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Welcome to Cayzle's Guestbook!

I hope you will enjoy reading the interesting comments folks have left in my guestbooks.

My Archived Guestbooks

1999: 15 visitors
2000: 30 visitors
2001: 18 visitors
2002: 11 visitors
2003 7 visitors
2004: 5 visitors (Rediscovered in 2013 through the grace of the Wayback Machine!)
2005: Entries sadly lost with move to address
2006: Guestbook broken (and I didn't even know it!)
2007: 10 visitors
2008: 4 visitors
2009: 3 visitors
2010: 1 visitor
2011-2013: Poor lonely me! No visitors for these years except spambots!
2014-16: 5 visitors

In March 2018, my old guestbook was discontinued by the site's corporate overlords. Geocities was eaten by Yahoo, which then Yahoo Small Business, then Luminate, and now Oath, a subsidiary of Verizon. Alas, after a good run of 19 years (and 109 guestbook visitors) the world moves on.

Home | This page last modified: 25 May 2018