You are a specialist, trained to the greatest extent possible, and capable of using your skills in ways that other characters cannot. There are as many kinds of experts as there are skills, and they fill the ranks of society as artisans, musicians, scribes, farmers, diplomats, merchants, trackers, climbers, translators, acrobats, and more.
BAB: +0.25 / level. Caster Level: +0.25 / level. Will Save: +0.50 / level. Fort Save: +0.50 / level. Reflex Save: +0.50 / level. Hit Die: d6. |
Level | Base Attack Bonus | Caster Level | Will Save | Fort Save | Reflex Save | Special |
1st | +0 (+0.25) | 0 (0.25) | +0 (+0.50) | +0 (+0.50) | +0 (+0.50) | Tyro Signature: Expertise I |
2nd | +0 (+0.50) | 0 (0.50) | +1 (+1.00) | +1 (+1.00) | +1 (+1.00) | Interaction Skill +1 |
3rd | +0 (+0.75) | 0 (0.75) | +1 (+1.50) | +1 (+1.50) | +1 (+1.50) | Combat Skill +1 |
4th | +1 (+1.00) | 1 (1.00) | +2 (+2.00) | +2 (+2.00) | +2 (+2.00) | Exploration Skill +1 |
5th | +1 (+1.25) | 1 (1.25) | +2 (+2.50) | +2 (+2.50) | +2 (+2.50) | Gallimaufry Feat |
6th | +1 (+1.50) | 1 (1.50) | +3 (+3.00) | +3 (+3.00) | +3 (+3.00) | Adventurer Signature: Expertise II |
7th | +1 (+1.75) | 1 (1.75) | +3 (+3.50) | +3 (+3.50) | +3 (+3.50) | Interaction Skill +1 |
8th | +2 (+2.00) | 2 (2.00) | +4 (+4.00) | +4 (+4.00) | +4 (+4.00) | Combat Skill +1 |
9th | +2 (+2.25) | 2 (2.25) | +4 (+4.50) | +4 (+4.50) | +4 (+4.50) | Exploration Skill +1 |
10th | +2 (+2.50) | 2 (2.50) | +5 (+5.00) | +5 (+5.00) | +5 (+5.00) | Gallimaufry Feat |
11th | +2 (+2.75) | 2 (2.75) | +5 (+5.50) | +5 (+5.50) | +5 (+5.50) | Hero Signature: Expertise III |
12th | +3 (+3.00) | 3 (3.00) | +6 (+6.00) | +6 (+6.00) | +6 (+6.00) | Interaction Skill +1 |
13th | +3 (+3.25) | 3 (3.25) | +6 (+6.50) | +6 (+6.50) | +6 (+6.50) | Combat Skill +1 |
14th | +3 (+3.50) | 3 (3.50) | +7 (+7.00) | +7 (+7.00) | +7 (+7.00) | Exploration Skill +1 |
15th | +3 (+3.75) | 3 (3.75) | +7 (+7.50) | +7 (+7.50) | +7 (+7.50) | Gallimaufry Feat |
16th | +4 (+4.00) | 4 (4.00) | +8 (+8.00) | +8 (+8.00) | +8 (+8.00) | Legend Signature: Expertise IV |
17th | +4 (+4.25) | 4 (4.25) | +8 (+8.50) | +8 (+8.50) | +8 (+8.50) | Interaction Skill +1 |
18th | +4 (+4.50) | 4 (4.50) | +9 (+9.00) | +9 (+9.00) | +9 (+9.00)< | Combat Skill +1 |
19th | +4 (+4.75) | 4 (4.75) | +9 (+9.50) | +9 (+9.50) | +9 (+9.50) | Exploration Skill +1 |
20th | +5 (+5.00) | 5 (5.00) | +10 (+10.00) | +10 (+10.00) | +10 (+10.00) | Gallimaufry Feat |
Skill Proficiencies
The expert's proficient skills vary from individual to individual. You may choose any 12 skills to be class skills for you.
Skill Ranks per Level: 8 + Int modifier.
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
Pick any one weapon group. You are proficient with all simple and martial weapons in your chosen group. You are not proficient with exotic weapons. You are proficient with light armor, bucklers, and light shields.
