arrows—as a general rule, these alternate effects should be mind-affecting effects. Confusion, fear, hideous laughter, and hypnotism are all good choices for variant pixie arrow powers. You should take care when assigning alternate powers to a pixie, though, since doing so can create a threat that far exceeds what their physical statistics (and relatively low CR) can logically support.