Labyrinths & Liontaurs


Spell Lists

There are four spell lists in Labyrinths & Liontaurs: Arcane | Divine | Inherent | Natural

No spell appears on more than one list.

Arcane Spells

Zero-Level Arcane Spells

Acid Splash (conjuration) — Orb deals acid damage. (combat cantrip)

Battle Ward (abjuration) — Gives subject an armor bonus. (combat cantrip)

Confusion I (enchantment) — One creature is confused for 1 round. (combat cantrip)

Detect Magic (divination) — Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft. (exploration cantrip)

Disrupt Undead (necromancy) — Deals damage to one undead. (combat cantrip)

Ghost Sound (illusion) — Figment sounds. (interaction cantrip)

Lullaby (enchantment) — Makes subject tired. (interaction cantrip)

Mage Hand (transmutation) — 5-pound telekinesis. (interaction cantrip)

Mage Lights (evocation) — Creates magical lights. (exploration cantrip)

Message (transmutation) — Whisper conversation at distance. (interaction cantrip)

Open/Close (transmutation) — Opens or closes small or light things. (exploration cantrip)

Penumbra (evocation) — Shrouds a creature in shadow. (exploration cantrip)

Prestidigitation (universal) — Performs minor tricks. (interaction cantrip)

Ray of Frost (evocation) — Ray deals cold damage. (combat cantrip)

Read Magic (divination) — Read scrolls and spellbooks. (exp;oration cantrip)

Sift (divination) — See area as though examining it. (exploration cantrip)

Touch of Illness (necromancy) — Touch attack makes target queasy. (combat cantrip)

Ventriloquism (illusion) — Throws voice. (interaction cantrip)

First-Level Arcane Spells

Animate Rope (transmutation) — Makes a rope move at your command.

Appraise Person (divination) — Gives information about a person.

Arcane Marking (universal) — Inscribes a message or rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible).

Cause Fear (necromancy) — A creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.

Color Spray (illusion) — Knocks unconscious, blinds, and/or stuns weak creatures.

Comprehend Languages (divination) — You understand all languages.

Detect Secret Doors (divination) — Reveals hidden doors within 60 ft.

Disguise Self (illusion) — Changes your appearance.

Erase (transmutation) — Mundane or magical writing vanishes.

Feather Fall (transmutation) — Objects or creatures fall slowly.

Floating Disk (evocation) — Creates 3-ft.-diameter horizontal disk that holds 100 lbs./level.

Grease (conjuration) — Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery.

Hold Portal (abjuration) — Holds door shut.

Hypnotism (enchantment) — Fascinates creatures.

Jump (transmutation) — Subject gets bonus on Jump checks.

Mage Armor (conjuration) — Gives subject +4 armor bonus.

Magic Map (divination) — Enchants a parchment to draw a map of what you see.

Magic Missile (evocation) — 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels (max 5).

Misdirection (illusion) — Misleads divinations for one creature or object.

Mount (conjuration) — Summons riding horse for 2 hours/level.

Obscure Object (abjuration) — Masks object against scrying.

Phantom Trap (illusion) — Makes item seem trapped.

Ray Of Enfeeblement (necromancy) — Ray causes 1d6 Str penalty + 1 per 2 levels.

Shield (abjuration) — Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles.

Shocking Grasp (evocation) — Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6).

Sleep (enchantment) — Puts creatures into magical slumber.

Solid Note (conjuration) — Creates tangible music note.

Unseen Servant (conjuration) — Invisible force obeys your commands.

Second-Level Arcane Spells

Alarm (abjuration) — Wards an area for 2 hours/level.

Anonymous Interaction (enchantment) — Creatures forget details about you and conversations with you.

Arcane Protection (abjuration) — This spell wards a creature from certain mental attacks.

Beguiling Gift (enchantment) — Subject immediately accepts an offered.

Burning Hands (evocation) — 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).

Charm Person (enchantment) — Makes one person your friend.

Chill Touch (necromancy) — One touch/level deals 1d6 damage and possibly 1 Str damage.

Create Pit (conjuration) — Creates an extradimensional pit.

Elemental Touch (evocation) — Gain energy damage touch attack.

Enlarge Person (transmutation) — Humanoid creature doubles in size.

Expeditious Retreat (transmutation) — Your base land speed increases by 30 ft.

False Life I (necromancy) — Gain 1d10 temporary hp + 1/level (max +10).

Icicle Dagger (conjuration) — Masterwork ice dagger deals +1 cold damage.

Identify (divination) — Gives +10 bonus to identify magic items.

Improved Concentration (universal) — Enhance your concentration checks.

Magic Aura (illusion) — Alters object’s magic aura.

Magic Mouth (illusion) — Objects speaks once when triggered.

Magic Weapon I (transmutation) — Weapon gains +1 bonus.

Recall Lessons (divination) — You gain an insight bonus on a knowledge check.

Reduce Person (transmutation) — Humanoid creature halves in size.

Restful Sleep (necromancy) — Gain more hit points while sleeping.

Silent Image (illusion) — Creates minor illusion of your design.

Snowball (evocation) — 1d4 damage per two level, 5-ft. radius.

Summon Monster I (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Touch of Idiocy (enchantment) — Subject takes 1d6 penalty to Int, Wis, and Cha.

True Strike (divination) — +20 on your next attack roll.

Youthful Appearance (transmutation) — Target appears younger.

Third-Level Arcane Spells

Alter Self (transmutation) — Assume form of a Small or Medium humanoid.

Arcane Lock (abjuration) — Magically locks a portal or chest.

Blur (illusion) — Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.

Darkvision (transmutation) — See 60 ft. in total darkness.

Detect Thoughts (divination) — Allows “listening” to surface thoughts.

Detect Undead (necromancy) — Reveals information on nearby undead.

Disguise Other (illusion) — As disguise self, but affects you or another.

Flaming Sphere (evocation) — Rolling ball of fire deals 3d6 fire damage.

Ghoul Touch (necromancy) — Paralyzes one subject, which exudes stench that makes those nearby sickened.

Glitterdust (conjuration) — Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures.

Hideous Laughter (enchantment) — Subject loses actions for 1 round/ level.

Hypnotic Pattern (illusion) — Fascinates (2d4 + level) HD of creatures.

Knock (transmutation) — Opens locked or magically sealed door.

Minor Image (illusion) — As silent image, plus some sound.

Mirror Image (illusion) — Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 + 1 per three levels, max 8).

Nondetection (abjuration) — Hides subject from divination, scrying.

Protection From Arrows (abjuration) — Subject gains DR 10/magic against ranged attacks.

Retrieve Item (conjuration) — You call a specific nonliving item directly to your hand from a nearby location.

Rope Trick (conjuration) — As many as eight creatures hide in extradimensional space.

Scare (necromancy) — Frightens creature of less than 6 HD.

Scorching Ray (evocation) — Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, + 1 ray/four levels (max 3).

See Invisibility (divination) — Reveals invisible creatures or objects.

Shatter (evocation) — Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.

Spell Penetration (universal) — Enhance your spell penetration checks.

Steadfast (enchantment) — Gives bonus against mental attacks.

Web (conjuration) — Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs that can grapple foes and impair movement.

Fourth-Level Arcane Spells

Acid Arrow (conjuration) — Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round + 1 round/three levels.

Burrow (transmutation) — Gives a creature a burrow speed.

Call to Surrender (enchantment) — One wounded person surrenders.

Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (divination) — Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level.

Command Undead (necromancy) — Undead creature obeys your commands.

Continual Flame (evocation) — Makes a permanent, heatless light.

Freeze Water (evocation) — You freeze all the water within a 5 ft cube.

Ghostly Disguise (illusion) — You look like a ghost of yourself.

Illusory Script (illusion) — Only select creatures can read text.