Spells and Spell Casting
At fourth level your caster level is one, and you can cast arcane spells, which are drawn from the arcane spell list. As with all characters, you follow the general magic rules for spell slots per day, based on your caster level, which advances by one-quarter of a caster level every time you gain an expert level. Arcane spells use your even (column B) Intelligence modifier for bonus spells per day and to boost saving throw DCs.
KNOWN SPELLS LIST: When you gain a caster level, you have the option to learn two spells from the arcane spell list. Divide your expert class level by four -- that's the highest spell level you can add to your known list (minimum 1).
Class Abilities
Levels 1, 6, 11, and 16: Signature Ability: See below.
Level 2, 7, 12, and 17 Interaction Ability: Pick an Interaction skill of your choice. Any die roll result of less than 5 is treated as a five for this skill. You also gain a +1 bonus on checks with this skill. If you apply this class ability to the same skill at higher tiers, the bonus stacks and the die is treated as one higher: +2, rolls less than 6 are treated as 6; +3, rolls less than 7 are treated as 7; and +4, rolls less than 8 are treated as 8. Interaction skills are: Appraise, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Heal, Perform, Profession, Scrivening, Sense Motive, and Sleight of Hand.
Level 3, 8, 13, and 18 Combat Ability: Pick a Combat skill of your choice. Any die roll result of less than 5 is treated as a five for this skill. You also gain a +1 bonus on checks with this skill. If you apply this class ability to the same skill at higher tiers, the bonus stacks and the die is treated as one higher: +2, rolls less than 6 are treated as 6; +3, rolls less than 7 are treated as 7; and +4, rolls less than 8 are treated as 8. Combat skills are: Bluff, Break, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Ride, Spellcraft, Spot, Tactics, Tumble, and Use Magic Device.
Level 4, 9, 14, and 19 Exploration Ability: Pick an Exploration skill of your choice. Any die roll result of less than 5 is treated as a five for this skill. You also gain a +1 bonus on checks with this skill. If you apply this class ability to the same skill at higher tiers, the bonus stacks and the die is treated as one higher: +2, rolls less than 6 are treated as 6; +3, rolls less than 7 are treated as 7; and +4, rolls less than 8 are treated as 8. Exploration skills are: Climb, Fly, Gather Information, Jump, Knowledge, Language, Search, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Rope.
Level 5, 10, 15, and 20 Expert Choice: Choose a gallimaufry feat for which you qualify.
Expert Signature Abilities
As with all abilities in Labyrinths & Liontaurs, those denoted with Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV) must be taken in order. And multiclass characters can take a lower tier signature ability at any time that they are eligible to take a higher tier one (but cannot take the same signature ability more than once).
Expertise I (Ex): Pick two of your class skills. These are your Expertise skills. For these skills, you gain access to the expanded uses of skills that are listed below.
Expertise II (Ex): Add two more class skills to your Expertise skills. You are now so confident in the use of your Expertise skills that you can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a check with Expertise skills, you may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent you from doing so.
Expertise III (Su): Add two more class skills to your Expertise skills. As a full round action, you can touch an ally and give them your ranks in your Expertise skills; when you give ranks to another, you lose those ranks. Giving just one rank also confers proficiency with the skill. Ranks you give away return to you after one hour, but you can reclaim one, some, or all ranks you have given with a swift action. You can give away your ranks as often as you like, but you must always retain 1 rank in every Expertise Skill. You can give ranks away to as many allies as you like, up to the number of ranks you have to give.
Expertise IV (Su): Add two more class skills to your Expertise skills. Once per day for each of your Expertise skills, you can roll two dice while making a skill check, and take the better result. You must choose to use this talent before making a check.
Expanded Uses of Skills for Experts
These expanded uses of skills give experts new abilities and ways to use their skills upon reaching 1, 6, 11, and 16 ranks in an Expertise Skill. If you choose the expanded use of a skill that has multple variations (Craft, Knowledge, Language, Perform, and Profession), then you have to pick just one of the variations for your expanded use. Thus, you can select one of these skills multiple times for expanded use; each time you do so, it applies to a different variation.
With sufficient ranks in Appraise, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: A successful DC 20 Appraise check reveals whether an item is magical, and a second check (DC = 25 + the item's caster level) unveils its magical properties. You can use Appraise to detect non-written forgeries and counterfeits.
- 6 Ranks: You may inspect a creature as a move action. The creature is never aware that you have done so.
