Labyrinths & Liontaurs


Purple Worm

This enormous worm is covered with dark purple plates of chitinous armor. Its giant, tooth-filled mouth is the size of an ox.

Purple Worm CR 12

XP 19,200

N Gargantuan magical beast

Init –2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.; Spot +18


AC 26, touch 4, flat-footed 26 (–2 Dex, +22 natural, –4 size)

hp 200 (16d10+112)

Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +4


Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., swim 10 ft.

Melee bite +25 (4d8+12/19–20 plus grab), sting +25 (2d8+12 plus poison)

Space 20 ft.; Reach 15 ft.

Special Attacks swallow whole (4d8+18 bludgeoning damage, AC 21, 20 hp)


Str 35, Dex 6, Con 25, Int 1, Wis 8, Cha 8

Base Atk +16; CMB +32 (+36 grapple); CMD 40 (can't be tripped)

Feats Awesome Blow, Critical Focus, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), Power Attack, Staggering Critical, Weapon Focus (bite, sting)

Skills Spot +18, Swim +20


Environment any underground

Organization solitary

Treasure incidental

Special Abilities

Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 25; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Strength damage; cure 3 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Purple worms are giant scavengers that inhabit the deepest regions of the world, consuming any organic material that they encounter. They are notorious for swallowing their prey whole. It is not uncommon to hear of a group of adventurers vanishing down the ravenous maw of a purple worm, screaming as they disappear one by one.

Although they seek to consume living creatures, purple worms also consume vast amounts of dirt and minerals as they burrow underground. The insides of a purple worm may contain a considerable number of gemstones and other items able to withstand the corrosive acid inside its gullet. In areas filled with valuable minerals, such as those near dwarven mines, the natural tunnels created by burrowing purple worms are often filled with vast amounts of unrefined ores.

A purple worm usually claims a large underground cavern as its den, and while it returns here to rest and digest food, it spends the majority of its time on the prowl, burrowing through the endless dark or slithering along established tunnels in the constant drive to feed its immense hunger. Although not completely mindless, purple worms are rather stupid. They make popular guardians for those who have the magic to control them or a chamber in their lair large enough to hold one captive.

Although the deep-dwelling purple worm is the most common of its ilk, variant immense worms of differing colors dwell in other remote wildernesses. A sleek, mottled blue-and-green variant of the giant worm dwells in deep underground lakes or tropical seas (this variant loses its burrow speed but increases its swim speed to 40 feet). A deep crimson variant of even greater size dwells in remote badlands and rocky deserts (this variant is never less than Colossal in size). Other species doubtless remain to be discovered in the far corners of the world.