Invisibility I (illusion) — Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.

Levitate (transmutation) — Subject moves up and down at your direction.

Locate Object (divination) — Senses direction toward object (specific or type).

Pyrotechnics (transmutation) — Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke.

Rage (enchantment) — Gives +2 to Str and Con, +1 on Will saves, –2 to AC.

Rune of Warding (abjuration) — Guard a portal with magical runes.

Scroll Booster (universal) — Trigger a scroll with your own caster level.

Secret Page (transmutation) — Changes one page to hide its real content.

Sepia Snake Sigil (conjuration) — Creates a snake-shaped text symbol that immobilizes reader.

Share Memory (divination) — Share one memory with the target.

Shield Ally (abjuration) — Invisible disc gives shield bonus to AC.

Spectral Hand (necromancy) — Creates disembodied glowing hand to deliver touch attacks.

Summon Monster II (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Tongues (divination) — Speak and understand any language.

Verbal Hiccup (enchantment) — Forces target to say a particular word at random moments.

Whispering Wind (transmutation) — Sends a short message 1 mile/level.

Fifth-Level Arcane Spells

Animate Skeleton (necromancy) — Creates an undead skeleton.

Beast Shape I (transmutation) — You take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium animal.

Blindness/Deafness (necromancy) — Makes subject blind or deaf.

Create Treasure Map (divination) — Creates treasure map out of a creature’s corpse.

Dispel Magic I (universal) — Cancels one magical spell or effect.

Displacement (illusion) — Attacks miss subject 50% of the time.

Explosive Runes (abjuration) — Deals 6d6 damage when read.

Flame Arrow (transmutation) — Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage.

Gaseous Form (transmutation) — Subject becomes insubstantial and can fly slowly.

Hidden Speech (divination) — Gain +10 on Bluff to send secret messages.

Hold Monster (enchantment) — Paralyzes one monster.

Invisibility Sphere (illusion) — Makes everyone within 10 feet invisible.

Lightning Bolt (evocation) — Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.

Magic Weapon II (transmutation) — Weapon gains +1 bonus/four levels (max +5).

Major Image (illusion) — As silent image, plus sound, smell, and thermal effects.

Phantom Steed (conjuration) — Magic horse appears for 1 hour/level.

Ray of Exhaustion (necromancy) — Ray makes subject exhausted.

Rune of Durability (abjuration) — Strengthen an object.

Shrink Item (transmutation) — Object shrinks to one-sixteenth size.

Spiked Pit (conjuration) — As create pit, but filled with spikes.

Stinking Cloud (conjuration) — Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.

Strangling Hair (transmutation) — Your hair animates and grapples.

Suggestion (enchantment) — Compels subject to follow stated course of action.

Tiny Hut (evocation) — Creates shelter for 10 creatures.

Sixth-Level Arcane Spells

Arcane Protection Circle (abjuration) — As the arcane protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.

Arcane Sight (divination) — Magical auras become visible to you.

Blink (transmutation) — You randomly vanish and reappear for 1 round/level.

Collaborative Thaumaturgy (universal) — Help a friend co-cast a spell.

Creation I (conjuration) — Creates one cloth or wood object.

Deep Slumber (enchantment) — Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep.

Dimension Door (conjuration) — Teleports you a short distance.

Fireball (evocation) — 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius.

Fly (transmutation) — Subject flies at speed of 60 ft.

Force Ray (evocation) — Fire a force ray 1/round for 1 round/level. Ray inflicts 1d8+1/2levels.

Forewarning (divination) — Know the results of a roll before you roll it.

Glibness (enchantment) — You gain +20 bonus on Bluff checks, and your lies can escape magical discernment.

Hallucinatory Terrain (illusion) — Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field as forest, or the like).

Halt Undead (necromancy) — Immobilizes undead for 1 round/level.

Haste (transmutation) — One creature/level moves faster, receives +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.

Illusory Wall (illusion) — Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through.

Remove Curse (abjuration) — Frees object or person from curse.

Sculpt Sound (transmutation) — Creates new sounds or changes existing ones into new sounds.

Secure Shelter (conjuration) — Creates sturdy cottage.

Shadow Projection (necromancy) — Temporarily become a shadow.

Slow (transmutation) — One subject/level takes only one action/round, –1 to AC, Reflex saves, and attack rolls.

Summon Monster III (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Vampiric Touch (necromancy) — Touch deals 1d6 damage/2 levels; caster gains damage as temporary hp.

Seventh-Level Arcane Spells

Acid Pit (conjuration) — Creates a pit with a layer of acid on the bottom.

Beast Shape II (transmutation) — You take the form and some of the powers of a Tiny or Large animal.

Black Tentacles (conjuration) — Tentacles grapple all creatures within a 20-ft. spread.

Calcific Touch (transmutation) — Touch attack slows target, 1d4 Dex damage.

Confusion II (enchantment) — Subjects behave oddly for 1 round/level.

Crushing Despair (enchantment) — Subjects take –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.

Deathless (necromancy) — Prevents death from hit point damage.

Detect Scrying (divination) — Alerts you to magical eavesdropping.

Enlarge People (transmutation) — 1 humanoid creature/level doubles in size.

Fear (necromancy) — Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level.

Fire Shield (evocation) — Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you're protected from heat or cold.

Invisibility II (illusion) — As invisibility I, but subject can attack and stay invisible.

Perfect Image (illusion) — As silent image, plus speech, sound, smell, tactile, and thermal effects.

Rainbow Pattern (illusion) — Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures.

Reduce People (transmutation) — As reduce person, but affects 1 humanoid creature/level.

Ride The Waves (transmutation) — Target can breathe water and swim.

Scrying (divination) — Spies on subject from a distance.

Slot Drain I (universal) — Target loses a 6th-level prepared spell or spell slot.

Solid Fog (conjuration) — Blocks vision and slows movement.

Twilight Knife (evocation) — Floating knife attacks with you.

Wall Of Ice (abjuration) — Ice plane creates wall or hemisphere creates dome.

Ward Shield (abjuration) — Enchant a shield to give spell resistance.

Eighth-Level Arcane Spells

Arcane Eye (divination) — Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round.

Break Enchantment (abjuration) — Frees subjects from enchantments, transmutations, and curses.

Charm Monster (enchantment) — Makes monster believe it is your ally.

Creation II (conjuration) — As creation I, plus stone and metal.

Dream (illusion) — Sends message to anyone sleeping.

Elemental Body I (transmutation) — Turns you into a Small elemental.

Enervation (necromancy) — Subject gains 1d4 negative levels.

Fabricate (transmutation) — Transforms raw materials into finished items.

False Life II (necromancy) — Gain 2d10 + 1 point per caster level (maximum +20).

False Vision (illusion) — Fools scrying with an illusion.

Globe of Lesser Invulnerability (abjuration) — Stops 1st- through 3rd-level spell effects.

Good Hope (enchantment) — Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.

Hungry Pit (conjuration) — As create pit, but dealing 4d6 damage to those in it as it closes.

Locate Creature (divination) — Indicates direction to known creature.

Mage's Lucubration (universal) — Trade a higher level spell slot for several lower ones.

Overland Flight (transmutation) — You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances.

Resilient Sphere (evocation) — Force globe protects but traps one subject.

Shadow Conjuration I (illusion) — Mimics conjuration below 8th level, but only 20% real.

Shout I (evocation) — Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage.

Summon Monster IV (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Vermin Shape I (transmutation) — Take the form and some of the powers of a Small or Medium vermin.

Ninth-Level Arcane Spells

Baleful Polymorph (transmutation) — Transforms subject into harmless animal.

Beast Shape III (transmutation) — You take the form of a Diminutive or Huge animal, or Small or Medium magical beast.