- 11 Ranks: You can determine the most expensive object a creature is wearing or wielding (or in a 5-foot cube) as a move action by succeeding at a DC 20 check. You never make a wildly inaccurate appraisal of an item's value.
- 16 Ranks: If you are successful at a sense respect check, you learn the target's exact respect point total. If you fail, you learn what would normally be learned on a success.
With sufficient ranks in Bluff, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You do not have to make a check to pass a secret message.
- 6 Ranks: You take no penalty to try to Bluff a creature a second time after a failed check unless you failed by 5 or more. You take the standard penalty after two consecutive failed checks.
- 11 Ranks: Creatures magically attempting to read your thoughts, detect your alignment, or reveal when you are lying must attempt a caster level check (DC = 11 + your ranks in Bluff) or the effect reveals nothing.
- 16 Ranks: As a full-round action, you can make a suggestion (as the spell, maximum duration 1 hour) to a creature within 30 feet (Will negates, DC = 15 + your Charisma modifier). A creature that saves against your suggestion is immune to further uses of this effect for 24 hours, and whenever the suggested creature is specifically confronted with proof of your manipulation, it receives another saving throw. This is an extraordinary mind-affecting compulsion.
With sufficient ranks in Break, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: Instead of destroying an item with a successful Break check, you can choose to give it the broken condition instead.
- 6 Ranks: You can use Break checks instead of Escape Artist checks to escape grapples and pins.
- 11 Ranks: You can force or break through a door or similar object as a move action. Bursting bonds or breaking through walls now requires a standard action. If you shout your name as you try to break through a wall, you gain a +5 on the check.
- 16 Ranks: If you succeed in using Break to escape a grapple or pin, you inflict your unarmed damage on the grappler as you escape. If you ever fail a save against petrification or paralysis, you can make a Break check as a full round action on your next turn against the effect's save DC; you are completely freed if the check succeeds.
With sufficient ranks in Climb, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You are no longer denied your Dexterity bonus when climbing.
- 6 Ranks: You gain a natural climb speed (but not the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks) of 10 feet, but only on surfaces with a Climb DC of 20 or lower.
- 11 Ranks: You gain a natural climb speed (but not the +8 racial bonus on Climb checks) equal to your base speed on surfaces with a Climb DC of 20 or lower, and of 10 feet on all other surfaces.
- 16 Ranks: You gain a natural climb speed equal to your base speed on all surfaces. If you have both hands free, you gain a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks.
With sufficient ranks in Craft, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You use the crafting times for a trained player character, even if you are a nonplayer character. The DC to repair a damaged item that is not broken is reduced by 10. The DC to repair an item with the broken condition (but more than zero hit points) is reduced by 5.
- 6 Ranks: You do not ruin any of your raw materials unless you fail a check by 10 or more.
- 11 Ranks: You gain the Mending cantrip, using your applicable Craft skill ranks or your actual caster level as the caster level, whichever is higher.
- 16 Ranks: You can craft magic armor, magic weapons, magic rings, and wondrous items that fall under your category of Craft using the normal Craft rules.
Note that if you pick Craft (Alchemy), you also gain the ability to craft poison.
With sufficient ranks in Diplomacy, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: The time required to influence a creature's attitude or to shift its alignment is halved. The DC modifier to shift alignment is now -20.
- 6 Ranks: You can attempt to adjust a creature's attitude in 1 round by taking a -10 penalty. If you take 1 minute to adjust a creature's attitude, add your odd (column A) Charisma bonus to the number of hours that attitude change persists. Even if you fail a Diplomacy check, the target's attitude towards you never gets worse. The DC modifier to shift alignment is now -15.
- 11 Ranks: You can attempt to adjust a creature's attitude in 1 round with no penalty. If you take 1 minute to adjust a creature's attitude, the duration of the resulting change is measured in days, not hours. The DC modifier to shift alignment is now -10, and doing so requires just an hour of conversation. If you beat the DC by 10 or more, you shift alignment by two steps.
- 16 Ranks: You can attempt to adjust a creature's attitude in 1 round with no penalty. If you take 1 minute to adjust a creature's attitude, the duration of the resulting change is measured in weeks, not hours. You can use Diplomacy to improve a creature's attitude towards another creature. A successful check to shift alignment (with the -10 modifier) changes the creature's alignment to your own.
