Labyrinths & Liontaurs



You are a specialist, trained to the greatest extent possible, and capable of using your skills in ways that other characters cannot. There are as many kinds of experts as there are skills, and they fill the ranks of society as artisans, musicians, scribes, farmers, diplomats, merchants, trackers, climbers, translators, acrobats, and more.

BAB: +0.25 / level.

Caster Level: +0.25 / level.

Will Save: +0.50 / level.

Fort Save: +0.50 / level.

Reflex Save: +0.50 / level.

Hit Die: d6.

Table: Expert Advancement
LevelBase Attack BonusCaster LevelWill SaveFort SaveReflex SaveSpecial
1st+0 (+0.25)0 (0.25)+0 (+0.50) +0 (+0.50)+0 (+0.50)Tyro Signature: Expertise I
2nd+0 (+0.50)0 (0.50)+1 (+1.00)+1 (+1.00)+1 (+1.00)Interaction Skill +1
3rd+0 (+0.75)0 (0.75)+1 (+1.50)+1 (+1.50)+1 (+1.50)Combat Skill +1
4th+1 (+1.00)1 (1.00)+2 (+2.00)+2 (+2.00)+2 (+2.00)Exploration Skill +1
5th+1 (+1.25)1 (1.25)+2 (+2.50)+2 (+2.50)+2 (+2.50)Gallimaufry Feat
6th+1 (+1.50)1 (1.50)+3 (+3.00)+3 (+3.00)+3 (+3.00)Adventurer Signature: Expertise II
7th+1 (+1.75)1 (1.75)+3 (+3.50)+3 (+3.50)+3 (+3.50)Interaction Skill +1
8th+2 (+2.00)2 (2.00)+4 (+4.00)+4 (+4.00)+4 (+4.00)Combat Skill +1
9th+2 (+2.25)2 (2.25)+4 (+4.50)+4 (+4.50)+4 (+4.50)Exploration Skill +1
10th+2 (+2.50)2 (2.50)+5 (+5.00)+5 (+5.00)+5 (+5.00)Gallimaufry Feat
11th+2 (+2.75)2 (2.75)+5 (+5.50)+5 (+5.50)+5 (+5.50)Hero Signature: Expertise III
12th+3 (+3.00)3 (3.00)+6 (+6.00)+6 (+6.00)+6 (+6.00)Interaction Skill +1
13th+3 (+3.25)3 (3.25)+6 (+6.50)+6 (+6.50)+6 (+6.50)Combat Skill +1
14th+3 (+3.50)3 (3.50)+7 (+7.00)+7 (+7.00)+7 (+7.00)Exploration Skill +1
15th+3 (+3.75)3 (3.75)+7 (+7.50)+7 (+7.50)+7 (+7.50)Gallimaufry Feat
16th+4 (+4.00)4 (4.00)+8 (+8.00)+8 (+8.00)+8 (+8.00)Legend Signature: Expertise IV
17th+4 (+4.25)4 (4.25)+8 (+8.50)+8 (+8.50)+8 (+8.50)Interaction Skill +1
18th+4 (+4.50)4 (4.50)+9 (+9.00)+9 (+9.00)+9 (+9.00)<Combat Skill +1
19th+4 (+4.75)4 (4.75)+9 (+9.50)+9 (+9.50)+9 (+9.50)Exploration Skill +1
20th+5 (+5.00)5 (5.00)+10 (+10.00)+10 (+10.00)+10 (+10.00)Gallimaufry Feat

Skill Proficiencies

The expert's proficient skills vary from individual to individual. You may choose any 12 skills to be class skills for you.

Skill Ranks per Level: 8 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies

Pick any one weapon group. You are proficient with all simple and martial weapons in your chosen group. You are not proficient with exotic weapons. You are proficient with light armor, bucklers, and light shields.

Spells and Spell Casting

At fourth level your caster level is one, and you can cast arcane spells, which are drawn from the arcane spell list. As with all characters, you follow the general magic rules for spell slots per day, based on your caster level, which advances by one-quarter of a caster level every time you gain an expert level. Arcane spells use your even (column B) Intelligence modifier for bonus spells per day and to boost saving throw DCs.

KNOWN SPELLS LIST: When you gain a caster level, you have the option to learn two spells from the arcane spell list. Divide your expert class level by four -- that's the highest spell level you can add to your known list (minimum 1).

Class Abilities


Levels 1, 6, 11, and 16: Signature Ability: See below.