Cloudkill (conjuration) — Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take Con damage.

Contact Other Plane (divination) — Lets you ask question of extraplanar entity.

Feeblemind (enchantment) — Subject's Int and Cha drop to 1.

Fire Snake (evocation) — Creates a serpentine path of fire 5 ft. long/level that deals 1d6 fire damage/level.

Mirage Arcana (illusion) — As hallucinatory terrain, plus structures.

Modify Memory (enchantment) — Changes 5 minutes of subject's memories.

Phantasmal Killer (illusion) — Fearsome illusion kills subject or deals 3d6 damage.

Phantasmal Web (illusion) — Catches subjects in illusory web.

Plant Shape I (transmutation) — Turns you into a Small or Medium plant.

Protection from Theft (abjuration) — Alarms and traps your possessions against theft.

Prying Eyes (divination) — 1d4 + 1/level floating eyes scout for you.

Secret Chest (conjuration) — Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane; you retrieve it at will.

Seeming (illusion) — Changes appearance of one person per two levels.

Soul Link (universal) — Makes spells last indefinitely.

Spotlight (evocation) — Creates a cone of normal light.

Suspend Extraordinary Abilities (abjuration) — Stops extraordinary abilities.

Telekinesis (transmutation) — Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.

Teleport I (conjuration) — Instantly transports you as far as 100 miles per level.

Tenth-Level Arcane Spells

Cleromancy (divination) — Cast bones to predict the future.

Dominate Person (enchantment) — Controls humanoid telepathically.

Elemental Body II (transmutation) — Turns you into a Medium elemental.

Force Hammer (evocation) — You strike a blow at an onject in an attempt to break it.

Interposing Hand (evocation) — Hand provides cover against 1 opponent.

Mage's Private Sanctum (abjuration) — Prevents anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours.

Magic Jar (necromancy) — Enables possession of another creature.

Mind Fog (enchantment) — Subjects in fog get –10 to Wis and Will checks.

Nightmare (illusion) — Sends vision dealing 1d10 damage, fatigue.

Persistent Image (illusion) — As major image, but no concentration required.

Planar Binding I (conjuration) — Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task.

Polymorph I (transmutation) — Gives one willing subject a new form.

Shadow Evocation I (illusion) — Mimics evocation of lower than 9th level, but only 20% real.

Slot Drain II (universal) — Target loses a 9th-level spell slot.

Summon Monster V (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Telepathic Bond (divination) — Link lets allies communicate.

Vermin Shape II (transmutation) — As vermin shape, but Tiny or Large.

Wall Of Force (abjuration) — Wall is immune to damage.

Waves of Fatigue (necromancy) — Several targets become fatigued.

Eleventh-Level Arcane Spells

Antimagic Field (universal) — Negates magic within 10 ft.

Beast Shape IV (transmutation) — You take the form of a Diminutive to Huge animal or a Tiny to Large magical beast.

Circle Of Clarity (abjuration) — Emanation hampers illusions and stealth.

Cloak of Dreams (enchantment) — Living creatures within 5 ft. fall asleep.

Cone of Cold (evocation) — 1d6/level cold damage.

Contingency (evocation) — Sets trigger condition for another spell.

Disintegrate (transmutation) — Reduces one creature or object to dust.

Fluid Form (transmutation) — Gain DR 10/slashing, increases reach 10 ft.,.

Legend Lore (divination) — Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing.

Mage's Faithful Hound (abjuration) — Phantom dog can guard a location and attack intruders.

Mislead (illusion) — Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.

Plant Shape II (transmutation) — Turns you into a Large plant creature.

Shadow Walk (illusion) — Step into shadow to travel rapidly.

Suggestions (enchantment) — As suggestion, affects subject/level.

Symbol of Pain (necromancy) — Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain.

Veil (illusion) — Changes appearance of group of creatures.

Wall of Iron (abjuration) — 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes.

Zone of Silence (abjuration) — Keeps eavesdroppers from overhearing you.

Twelfth-Level Arcane Spells

Acid Fog (conjuration) — Fog deals acid damage.

Charm Many People (enchantment) — As charm person, but all within 30 ft.

Dispel Magic II (universal) — Works as dispel magic I, but can affect multiple targets.

Elemental Body III (transmutation) — Turns you into a Large elemental.

Eyebite (necromancy) — Target becomes panicked, sickened, and/or comatose.

Flesh to Stone (transmutation) — Turns subject creature into statue.

Forceful Hand (evocation) — Hand pushes creatures away.

Form of the Dragon I (transmutation) — Turns you into a Medium dragon.

Freezing Sphere (evocation) — Freezes water or deals cold damage.

Guards and Wards (abjuration) — Array of magic effects protect area.

Permanent Image (illusion) — Permanent illusion, includes sight, sound, smell, and thermal effects.

Programmed Image (illusion) — As major image, plus triggered by event.

Shout II (evocation) — Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures.

Song of Discord (enchantment) — Forces targets to attack each other.

Stone to Flesh (transmutation) — Restores petrified creature.

Summon Monster VI (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

True Seeing (divination) — Lets you see all things as they really are.

Thirteenth-Level Arcane Spells

Analyze Dweomer (divination) — Reveals magical aspects of subject.

Chain Lightning (evocation) — 1d6/level damage and 1 secondary bolt/level.

Control Undead (necromancy) — Undead don't attack you while under your command.

Create Pocket Realm (conjuration) — Create your own pocket realm.

Ethereal Jaunt (transmutation) — You become ethereal for 1 round/level.

Globe Of Invulnerability (universal) — As globe of lesser invulnerability, plus 4th-level spell effects.

Invisibility for All (illusion) — As invisibility I, but affects all in range.

Phase Door (conjuration) — Creates an invisible passage through a barrier.

Planar Binding II (conjuration) — As planar binding I, but up to 13 HD.

Plant Shape III (transmutation) — Turns you into a Huge plant.

Polymorph II (transmutation) — Gives one willing subject a new, more powerful form.

Power Word Blind (enchantment) — Blinds creature with 200 hp or less.

Shadow Conjuration II (illusion) — As shadow conjuration I, but up to 12th level and 60% real.

Statue (transmutation) — Subject can become a statue at will.

Symbol of Fear (necromancy) — Triggered rune panics nearby creatures.

Undeath Ward (abjuration) — Create a pale silver barrier that repels undead.

Fourteenth-Level Arcane Spells

Symbol of Stunning (enchantment) — Triggered rune stuns nearby creatures.

Summon Monster VII (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Spell Turning (universal) — Reflect 1d4+6 spell levels back at caster.

Sequester (abjuration) — Subject is invisible to sight and scrying; renders creature comatose.

Scrying II (divination) — As scrying I, but faster and longer.

Reverse Gravity (transmutation) — Objects and creatures fall upward.

Project Image (illusion) — Illusory double can talk and cast spells.

Instant Summons (conjuration) — Prepared object appears in your hand.

Hold Monsters (enchantment) — As hold monster, but all within 30 ft.

Grasping Hand (evocation) — Hand provides cover, pushes, or grapples.

Form of the Dragon II (transmutation) — Turns you into a Large dragon.

Forcecage (evocation) — Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside.

Elemental Body IV (transmutation) — Turns you into a Huge elemental.

Confusion III (enchantment) — Subject suffers continuous confusion.

Circle Of Death (necromancy) — Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures.

Fifteenth-Level Arcane Spells

Arcane Instinct (divination) — As arcane sight, but also reveals magic effects on creatures and objects.

Binding (enchantment) — Utilizes an array of techniques to imprison a creature.

Finger Of Death (necromancy) — Deals 10 damage/level to one subject.

Fly for All (transmutation) — One creature/level gains ability to fly.

Giant Form I (transmutation) — Turns you into a Large giant.