Disable Device
With sufficient ranks in Disable Device, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: Reduce the time required to disarm a trap or open a lock by taking a -5 penalty on your Disable Device check for each step by which you reduce the time required: 2d4 rounds, 1d4 rounds, 1 round, a standard action, a move action, a swift action.
- 6 Ranks: You can disarm magical traps with a -5 penalty. When attempting to disable magic traps, you never trigger them, even if you perform the trigger action (such as looking at a symbol). If you fail the check, you can still trigger the trap, and you can't use this ability to bypass it.
- 11 Ranks: When attacked by a trap, you can attempt a Disable Device check as an immediate action (adding your trap sense bonus, if any) opposed by the trap's attack roll or its save DC. If you succeed, you take half damage (or no damage if you exceed the DC by at least 10).
- 16 Ranks: You halve the penalties for performing a quick disarm as described in the 1 Rank entry. If you accept a -10 penalty while using the ability unlocked at 11 ranks, all nearby allies gain the benefit, and you disable the trap as an immediate action before it can trigger if you exceed the DC by at least 10.
With sufficient ranks in Disguise, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You can create a disguise in 1d3 minutes.
- 6 Ranks: You can create a disguise in 1d3 rounds. If you take the full normal amount of time to create your disguise, you take no penalty for disguising your gender, race, or age category.
- 11 Ranks: You can create a disguise as a full-round action.
- 16 Ranks: You can create a disguise as a standard action, or as a full-round action combined with a Bluff check to create a diversion to hide.
Escape Artist
With sufficient ranks in Escape Artist, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: If you take a -10 penalty, the time required to use this skill is halved; escaping a grapple or pin is a move action, and escaping a net, animate rope, command plants, or control plants spell is a standard action.
- 6 Ranks: You can attempt to escape from any entangling effect as a standard action with an Escape Artist check (DC = the effect's save DC + 10). You can attempt an Escape Artist check as a move action to set the DC for a creature to escape from ropes or bindings; you gain a +10 bonus on the check if you instead attempt it as a full-round action.
- 11 Ranks: You can escape any entangling effect (as above) as a move action. As a standard action, you can attempt an Escape Artist check (DC = the effect's save DC + 20) to suppress a slow or paralysis effect for 1 round, plus 1 round for every 5 by which you exceed the DC. This action counts as purely mental for the purpose of being able to take it while paralyzed.
- 16 Ranks: You can escape being entangled, grappled, or pinned as an immediate action with an Escape Artist check (DC = the effect's DC + 10 or the attacker's CMB + 10). You can attempt to suppress a slow or paralysis effect as a standard action (increasing the DC by 10), a move action (increasing the DC by 15), or an immediate action (increasing the DC by 20).
With sufficient ranks in Fly, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: A successful DC 20 Fly check allows you to make a 45-degree turn without sacrificing movement.
- 6 Ranks: A successful DC 30 Fly check allows you to ascend at a 45-degree angle at full speed. You treat falls after midair collisions as 10 feet shorter with a successful DC 10 Fly check, plus 10 feet for every 10 points by which you exceed the DC.
- 11 Ranks: A successful DC 30 Fly check allows you to make a 90-degree turn without sacrificing movement, or a 180-degree turn by sacrificing 5 feet of movement. You are considered one size category larger when determining wind effects on Fly checks.
- 16 Ranks: A successful DC 35 Fly check allows you to fly straight up at full speed. You are considered two size categories larger when determining wind effects on Fly checks.
Gather Information
With sufficient ranks in Gather Information, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: The time required to gather information is halved.
- 6 Ranks: You do not draw attention to yourself when you make repeated attempts to gather info.
- 11 Ranks: You can gather information in 10 minutes by taking a -5 penalty.
- 16 Ranks: You can gather information in 1d4 minutes with no penalty.
Handle Animal
With sufficient ranks in Handle Animal, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: Creatures you have trained, including any companion you have, gain a +2 competence bonus on Will saves when adjacent to you.
- 6 Ranks: Creatures you have trained, including any companion you have, gain a +3 competence bonus on Will saves whenever you are within 30 feet and clearly visible. You can teach a trick in 1 day by increasing the DC by 20.