Level 2, 7, 12, and 17 Interaction Ability: Pick an Interaction skill of your choice. Any die roll result of less than 5 is treated as a five for this skill. You also gain a +1 bonus on checks with this skill. If you apply this class ability to the same skill at higher tiers, the bonus stacks and the die is treated as one higher: +2, rolls less than 6 are treated as 6; +3, rolls less than 7 are treated as 7; and +4, rolls less than 8 are treated as 8. Interaction skills are: Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Heal, Perform, Profession, Scrivening, Sense Motive, and Sleight of Hand.

Level 3, 8, 13, and 18 Combat Ability: Pick a Combat skill of your choice. Any die roll result of less than 5 is treated as a five for this skill. You also gain a +1 bonus on checks with this skill. If you apply this class ability to the same skill at higher tiers, the bonus stacks and the die is treated as one higher: +2, rolls less than 6 are treated as 6; +3, rolls less than 7 are treated as 7; and +4, rolls less than 8 are treated as 8. Combat skills are: Bluff, Break, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Ride, Spellcraft, Spot, Tactics, Tumble, and Use Magic Device.

Level 4, 9, 14, and 19 Exploration Ability: Pick an Exploration skill of your choice. Any die roll result of less than 5 is treated as a five for this skill. You also gain a +1 bonus on checks with this skill. If you apply this class ability to the same skill at higher tiers, the bonus stacks and the die is treated as one higher: +2, rolls less than 6 are treated as 6; +3, rolls less than 7 are treated as 7; and +4, rolls less than 8 are treated as 8. Exploration skills are: Climb, Fly, Gather Information, Jump, Knowledge, Language, Search, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Rope.

Level 5, 10, 15, and 20 Expert Choice: Choose a gallimaufry feat for which you qualify.

Expert Signature Abilities

As with all abilities in Labyrinths & Liontaurs, those denoted with Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV) must be taken in order. And multiclass characters can take a lower tier signature ability at any time that they are eligible to take a higher tier one (but cannot take the same signature ability more than once).

Expertise I (Ex): Pick two of your class skills. These are your Expertise skills. For these skills, you gain access to the expanded uses of skills that are listed below.

Expertise II (Ex): Add two more class skills to your Expertise skills. You are now so confident in the use of your Expertise skills that you can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a check with Expertise skills, you may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent you from doing so.

Expertise III (Su): Add two more class skills to your Expertise skills. As a full round action, you can touch an ally and give them your ranks in your Expertise skills; when you give ranks to another, you lose those ranks. Giving just one rank also confers proficiency with the skill. Ranks you give away return to you after one hour, but you can reclaim one, some, or all ranks you have given with a swift action. You can give away your ranks as often as you like, but you must always retain 1 rank in every Expertise Skill. You can give ranks away to as many allies as you like, up to the number of ranks you have to give.

Expertise IV (Su): Add two more class skills to your Expertise skills. Once per day for each of your Expertise skills, you can roll two dice while making a skill check, and take the better result. You must choose to use this talent before making a check.

Expanded Uses of Skills for Experts

These expanded uses of skills give experts new abilities and ways to use their skills upon reaching 1, 6, 11, and 16 ranks in an Expertise Skill. If you choose the expanded use of a skill that has multple variations (Craft, Knowledge, Language, Perform, and Profession), then you have to pick just one of the variations for your expanded use. Thus, you can select one of these skills multiple times for expanded use; each time you do so, it applies to a different variation.


With sufficient ranks in Appraise, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Bluff, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Break, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Climb, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Craft, you earn the following.

Note that if you pick Craft (Alchemy), you also gain the ability to craft poison.


With sufficient ranks in Diplomacy, you earn the following.

Disable Device

With sufficient ranks in Disable Device, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Disguise, you earn the following.

Escape Artist

With sufficient ranks in Escape Artist, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Fly, you earn the following.

Gather Information

With sufficient ranks in Gather Information, you earn the following.

Handle Animal

With sufficient ranks in Handle Animal, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Heal, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Intimidate, you earn the following. An asterisk (*) indicates the total duration cannot exceed 1 round plus 1 round for every 5 by which you exceed the DC.


With sufficient ranks in Jump, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Knowledge, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Language, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Perform, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Profession, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Ride, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Scrivening, you earn the following.

With sufficient ranks in Search, you earn the following.

Sense Motive

With sufficient ranks in Sense Motive, you earn the following.

Sleight of Hand

With sufficient ranks in Sleight of Hand, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Spellcraft, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Spot, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Stealth, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Survival, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Swim, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Tactics, you earn the following.


With sufficient ranks in Tumble, you earn the following.

Use Magic Device

With sufficient ranks in Use Magic Device, you earn the following.

Use Rope

With sufficient ranks in Use Rope, you earn the following.