Mage's Sword (evocation) — Floating magic blade strikes opponents.

Planar Greater Binding (conjuration) — As planar binding I, but up to 18 HD.

Power Word Stun (enchantment) — Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.

Prismatic Spray (evocation) — Rays hit subjects with variety of effects.

Protection from Spells (abjuration) — Confers +8 resistance bonus.

Scintillating Pattern (illusion) — Twisting colors confuse, stun, or render unconscious.

Slot Drain III (universal) — Target loses a 14th-level spell slot.

Teleport II (conjuration) — As teleport I, but no range limit and no off-target arrival.

Waves of Exhaustion (necromancy) — Several targets become exhausted.

Sixteenth-Level Arcane Spells

Barrier of Suppression (universal) — Creates barrier that disables magic.

Charm Many Monsters (enchantment) — As charm monster, but all within 30 ft.

Clenched Fist (evocation) — Large hand provides cover, pushes, or attacks your foes.

Demand (enchantment) — As sending, plus you can send suggestion.

Form of the Dragon III (transmutation) — Turns you into a Huge dragon.

Horrid Wilting (necromancy) — Deals 1d6/level damage within 30 ft.

Ice Body (transmutation) — Your body becomes living ice.

Mind Blank (abjuration) — Subject is protected from mental/emotional magic and scrying.

Simulacrum (illusion) — Creates partially real double of a creature.

Summon Monster VIII (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Sympathetic Vibration (evocation) — Deals 2d10 damage/round to freestanding structure.

Telekinetic Sphere (evocation) — As resilient sphere, but you move the sphere telekinetically.

Vision (divination) — As legend lore, but quicker.

Seventeenth-Level Arcane Spells

Antipathy (enchantment) — Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.

Clone (necromancy) — Duplicate awakens when original dies.

Delayed Blast Fireball (evocation) — 1d6/level fire damage; you can postpone blast for up to 5 rounds.

Etherealness (transmutation) — Travel to Ethereal Plane with companions.

Giant Form II (transmutation) — Turns you into a Huge giant.

Incendiary Cloud (conjuration) — Cloud deals 6d6 fire damage/round.

Limited Wish (universal) — Alters reality (within limits).

Maze (conjuration) — Traps subject in extradimensional maze.

Moment of Prescience (divination) — You gain +1/level insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.

Prismatic Wall (abjuration) — Wall's colors have array of effects.

Shadow Evocation II (illusion) — As shadow evocation I, but up to 7th level and 60% real.

Sympathy (enchantment) — Object or location attracts certain creatures.

Eighteenth-Level Arcane Spells

Dominate Monster (enchantment) — As dominate person, but any creature.

Freedom (abjuration) — Releases creature from imprisonment.

Mage's Disjunction (universal) — Dispels magic, disenchants magic items.

Polar Ray (evocation) — Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/level cold damage and 1d4 points of Dexterity drain.

Polymorph Any Object (transmutation) — Changes a subject into anything else.

Prying Eyes of Truth (divination) — As prying eyes, but eyes have true seeing.

Ride the Lightning (evocation) — Transform into electricity.

Screen (illusion) — Illusion hides area from vision and scrying.

Summon Monster IX (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Symbol of Death (necromancy) — Triggered rune kills nearby creatures.

Temporal Stasis (transmutation) — Puts subject into suspended animation.

Nineteenth-Level Arcane Spells

Crushing Hand (evocation) — Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes.

Imprisonment (abjuration) — Entombs subject beneath the earth.

Iron Body (transmutation) — Your body becomes living iron.

Irresistible Dance (enchantment) — Forces subject to dance.

Retrocognition (divination) — Gain historical knowledge of past events in a location.

Shadow Conjuration III (illusion) — As shadow conjuration II, but up to 17th level and 80% real.

Shapechange (transmutation) — Transforms you into certain creatures, and you can change forms once per round.

Symbol Of Dispelling (universal) — Triggered rune dispels magic.

Trap the Soul (conjuration) — Imprisons subject within gem.

Wail of the Banshee (necromancy) — Deals 10 damage/level to 1 creature/level.

Twentieth-Level Arcane Spells

Energy Drain (necromancy) — Subject gains 2d4 negative levels.

Meteor Swarm (evocation) — Four exploding spheres each deal 6d6 fire damage.

Power Word Kill (enchantment) — Kills one creature with 100 hp or less.

Prediction of Failure (divination) — Target is permanently shaken and sickened, and may gain a spellblight.

Prismatic Sphere (abjuration) — As prismatic wall, but surrounds on all sides.

Teleportation Circle (conjuration) — Teleports creatures inside circle.

Time Stop (transmutation) — You act freely for 1d4+1 rounds.

Weird (illusion) — As phantasmal killer, but affects all within 30 ft.

Wish (universal) — As limited wish, but with fewer limits.

Divine Spells

Zero-Level Divine Spells

Bleed (necromancy) — Damage a living creature that has -1 or fewer hit points. (combat cantrip)

Daze Person (enchantment) — Person loses next action. (combat cantrip)

Detect Aura (divination) — Reveals auras of selected alignment. (interaction cantrip)

Guidance (divination) — Grants a +1 sacred bonus on one skill check. (exploration cantrip)

Mending (transmutation) — Makes minor repairs on an object. (interaction cantrip)

Purify (transmutation) — Purifies an area within 10 ft. (exploration cantrip)

Sacred Light (evocation) — Object shines like a torch. (exploration cantrip)

Stabilize (conjuration) — Cause a dying creature to stabilize. (interaction cantrip)

Virtue (transmutation) — Subject gains 1d4 temporary hit points. (combat cantrip)

First-Level Divine Spells

Align Weapon (transmutation) — Weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.

Bane (enchantment) — Enemies take –1 on attack rolls and saves vs. fear.

Bless (enchantment) — Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.

Command (enchantment) — One subject obeys a command for 1 round.

Cure Light Wounds (conjuration) — Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level (max +5).

Divine Favor (evocation) — You gain +1 per three levels on attack and damage rolls.

Dream Feast (conjuration) — Feed one person per two levels in a dream.

Gift of the Liontaurs (conjuration) — bonus on survival, jump, and spot checks.

Hide from Undead (abjuration) — Undead can't perceive one subject/level.

Inflict Light Wound (necromancy) — Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).

Remove Fear (abjuration) — Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear for one subject + one per four levels.

Sanctuary (abjuration) — Opponents can't attack you, and you can't attack.

Second-Level Divine Spells

Aid (enchantment) — +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).

Bless Water (transmutation) — Makes holy water.

Compel Confession (enchantment) — A defeated foe answers questions in exchange for life.

Curse Water (necromancy) — Makes water unholy.

Divine Protection (abjuration) — Plus 2 to AC, plus additional protection against selected alignment.

Doom (necromancy) — One subject takes –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.

Elemental Speech (divination) — Enables you to speak to elementals and some creatures.

Find Traps (divination) — Notice traps as a rogue does.

Heroic Fortune (evocation) — Grants a creature 1 lionheart point.

Resist Energy (abjuration) — Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.

Shield Of Faith (abjuration) — Aura grants +2 or higher deflection bonus.

Undetectable Alignment (abjuration) — Conceals alignment for 24 hours.

Third-Level Divine Spells

Calm Emotions (enchantment) — Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.

Cure Moderate Wounds (conjuration) — Cures 2d8 damage + 1/level (max +10).

Darkness (evocation) — 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.

Delay Poison (conjuration) — Stops poison from harming target for 1 hour/level.

Enthrall (enchantment) — Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.

Hold Person (enchantment) — Paralyzes one person for 1 round/level.

Inflict Moderate Wound (necromancy) — Touch attack, 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).

Make Whole (transmutation) — Repairs an object.