- 11 Ranks: You can train an animal to understand your speech (as speak with animals) with 1 week of effort and a successful DC 30 Handle Animal check. Its actions are still limited by its Intelligence. You can teach a trick in 1 day (increasing the DC by 10) or 1 hour (increasing the DC by 20).
- 16 Ranks: You can make your speech understandable to any animal with just one day of training with a successful DC 25 Handle Animal check (DC 35 for magical beasts or vermin). You can teach a trick in 1 day, 1 hour (increasing the DC by 10), or 1 minute (increasing the DC by 20).
With sufficient ranks in Heal, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: When you administer first aid, you restore the patient to consciousness and one hit point.
- 6 Ranks: When you treat lethal and nonlethal wounds, the DC is 10 and the creature recovers 2 hit point per level (or hit dice, for monsters). If your roll reaches a 15, add your odd (column A) wisdom modifier (if positive) to the amount healed; a 20 check, 2x your wis mod; a 30 check, 3x your wis mod; a 40 check, 4x your wis mod; and 50, 5x your wis mod.
- 11 Ranks: When you deliver long-term care, all benefits are doubled.
- 16 Ranks: Providing first aid and treating poison is a move action. Treating nonlethal wounds and ability damage requires one full round. Treating poison, disease, or tending a foot wound takes one minute of work. Treating deadly wounds takes ten minutes of work. Providing long-term care requires two hours of light activity.
With sufficient ranks in Intimidate, you earn the following. An asterisk (*) indicates the total duration cannot exceed 1 round plus 1 round for every 5 by which you exceed the DC.
- 1 Rank: If you exceed the DC to demoralize a target by at least 10, it is frightened for 1 round and shaken thereafter.* A Will save (DC = 10 + your number of ranks in Intimidate) negates the frightened condition, but the target is still shaken, even if it has the stalwart ability.
- 6 Ranks: If you exceed the DC to demoralize a target by at least 10, it is panicked for 1 round or frightened for 1d4 rounds (your choice) and shaken thereafter.* A Will save (DC = 10 + your number of ranks in Intimidate) negates the frightened or panicked condition, but the target is still shaken, even if it has the stalwart ability.
- 11 Ranks: If you exceed the DC to demoralize a target by at least 20, it will cower for 1 round or panic for 1d4 rounds (your choice) and be frightened thereafter.* A Will save (DC = 10 + your number of ranks in Intimidate) negates the cowering, panicked, and frightened conditions, but the target is still shaken, even if it has the stalwart ability.
- 16 Ranks: If you exceed the DC to demoralize a target by at least 20, it is cowering for 1d4 rounds and panicked thereafter.* A Will save (DC = 10 + your number of ranks in Intimidate) negates the cowering and panicked conditions, but the target is still shaken, even if it has the stalwart ability.
With sufficient ranks in Jump, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You only need five feet of space for a running start. If you fail a jump check and attempt a Reflex save to grab hold of the other side after having missed the jump, if you fail the jump check by 4 or less, the Reflex save DC is 10, not 20, and if you fail by 5-9, the save DC is 20, not impossible.
- 6 Ranks: You can use a pole (or any weapon in the spear group) to vault a higher distance using a high jump. The increase in height is equal to the length of the pole, to a maximum of 1 ft per skill rank you have in Jump. You must drop the pole after attempting the vault, whether you succeed or fail. You land prone after making a vault.
- 11 Ranks: With a successful DC 20 Jump check, you treat an unintentional fall as 10 feet shorter plus 10 feet for every 10 by which you exceed the DC; with a successful DC10 check, you treat an intentional fall as 10 feet shorter for every 5 by which you exceed the DC.
- 16 Ranks: You double the result of any Jump check and never fall prone at the end of a fall as long as you remain conscious.
With sufficient ranks in Knowledge, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: When you successfully identify a creature, you gain one additional piece of information for every 5 ranks you possess in that Knowledge skill.
- 6 Ranks: When you successfully identify a creature, you gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, opposed ability checks, skill checks, and caster level checks against creatures of that kind (e.g., glabrezu demons, but not other demons or evil outsiders) for 1 minute. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 ranks beyond 10 you possess in that Knowledge skill.
- 11 Ranks: When you fail a Knowledge check, you can reroll the check at a -10 penalty. The competence bonus above also applies to saving throws against exceptional, spell-like, or supernatural abilities used by creatures you identify.
