Labyrinths & Liontaurs



A companion is a loyal creature devoted to you and connected to your psyche by a magical link. A companion usually accompanies you on your adventures, serving as a guard, mount, porter, or helper. The ability to have a companion bond is a class ability, although you can also gain a companion through the cohort feat. This page contains details common to most companions.

Note that a companion can be almost as complex as a full character to run. Having a companion is not unlike having two characters and running both at the same time. Thus, a person who is new to the game, especially one who is not well-versed in all the rules, should consider a career path that does not include a companion. Having a complicated companion is a varsity level achievement, so maybe let your next character have one. Similarly, running a party with four player characters (PCs) and four companions is basically like running a game for eight. If you as the Game Master judge this to be too much for your table, consider eliminating the feat that allows companions, and when a class offers a companion as a choice, eliminate that option from the game.

A companion is not a class, and a companion cannot take levels in classes. As they advance in hit dice, they do obtain non-class advancements, specifically, feats, traits, ability score increases, and racial powers, except that racial powers are replaced with the companion powers listed below. When you first gain your companion, it has one hit die, which is functionally equivalent to a level, and it gains a hit die each time you level up after that.

Your companion's alignment is the same as yours, and it remains a loyal and faithful friend.

There are two broad categories of companions: called companions and summoned companions. Called companions are found locally, and they are used by druids (wild companions), rangers (tame companions), wizards (arcane companions), adepts (lackey companions), and those with the cohort feat (cohort companions). Summoned companions appear via dimensional magic from another plane, and they are used by paladins (divine companions), summoners (eidolon companions), and those with the undeath domain (skeleton companions). Summoned companions are restricted and affected by the same things that affect all summoned creatures:

Note, however, that summoned companions, unlike creatures appearing through the use of effects such as Monster Summoning spells, have no set duration. They remain with you indefinitely, until sent back.

Death and Companions Companions are slain when they have negative hit points equal to their Constitution score. When called companions die, their bodies remain; when summoned companions "die," their bodies (and magical possessions touching them) quickly fade away. If you die, your companion immediately gains the nauseated condition, as it does if you are seperated by more than 100 miles (see below). If you are not raised or restored, your companion dies 24 hours after you do.

Hit Die: d8, but do not roll for your companion. Instead, treat every "roll" as a 5 (at odd hit dice, starting from its first die) or a 4 (at even hit dice). Modify the 5 or 4 by the companion's odd (column A) Constitution modifier. Like most non-player characters, companions do not gain lionheart points.

Casting Level: Like most non-player creatures, companions have a caster level equal to one-quarter or one-half of their hit dice, and they gain no spellcasting ability. Use this caster level for cantrips the companion might learn, and for magic items that require a caster level on activation. Note that arcane, lackey, and eidolon companions gain a caster level equal to half their hit dice.

Companion "Racial" Powers

Although companions vary dramatically in physical shape, mental capabilities, and even creature type, apply the following to all companions.

Racial Powers gained with hit dice:

Companion Hit Die Progression

A companion's abilities are determined by its progression as you level, the abilities it gains through your class (one every other level after you acquire it), and its non-class advancement. The following table determines many of the base statistics of the companion. It starts with one hit die when it joins your service (most often at level 1 or 6), and it adds another each time you level thereafter.

Table: Companion Base Statistics
HDBABWillFortRefRanks*Physical StatMental StatNatural ACClass SpecialNon-Class Advance
2+1+1+1+12+1+0+0Yesfeat (tier 1)
4+3+2+3+34+0+0+1Yesfeat (tier 1)
5+3+2+3+35+1+0+0-+1 ability
7+5+3+5+57+0+0+1-feat (tier 2)
9+6+4+6+69+0+1+0-feat (tier 2)
10+7+5+7+710+0+0+1Yes+1 ability
12+9+6+9+912+0+1+0Yesfeat (tier 3)
14+10+7+10+1014+1+0+0Yesfeat (tier 3)
15+11+7+11+1115+0+1+0-+1 ability
17+12+8+12+1217+1+0+0-feat (tier 4)
19+14+9+14+1419+0+0+1-feat (tier 4)
20+15+10+15+1520+1+0+0Yes+1 ability
* Rank total assumes Intelligence 9 or less. Generally speaking, ranks gained equal 2 + odd (column A) Intelligence modifier.

HD: This is the companion's hit dice. Your companion gains a hit die each time you level up after first obtaining it. Hit dice are eight-sided (d8), but not rolled -- each time a hit die is gained, add five hit points, modified per usual by Constitution and feats like Toughness.

BAB: This is the companion's base attack bonus. Creatures do not gain additional attacks using their natural weapons for a high base attack bonus.

Fort/Ref/Will: These are the companion's base saving throw bonuses.

Ranks: This lists the companion's total skill ranks. The companion is proficient with and treats the following as class skills: Jump (Str), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Spot (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). Companions with an Intelligence of 2 or less can only put ranks into these skills. Companions with greater Intelligence can purchase ranks in any skill, but their ability to use a skill effectively may be limited by a lack of hands or speech or for other reasons; if you are unsure, ask your game master for a ruling. A companion cannot have more ranks in a skill than it has Hit Dice, and it cannot have more ranks in a non-class skill than its hit dice -2.

Physical Stat: At levels noted in the table above, the companion adds a permanent +1 to Strength, Dexterity, or Consitution. It cannot add to the same physical stat twice in a row. If a companion adds +1 Str at 2 HD, it must add to Dex or Con at 5 HD, not Str.

Mental Stat: At levels noted in the table above, the companion adds a permanent +1 to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. It cannot add to the same mental stat twice in a row. If a companion adds +1 Int at 3 HD, it must add to Wis or Chr at 6 HD, not Int.

Natural Armor Bonus: The number noted here is an improvement to the companion's existing natural armor bonus. These bonuses stack, so that by 19 HD, the companion's original natural AC bonus (if any) has increased by +7.

Class Special: Your class (or the Cohort feat) allows you to grant your companion a special ability at even hit dice. See each class's particular rules for a companion. If a companion class special ability has a Roman numeral in the name, then it is a series that requires all the earlier specials before a later one can be taken. A few specials are available to all companions, and these are listed below:

Non-Class Advance: Like you, your companion gains non-class-based advancements:

Companion Traits - At 1 HD, choose from among these. At higher hit dice, use or create traits based on those in the Trait rules.

Companion Feats - Companions with intelligence less than 3 can select from the following feats: Fleet, Improved Natural Armor, Lucky, Toughness, Weapon Focus (a natural attack), Weapon Specialization (a natural attack), Graceful, Enlightened, Muscular, and these feat trees: Aerialist, Bantam, Hardass, and Predator. Companions with greater intelligence can select any feat they are capable of using. [Exception: Eidolon companions may not choose any feat that grants proficiency with weapons or armor.] The standard prerequisites apply, and higher tier feats are available at higher hit dice, per the table above.

Race - Racial powers are detailed above.

Ability - A +1 bonus applies to an ability score of your choice.

Companion Rituals

You muster a companion from the natural world or even from across planes through a companion ritual. The ritual requires time to complete. It may include an actual search in the physical world. It could include a ceremonial magic circle, a church service, or a personal pilgrimage; these details are left for you and your game master to roleplay. The companion ritual you use has slight variations for called and summoned companions.

Use a ritual to call a companion when ...

Use a ritual to summon a companion when ...

Companion Sourcing

Here are the pathways you can use to call or summon a companion, along with the available companions for each pathway.