Shield Other (abjuration) — You take half of subject’s damage.

Spiritual Weapon (evocation) — Magic weapon attacks on its own.

Status (divination) — Monitors condition, position of allies.

Zone of Truth (enchantment) — Subjects within range cannot lie.

Fourth-Level Divine Spells

Augury (divination) — Learns whether an action will be good or bad.

Consecrate (evocation) — Fills area with positive energy, weakening undead.

Daze Monster (enchantment) — Living creature of 6 HD or less loses next action.

Death Knell (necromancy) — Kills dying creature; you gain 1d8 temporary hp, +2 to Str, and +1 caster level.

Desecrate (evocation) — Fills area with negative energy; aids undead.

Ghostbane Dirge (transmutation) — Incorporeal creature takes half damage from nonmagical weapons.

Imbue with Aura (universal) — Target emulates your divine aura.

Remove Paralysis (conjuration) — Frees creatures from paralysis or slow effect.

Restoration I (conjuration) — Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.

Silence (illusion) — Negates sound in 20-ft. radius.

Sound Burst (evocation) — Deals 1d8 sonic damage and may stun subjects.

Weapon of Awe (transmutation) — Weapon gets +2 on damage rolls.

Fifth-Level Divine Spells

Animate Dead (necromancy) — Creates undead skeletons and zombies.

Create Food and Water (conjuration) — Feeds three humans (or one horse)/level.

Cure Serious Wounds (conjuration) — Cures 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15).

Gentle Repose (necromancy) — Preserves one corpse.

Glyph Of Warding (abjuration) — Inscription harms those who pass it.

Helping Hand (evocation) — Ghostly hand leads subject to you.

Inflict Serious Wound (necromancy) — Touch attack, 3d8 damage +1/level (max +15).

Invisibility Purge (evocation) — Dispels invisibility within 5 ft./level.

Remove Blindness/Deafness (conjuration) — Cures normal or magical blindness or deafness.

Remove Disease (conjuration) — Cures all diseases affecting subject.

Speak with Dead (necromancy) — Corpse answers one question/two levels.

Water Walk (transmutation) — Subject treads on water as if solid.

Sixth-Level Divine Spells

Archon's Aura (evocation) — Aura penalizes enemy attacks and AC.

Bestow Curse I (necromancy) — –6 to an ability score; –4 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 50% chance of losing each action.

Compel Change of Heart (enchantment) — A defeated foe changes alignment in exchange for life.

Daylight (evocation) — 60-ft. radius of bright light.

Deeper Darkness (evocation) — Object sheds shadows in 60-ft. radius.

Divine Protection Circle (abjuration) — As the divine protection spell, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.

Geas (enchantment) — Commands subject of 7 HD or less.

Magic Vestment (transmutation) — Armor or shield gains +1 enhancement per four levels.

Prayer (enchantment) — Allies get +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies –1 penalty.

Searing Light (evocation) — Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage (more against undead).

Seventh-Level Divine Spells

Cure Critical Wounds (conjuration) — Cures 4d8 damage + 1/level (max +20).

Daze People (enchantment) — As daze person, but affecting multiple creatures.

Dimensional Anchor (abjuration) — Bars extradimensional movement.

Dismissal (abjuration) — Forces a creature to return to native plane.

Divination (divination) — Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions.

Freedom of Movement (abjuration) — Subject moves normally despite impediments to restrict movement.

Inflict Critical Wound (necromancy) — Touch attack, 4d8 damage + 1/level (max +20).

Neutralize Poison (conjuration) — Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.

Planar Ally I (conjuration) — Exchange services with a 6 HD extraplanar creature.

Sending (evocation) — Delivers short message anywhere, instantly.

Eighth-Level Divine Spells

Air Walk (transmutation) — Subject treads on air as if solid (climb or descend at 45-degree angle).

Chaos Hammer (evocation) — Harms and slows lawful creatures (1d8 damage/2 levels).

Death Ward (necromancy) — Grants bonuses against death spells and negative energy.

Discern Lies (divination) — Reveals deliberate falsehoods.

Divine Power (universal) — You gain attack bonuses and 1 hp/level.

Holy Smite (evocation) — Harms and possibly blinds evil creatures (1d8 damage/2 levels).

Order's Wrath (evocation) — Harms and dazes chaotic creatures (1d8 damage/2 levels).

Planar Adaptation (transmutation) — Resist harmful effects of other plane.

Restoration II (conjuration) — Restores level and ability score drains.

Unholy Blight (evocation) — Harms and sickens good creatures (1d8 damage/2 levels).

Ninth-Level Divine Spells

Atonement (abjuration) — Removes burden of misdeeds from subject.

Breath Of Life (conjuration) — Cures 5d8 damage + 1/level and restores life to recently slain creatures.

Cleanse (evocation) — As heal, but only cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +25).

Commune (divination) — Deity answers one yes-or-no question/level.

Dispel Aura (abjuration) — +4 bonus against attacks by outsiders.

Flame Strike (evocation) — Smites foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage).

Heroic Fortunes (evocation) — Give friends lionheart points.

Mark of Justice (necromancy) — Designates action that triggers curse on subject.

Spell Immunity I (abjuration) — Gives complete immunity to specific spells under 9th level.

Temple of Sanctuary (conjuration) — Door leads to extradimensional temple.

Tenth-Level Divine Spells

Command Many (enchantment) — As command, but affects one subject/level.

Cure Many Light Wounds (conjuration) — Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.

Disrupting Weapon (transmutation) — Melee weapon destroys undead.

Hallow (evocation) — Designates location as sacred.

Inflict Many Light Wounds (necromancy) — Deals 1d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.

Plane Shift (conjuration) — As many as 8 subjects travel to another plane.

Raise Dead (conjuration) — Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago.

Slay Living (necromancy) — Touch attack deals 12d6 +1 per level.

Spell Resistance (abjuration) — Subject gains SR 12 + level.

Symbol of Sleep (enchantment) — Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber.

Eleventh-Level Divine Spells

Animate Objects (transmutation) — Objects attack your foes.

Astral Projection I (necromancy) — Limited astral travel.

Bestow Curse II (necromancy) — As a ranged bestow curse I, but harder to remove.

Conversion (universal) — You convert a creature to your alignment.

Glyph of Greater Warding (abjuration) — As glyph of warding, but up to 10d8 damage or 6th-level spell.

Harm (necromancy) — Deals 10 points/level damage to target.

Heal (conjuration) — Cures 10 points/level damage, all diseases and mental conditions.

Heart of the Liontaurs (conjuration) — Bestows lionheart points to nearby allies.

Righteous Might (transmutation) — Your size increases, and you gain bonuses in combat.

Word of Recall (conjuration) — Teleports you back to designated place.

Twelfth-Level Divine Spells

Cure Many Moderate Wounds (conjuration) — Cures 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.

Heroes' Feast (conjuration) — Food for one creature/level cures and grants combat bonuses.

Inflict Moderate Wounds (necromancy) — Deals 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.

Planar Adaptations (transmutation) — As planar adaptation, but affects multiple creatures.

Planar Ally II (conjuration) — As planar ally I, but up to 12 HD.

Quest (enchantment) — As geas, but affects any creature.

Symbol of Persuasion (enchantment) — Triggered rune charms nearby creatures.

Wind Walk (transmutation) — You and your allies turn vaporous and travel fast.

Thirteenth-Level Divine Spells

Banishment (abjuration) — Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures.

Blade Barrier (evocation) — Wall of blades deals 1d6/level damage.

Create Undead (necromancy) — Create ghasts, ghouls, mohrgs, or mummies.

Forbiddance (abjuration) — Blocks planar travel, damages creatures of different alignment.

Hold People (enchantment) — As hold person, but all within 30 ft.