- 16 Ranks: You increase your Intelligence by +2.
With sufficient ranks in Language, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: If you gain this ability at first level, you can select any languages (including rare and exotic languages, except Druidic) as bonus languages due to intelligence. If your intelligence rises permanently during the game (not due to the use of a magic item) and increases your odd (column A) Intelligence modifier, you can learn a bonus language with native fluency each time your modifier rises.
- 6 Ranks: You can use Language instead of Bluff to send secret messages sent in a language you know. You can use Language instead of Sense Motive to intercept and interpret secret messages sent in a language you know.
- 11 Ranks: You have an ear for language. Add your odd (column A) Wisdom modifier in addition to your Intelligence modifier when making spoken Language checks.
- 16 Ranks: With a successful DC30 Language check (using your choice of languge), you can figure out the general meaning of speech in a language you do not speak. A successful DC 35 check reveals 1d4 pieces of specific information, and a successful DC 40 check reveals exact meaning. Reduce these DCs by 10 if you are rolling a check with a language that shares the alphabet of the unknown language.
With sufficient ranks in Perform, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: Whenever you attempt a Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, or Intimidate check, you can attempt a DC 20 Perform check as a swift action to gain a +1 circumstance bonus on the check. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 by which you exceed the DC.
- 6 Ranks: You can treat all Perform skills as having a number of ranks equal to one-quarter of your highest-ranked Perform skill, if your actual ranks in that Perform skill are less than that.
- 11 Ranks: Whenever you or an ally casts a spell with the emotion or language-dependent descriptor, you can attempt a DC 25 Perform check as a swift action to increase the save DC or the caster level by 1. This bonus increases by 1 for every 10 by which you exceed the DC.
- 16 Ranks: Choose one of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, or Intimidate. When you attempt a skill check with that skill, you can also attempt a Perform check and use the better result to determine the success of that skill check.
With sufficient ranks in Profession, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You can make a Profession check instead of a Knowledge check to answer questions specifically related to your profession.
- 6 Ranks: You can make a Profession check to answer questions that are only vaguely related to your profession. If you make a DC20 check as part of providing your professional services, you inspire a +1 morale bonus on all attacks, skill checks, and saving throws to those you serve (not to yourself) for the rest of the day.
- 11 Ranks: You can roll checks to earn income once per day instead of once per week. Others in your profession and those who live within a mile of your home have a default attitude of friendly towards you.
- 16 Ranks: You are a pillar of your community, and others in your profession as well as those who live within 20 miles of your home have an default attitude of helpful towards you. Nobles and wealthy patrons seek you out for your services. The morale bonus you offer satisfied customers rises to +2.
With sufficient ranks in Ride, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: When you spur your mount, its speed is increased by 20 feet, and it gains a +2 bonus on Reflex saves and a +2 dodge bonus to AC. Spurring your mount inflicts nonlethal damage, not lethal damage.
- 6 Ranks: Your mount gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves or Constitution checks to avoid becoming fatigued or exhausted. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 ranks beyond 5 you possess in Ride.
- 11 Ranks: When an opponent targets you or your mount with a bull rush, drag, overrun, reposition, or trip combat maneuver while you are mounted, you can substitute the result of a Ride check in place of your (or your mount's) CMD.
- 16 Ranks: When you spur your mount, its speed is increased by 30 feet, and it gains a +4 bonus on Reflex saves and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. Spurring your mount inflicts no damage, though it still becomes tired and then fatigued by spurring as usual.
With sufficient ranks in Scrivening, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You can use Scrivening instead of Search to detect written magical traps. You can use Disable Device to disarm written magical traps. And you gain a +1 insight bonus on Scrivening and Disable Device checks to do so. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 ranks you possess in Scrivening.
- 6 Ranks: When you roll to decipher a written text, you never draw false conclusions on a failed check. If you beat the DC to decipher a written text by 5 or more, you can learn the precise meaning rather than general content.
- 11 Ranks: You learn the Read Magic cantrip. If you pass within 10 ft of a written magical trap, you can roll to find it even if you are not looking. (The game master may choose to make this roll for you in secret, so you do not learn that something is amiss if you fail the check.)