Regenerate (conjuration) — Subject’s severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35).

Teleport Object (conjuration) — As teleport, but affects a touched object.

Undeath to Death (necromancy) — Destroys 1d4 HD/level undead (max. 20d4).

Fourteenth-Level Divine Spells

Blasphemy (evocation) — Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nonevil subjects.

Cure Many Serious Wounds (conjuration) — Cures 3d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.

Dictum (evocation) — Kills, paralyzes, staggers, or deafens nonlawful targets.

Find the Path (divination) — Shows most direct way to a location.

Holy Word (evocation) — Kills, paralyzes, blinds, or deafens nongood subjects.

Inflict Many Serious Wounds (necromancy) — Deals 3d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.

Symbol Of Weakness (necromancy) — Triggered rune weakens nearby creatures.

Word Of Chaos (evocation) — Kills, confuses, stuns, or deafens nonchaotic subjects.

Fifteenth-Level Divine Spells

Destruction (necromancy) — Kills subject and destroys remains.

Dimensional Lock (abjuration) — Teleportation and interplanar travel blocked for 1 day/level.

Grace of the Paladin (transmutation) — Target gains paladin abilities for 1 round/level.

Lost Legacy (enchantment) — Makes target unpopular.

Memory Of Function (transmutation) — Complete repair for onbects and constructs.

Refuge (conjuration) — Alters item to transport its possessor to you.

Repulsion (abjuration) — Creatures can’t approach you.

Restoration III (conjuration) — As restoration II, plus restores all levels and ability scores.

Sixteenth-Level Divine Spells

Archon's Trumpet (evocation) — Paralyzes those affected.

Bestow Curse II (necromancy) — Bestows a more dire curse.

Cure Many Critical Wounds (conjuration) — Cures 4d8 damage + 1/level for many creatures.

Discern Location (divination) — Reveals exact location of creature or object.

Inflict Critical Wounds (necromancy) — Deals 4d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.

Resurrection (conjuration) — Fully restore dead subject.

Symbol of Insanity (enchantment) — Triggered rune renders nearby creatures insane.

Seventeenth-Level Divine Spells

Cloak of Chaos (abjuration) — +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against lawful spells.

Cursed Earth (necromancy) — Plants die, living creatures catch diseases, or dead creatures rise as zombies.

Holy Aura (abjuration) — +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against evil spells.

Planar Ally III (conjuration) — As planar ally I, but up to 18 HD.

Shield of Law (abjuration) — +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against chaotic spells.

Unholy Aura (abjuration) — +4 to AC, +4 resistance, and SR 25 against good spells.

Eighteenth-Level Divine Spells

Create Greater Undead (necromancy) — Create shadows, wraiths, spectres, or devourers.

Daze All (enchantment) — All creatures lose next action.

Heal All (conjuration) — As heal, but affects 1 subject/level.

Hymn Of Peace (abjuration) — Create a magical music that inhibits violence.

Spell Immunity II (abjuration) — As spell immunity, but up to 8th-level spells.

Nineteenth-Level Divine Spells

Astral Projection II (necromancy) — Projects you and others onto Astral Plane.

Implosion (evocation) — Inflict 10 damage/level to one creature/round.

Soul Bind (necromancy) — Traps newly dead soul to prevent resurrection.

Storm Of Vengeance (conjuration) — Storm rains acid, lightning, and hail.

Twentieth-Level Divine Spells

Gate (conjuration) — Connects two planes for travel or summoning.

Miracle (universal) — Requests a deity's intercession.

True Resurrection (conjuration) — As resurrection, plus remains aren't needed.

Inherent Spells

First-Level Inherent Spells

Perceive Cues (divination) — Grants a bonus to Spot and Sense Motive for 1 min./level.

Sounding Horn (evocation) — Create horn calls heard miles away.

Special Defense (transmutation) — Increase your armor class for one round.

Special Move (transmutation) — Become faster for one round.

Special Punch (transmutation) — Make an extra unarmed attack.

Second-Level Inherent Spells

Firebelly (abjuration) — A stiff drink puts a fire on your belly.

Hunting Sense (divination) — Bonus on Spot and Survival checks to locate and track a target.

Special Jump (transmutation) — Jump higher for one round.

Sure Hit (enchantment) — Gain a +1 per level morale bonus (max +5) to confirm one critical threat.

Walk It Off (conjuration) — Recover your health.

Third-Level Inherent Spells

Blistering Invective (evocation) — Make an Intimidate check against all foes within 30 feet; those demoralized also take fire damage.

Effortless Armor (transmutation) — Armor you wear no longer slows your speed.

Lionhearted I (enchantment) — Gives +2 on attack rolls, saves, skill checks.

Special Action I (transmutation) — Act in the blink of an eye to gain a free move action.

Special Damage (evocation) — Do extra damage for one successful attack.

Fourth-Level Inherent Spells

Friendly Stance (divination) — Grants a bonus to Diplomacy checks for 10 min./level.

Rally (enchantment) — Remove fear and boost allies.

Special Attack (transmutation) — Increase your attack bonus for one round.

Strike Through (transmutation) — Ignore damage reduction.

Warning Horn (evocation) — Your horn calls scares enemies.

Fifth-Level Inherent Spells

Heart-To-Heart Chat (universal) — Your speech inspires a change of heart.

Keen Edge (transmutation) — Doubles normal weapon's threat range.

New Senses (transmutation) — Gin a new sense.

Special Action II (transmutation) — Act in the blink of an eye to gain a free standard action.

Sixth-Level Inherent Spells

Intimidating Glare (necromancy) — Curse a foe with a nasty look.

Special Maneuver (transmutation) — No AoO for a combat maneuver.

Sure Hits (enchantment) — Gain a +1 per level morale bonus (max +10) to confirm one critical threat per caster level.

Terrain Insight (divination) — You gain sudden insight about how to use the terrain.

Seventh-Level Inherent Spells

Poker Face (abjuration) — Immunity to divinations.

Special Action III (transmutation) — Act in the blink of an eye to gain a free full action.

Tactical Formation (abjuration) — This spell increases the effectiveness of a group's formation in battle.

Take It On The Chin (transmutation) — You shrug off damage as it comes, gaining damage resistance.

Eighth-Level Inherent Spells

Battle Trance (enchantment) — You enter a state of intense battle focus.

Lionhearted II (enchantment) — Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp.

Marching Horn (transmutation) — Your musical instrument inspires marchers.

Special Concealment (transmutation) — Act in the blink of an eye to hide.

Ninth-Level Inherent Spells

Aura of Intimidation (transmutation) — Enemies near you are shaken.

Creature Insight (divination) — You gain sudden insight against foes.

Special Hand (transmutation) — Act in the blink of an eye to succeed at a sleight of hand or disable device check.

Tenth-Level Inherent Spells

Danger Sense (divination) — You gain +1/level insight bonus on initiative checks.

Jericho Horn (evocation) — Your horn call fells walls.

Ultimate Cuss (transmutation) — Target is damaged, staggered, and stunned.

Eleventh-Level Inherent Spells

Aura of Disarmament (transmutation) — Enemies near you are pressured to disarm.

Battleform I (transmutation) — You gain combat bonuses.

Sweat It Out I (conjuration) — You sweat out diseases and poisons.

Twelfth-Level Inherent Spells

Deep Pockets (conjuration) — Your pockets become extradimensional spaces.

Reveal Flaws (divination) — You see the flaw in a foe's armor.

Spit In Yer Eye (transmutation) — Blind and sicken foes.

Thirteenth-Level Inherent Spells

Aura of Delay (transmutation) — Enemies near you are pressured to slow down.

Lionhearted III (enchantment) — Gives allies +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp.

Fourteenth-Level Inherent Spells

Casualty Report (divination) — You track the status of willing creatures, even out of line of sight.

Sweat It Out II (conjuration) — You and your allies sweat out diseases and poisons.

Fifteenth-Level Inherent Spells

Aura of Paralysis (transmutation) — Enemies near you are pressured to be still.

Battleform II (transmutation) — Up to three people gain combat bonuses.

Natural Spells

Zero-Level Natural Spells

Breeze (evocation) — Creates a breeze. (interaction cantrip)

Detect Animals or Plants (divination) — Detects animals or plants. (exploration cantrip)

Detect Poison (divination) — Detects poison in a creature or object. (exploration cantrip)

Flare (evocation) — Dazzles one creature. (combat cantrip)

Moonlight (evocation) — The area around you is illuminated by moonlight. (exploration cantrip)

Personal Stormcloud (conjuration) — A little stormcloud soaks a target. (interaction cantrip)

Resistance (abjuration) — Subject gains +1 on saving throws. (interaction cantrip)

Spark (evocation) — Ignites flammable objects, burns creatures. (combat cantrip)

Vigor (transmutation) — Boosts target's damage. (combat cantrip)

First-Level Natural Spells

Alter Winds (transmutation) — Increase/decrease strength of natural winds.

Animal Trance (enchantment) — Fascinates 1d6 HD per caster level of animals.

Call Animal (enchantment) — Makes an animal come to you.

Calm Animals (enchantment) — Calms 2d4 + level HD of animals.

Detect Aberration (divination) — Reveals presence of aberrations.

Endure Elements (abjuration) — Exist comfortably in hot or cold regions.

Entangle (transmutation) — Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft. radius.

Flare Burst (evocation) — As flare, but on all creatures within 10 ft.

Goodberry (conjuration) — 2d4 berries each cure 1 hp (max 8 hp/24 hours).

Hide from Animals (abjuration) — Animals can’t perceive one subject/level.

Hydraulic Push (evocation) — Wave of water bull rushes an enemy.

Know Direction (divination) — You discern north.

Negate Aroma (transmutation) — Subject cannot be tracked by scent.

Nereid's Grace (abjuration) — Add your Chr bonus to armor class wearing no armor.

Obscuring Mist (conjuration) — Fog surrounds you.

Pass without Trace (transmutation) — One subject/level leaves no tracks.

Produce Flame (evocation) — 1d6 damage + 1/level, touch or thrown.

Shillelagh (transmutation) — Cudgel or quarterstaff becomes +1 weapon (2d6 damage) for 1 min./level.

Speak with Animals (divination) — You can communicate with animals.

Summon Nature's Ally I (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Second-Level Natural Spells

Animal Messenger (enchantment) — Sends a Tiny animal to a specific place.

Ant Haul (transmutation) — Triples carrying capacity of a creature.

Aspect of the Falcon (transmutation) — Gives bonuses on Spot and ranged attacks.

Aspect of the Nightingale (transmutation) — Your voice becomes clear and pleasant.

Burning Disarm (transmutation) — Heat an object in an enemy's grasp.

Charm Animal (enchantment) — Makes one animal your friend.

Detect Snares and Pits (divination) — Reveals natural or primitive traps.

Expeditious Excavation (transmutation) — Moves 5-ft. cubes of earth.

Faerie Fire (evocation) — Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, and the like.

Feather Step (transmutation) — Subject ignores adverse movement effects in difficult terrain.

Forest Friend (abjuration) — Plants in a forested area become helpful instead of hindering you and your allies.

Frostbite (transmutation) — Target takes cold damage and is fatigued.

Keen Senses (transmutation) — Gain +2 Spot and low-light vision.

Longstrider (transmutation) — Your speed increases by 10 ft.

Magic Fang (transmutation) — One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls.

Magic Stone (transmutation) — Stones gain +1 on attack, deal 1d4 +1 damage.

Touch of the Sea (transmutation) — Swim speed becomes 30 ft.

Tripvine (transmutation) — You animate a rope or vine to trip a creature.

Web Shelter (conjuration) — Create a comfortable shelter made of webbing.

Third-Level Natural Spells

Barkskin (transmutation) — Grants +2 (or higher) enhancement to natural armor.

Bear's Endurance (transmutation) — Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.

Bull's Strength (transmutation) — Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.

Cat's Grace (transmutation) — Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.

Chill Metal (transmutation) — Cold metal damages those who touch it.

Deadeye's Lore (divination) — Gain a +4 bonus on Survival and move full speed while tracking.

Glide (transmutation) — No fall damage, move 60 ft./round while falling.

Heat Metal (transmutation) — Makes metal so hot it damages those who touch it.

Reduce Animal (transmutation) — Shrinks one willing animal.

Residual Tracking (divination) — Tell creature's appearance by footprint.

Scent Trail (transmutation) — Leave trail for allies to follow.

Soften Earth and Stone (transmutation) — Turns stone to clay, or dirt to sand or mud.

Spider Climb (transmutation) — Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.

Summon Nature's Ally II (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Tree Shape (transmutation) — You look exactly like a tree for 1 hour/level.

Warp Wood (transmutation) — Bends wood.

Whispering Lore (divination) — You gain knowledge from the land itself.

Wood Shape (transmutation) — Reshapes wooden objects to suit you.

Fourth-Level Natural Spells

Aspect of the Bear (transmutation) — +2 AC and combat maneuver rolls.

Climbing Beanstalk (conjuration) — Create a beanstalk that is easy to climb.

Eagle Eye (divination) — Creates a magical sensor high above you.

Eagle's Splendor (transmutation) — Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level.

Fire Trap (abjuration) — Opened object deals 1d4 + 1/level damage.

Flame Blade (evocation) — Touch attack deals 1d8 + 1/two levels damage.

Fog Cloud (conjuration) — Fog obscures vision.

Fox's Cunning (transmutation) — Subject gains +4 to Int for 1 min./level.

Gust Of Wind (evocation) — Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.

Harvest Season (abjuration) — You make a plant produce food.

Hold Animal (enchantment) — Paralyzes one animal for 1 round/level.

Nature's Paths (divination) — Find the path through nature.

Owl's Wisdom (transmutation) — Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.

Speak with Plants (divination) — You can talk to plants and plant creatures.

Stone Call (conjuration) — 2d6 damage to all creatures in area.

Summon Swarm (conjuration) — Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders.

Tireless Pursuit (transmutation) — Ignore fatigue while hustling.

Fifth-Level Natural Spells

Blessing of the Mole (transmutation) — 1 ally/level gains darkvision and a +2 Stealth bonus.

Call Lightning (evocation) — Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky.

Companion Mind Link (enchantment) — You can talk with your animal companion, and can handle it with supernatural ease.

Hide Campsite (illusion) — Hides all traces of your campsite.

Hunter's Friend (transmutation) — Share a class ability with your companion.

Magic Fangs (transmutation) — All natural weapons gets + 1/four levels (max +5).

Meld into Stone (transmutation) — You and your gear merge with stone.

Nap Stack (necromancy) — Subjects only need 2 hours for a night’s sleep, and can sleep even longer for more benefits.

Protection from Energy (abjuration) — Absorb 12 points/level of damage from one kind of energy.

Quench (transmutation) — Extinguishes fires.

Sleet Storm (conjuration) — Hampers vision and movement.

Spike Growth (transmutation) — Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed.

Stone Shape (transmutation) — Sculpts stone into any shape.

Summon Nature's Ally III (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Water Breathing (transmutation) — Subjects can breathe underwater.

Wind Wall (evocation) — Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.

Sixth-Level Natural Spells

Ape Walk (transmutation) — Climb like a primate.

Cloak of Winds (abjuration) — Creates screen of strong wind around you.

Contagion (necromancy) — Infects subject with chosen disease.

Diminish Plants (transmutation) — Reduces size or blights the growth of normal plants.

Dominate Animal (enchantment) — One animal obeys your silent mental commands and orders.

Heatstroke (evocation) — Fire a ray of heat.

Lily Pad Stride (transmutation) — Walk across water on moving lily pads.

Make Lost (enchantment) — Make enemies get lost and forget their way.

Plant Growth (transmutation) — Grows vegetation, improves crops.

Poison (necromancy) — Touch deals 1d3 Con damage 1/round for 6 rounds.

Predict Weather (divination) — You can predict the weather.

Snare (transmutation) — Creates a magic booby trap.

Seventh-Level Natural Spells

Antiplant Shell (abjuration) — Keeps animated plants at bay.

Bloodhound (transmutation) — Gives caster the scent special ability.

Chameleon Stride (illusion) — Gives a +4 bonus on Stealth checks and concealment.

Command Plants (transmutation) — Sways the actions of plant creatures.

Grove of Respite (conjuration) — Creates trees and a small spring.

Ice Storm (evocation) — Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.

Nature's Exile (transmutation) — Gives subject –10 on Survival checks.

Reincarnate (transmutation) — Brings dead subject back in a random body.

Repel Vermin (abjuration) — Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10 ft. away.

Share Senses (divination) — See/hear/smell what a friendly animal is sensing.

Summon Nature's Ally IV (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Eighth-Level Natural Spells

Aspect of the Stag (transmutation) — +2 AC against attacks of opportunity.

Blight (necromancy) — Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature.

Cape Of Wasps (conjuration) — Wasp swarm defends or carries you.

Control Water (transmutation) — Raises or lowers bodies of water.

Entice Lesser Fey (conjuration) — Entice service from a fey of 6 Hit Dice or fewer.

Feather Steps (transmutation) — As feather step, but multiple creatures.

Giant Vermin (transmutation) — Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into giant vermin.

Heavy Water (transmutation) — Make water into difficult terrain for swimmers.

Rusting Grasp (transmutation) — Your touch corrodes iron and alloys.

Sea Stallion (transmutation) — Your steed can breathe water and swim while you are riding.

Wall Of Fire (abjuration) — Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level.

Ninth-Level Natural Spells

Animal Growth (transmutation) — One animal doubles in size.

Awaken (transmutation) — Animal or tree gains human intellect.

Commune with Nature (divination) — Learn about terrain for 1 mile/level.

Control Winds (transmutation) — Changes wind direction and speed.

Elemental Aura (evocation) — Creates an aura of energy around you.

Insect Plague (conjuration) — Wasp swarms attack creatures.

Raise Animal (conjuration) — As raise dead, but on an animal.

Strong Jaw (transmutation) — Natural attacks damage as two sizes bigger.

Summon Nature's Ally V (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Wall Of Thorns (conjuration) — Thorns damage anyone who tries to pass.

Tenth-Level Natural Spells

Aspect of the Wolf (transmutation) — Subject gains +4 Str and Dex, and +2 bonus on trip attacks.

Call Lightning Storm (evocation) — As call lightning, but 5d6 damage per bolt.

Geyser (conjuration) — Creates a geyser of boiling water.

Longmover (transmutation) — As longstrider, plus the speeds of other movement modes increase.

Spike Stones (transmutation) — Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may also be slowed.

Stoneskin (abjuration) — Grants DR 10/adamantine.

Tireless Pursuers (transmutation) — Ignore fatigue while hustling for you and others.

Transmute Mud to Rock (transmutation) — Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level.

Transmute Rock to Mud (transmutation) — Transforms two 10-ft. cubes per level.

Tree Stride (conjuration) — Step from one tree to another far away.

Eleventh-Level Natural Spells

Antilife Shell (abjuration) — 10-ft.-radius field hedges out living creatures.

Bear's Endurance for Many (transmutation) — As bear’s endurance, affects 1 subject/level.

Blessing of the Salamander (transmutation) — Subject gets fast healing 2, fire resistance 10, and +2 to its CMD.

Bull's Strength for Many (transmutation) — As bull’s strength, affects 1 subject/level.

Cat's Grace for Many (transmutation) — As cat’s grace, affects 1 subject/level.

Move Earth (transmutation) — Digs trenches and builds hills.

Spellstaff (transmutation) — Stores one spell in wooden quarterstaff.

Stone Tell (divination) — Talk to natural or worked stone.

Summon Nature's Ally VI (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Twelfth-Level Natural Spells

Eagle Aerie (conjuration) — Summon 1 giant eagle/3 levels.

Eagle's Splendors (transmutation) — As eagle’s splendor, affects 1 subject/level.

Fire Seeds (conjuration) — Acorns and berries become grenades and bombs.

Fox's Cunnings (transmutation) — As fox’s cunning, affects 1 subject/level.

Nature's Call (universal) — A touched helpless creature becomes devoted to nature.

Owl's Wisdoms (transmutation) — As owl’s wisdom, affects 1 subject/level.

Transport via Plants (conjuration) — Move instantly from one plant to another of the same kind.

Wall Of Stone (conjuration) — Creates a stone wall that can be shaped.

Thirteenth-Level Natural Spells

Changestaff (transmutation) — Your staff becomes a treant on command.

Control Weather (transmutation) — Changes weather in local area.

Ironwood (transmutation) — Magic wood is as strong as steel.

Liveoak (transmutation) — Oak becomes treant guardian.

Repel Wood (transmutation) — Pushes away wooden objects.

Summon Nature's Ally VII (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Fourteenth-Level Natural Spells

Animate Plants (transmutation) — One or more plants animate and fight for you.

Dedicated Hunt (transmutation) — You and an animal pal are boosted for better hunting.

Entice Fey (conjuration) — Entice service from a fey of 12 Hit Dice or fewer.

Rampart (conjuration) — Creates 5-ft.-thick, 10-ft.-high earthen barrier.

Transmute Metal to Wood (transmutation) — Metal within 40 ft. becomes wood.

Fifteenth-Level Natural Spells

Creeping Doom (conjuration) — Swarms of centipedes attack at your command.

Fire Storm (evocation) — Deals 1d6/level fire damage.

Summon Nature's Ally VIII (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Sunbeam (evocation) — Beam blinds and deals 4d6 damage.

Vortex (evocation) — Creates a whirlpool in water.

Sisxteenth-Level Natural Spells

Control Plants (transmutation) — Controls actions of one or more plant creatures.

Sunburst (evocation) — Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage.

Tectonic Communion (divination) — Acts as improved Commune with Nature.

Whirlwind (evocation) — Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures.

Seventeenth-Level Natural Spells

Animal Shapes (transmutation) — One ally/level polymorphs into chosen animal.

Euphoric Tranquility (enchantment) — Makes a single creature peaceful and friendly.

Repel Metal or Stone (abjuration) — Pushes away metal and stone.

Summon Nature's Ally IX (conjuration) — Summons alternate-dimension creature to fight for you.

Eighteenth-Level Natural Spells

Cyclic Reincarnation (transmutation) — Reincarnate a creature dead up toi a year.

Earthquake (evocation) — Intense tremor shakes 80-ft. radius.

Wall of Lava (abjuration) — Wall damages foes that try to enter, periodically launches lava at nearby targets.

Foresight (divination) — “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.

Nineteenth-Level Natural Spells

Shambler (conjuration) — Creates 1d4+2 shambling mounds to fight for you.

Summon Nature's Ally X (conjuration) — Summons multiple elementals.

Twentieth-Level Natural Spells

Entice Greater Fey (conjuration) — Entice service from a fey of 18 Hit Dice or fewer.

Tsunami (conjuration) — Huge wave damages and sweeps up all in its path.