- 16 Ranks: The time you require to make a scrivening check is cut in half. Your maps and sketches are works of art, worth at least 1d6 gp times your Scrivening check used to make them. You can create bound volumes of your work; Craft (Books) is a class skill for you, and you gain a +10 on all Craft (Books) checks. You can copy a book in one day.
With sufficient ranks in Search, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You can read lips at a distance of 45 feet. The DC to understand simple speech is 10; for complex speech, 15. If you fail a Search check to read lips, you simply fail, and you do not misunderstand what is said.
- 6 Ranks: You may use scent and taste to identify alchemical items, potions, and elixers. The DC to do so is 15 -- Add the caster level of the item to the DC if it is magical.
- 11 Ranks: When you are required to make a Will save vs what you think may be an illusion, you roll both a Will save and a Search check. If it is an illusion, the DM uses the better of the two results. If it is not, the game master uses the Will save, per usual, and the GM may or may not choose to reveal which roll was used.
- 16 Ranks: You can search a 5 ft x 5 ft area as a move action. You can use Search to follow tracks as if you were using Survival and the Track feat.
Sense Motive
With sufficient ranks in Sense Motive, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: If you were aware of an opponent before rolling initiative (such as when you ambush an enemy or negotiations break down into combat, but not when both sides happen upon each other or you are surprised), you can attempt a Sense Motive check as part of your initiative check (DC = 11 + the highest Bluff modifier among your opponents or DC 15, whichever is higher). If you succeed, you gain a +1 bonus on the initiative check, plus an additional +1 for every 5 by which you exceeded the DC.
- 6 Ranks: After 1 minute of conversation, you can read a creature's surface thoughts (as with a detect thoughts spell) by attempting a Sense Motive check at a -20 penalty opposed by the creature's Bluff check.
- 11 Ranks: You can read surface thoughts as above after 1 round. In addition, when attacked, you can attempt a Sense Motive check as an immediate action opposed by your target's attack roll. A successful check grants a +2 insight bonus to your AC against attacks from that specific opponent for 1 minute.
- 16 Ranks: You can read surface thoughts as above as a standard action. A successful check to gain an insight bonus to your AC also negates the attack that triggered it.
Sleight of Hand
With sufficient ranks in Sleight of Hand, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: When attempting a disarm or dirty tricks maneuver, a successful Sleight of Hand check against your target's CMD grants a +2 circumstance bonus on your combat maneuver check.
- 6 Ranks: The penalty for attempting a Sleight of Hand check (including drawing a hidden weapon) as a move action is reduced to -10.
- 11 Ranks: You can attempt a Sleight of Hand check (including drawing a hidden weapon) as a swift action at a -20 penalty.
- 16 Ranks: You take no penalty for using Sleight of Hand as a move action, and take only a -10 penalty when using it as a swift action.
With sufficient ranks in Spellcraft, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You can sense the presence of magic within 10 ft as if with a detect magic cantrip. Doing so is not an action and happens automatically. If you use the cantrip, your range is increased by 50%.
- 6 Ranks: You gain a bonus to your caster level for all purposes, including spells per day, equal to one-quarter of your expert class level (retain fractions for calculating total caster level).
- 11 Ranks: You can identify a magic item without a detect magic spell. If you use the cantrip, the DC is reduced by 5.
- 16 Ranks: If you identify a specific spell as it is being cast, you gain a +1 insight bonus on saves against that spell. This bonus increases by +1 for every 5 by which you beat the Spellcraft DC.
With sufficient ranks in Spot, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You remain alert to sounds even in your sleep, and the normal DC increase to spot checks when you are sleeping is halved. The distance modifier on the DC of spot checks is reduced to +1 per 20 feet.
- 6 Ranks: The distance modifier on the DC of spot checks you attempt is reduced to +1 per 30 feet. In addition, you gain a +5 bonus on spot checks to notice or locate an invisible creature or object.
- 11 Ranks: You remain alert to sounds even in your sleep, and the normal DC increase to spot checks when you are sleeping doesn't apply to you. The distance modifier on the DC of your spot checks is reduced to +1 per 40 feet.
- 16 Ranks: You gain a +10 bonus on spot checks to notice invisible creatures or objects. The distance modifier on the DC of spot checks you attempt is reduced to +1 per 60 feet.
With sufficient ranks in Stealth, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: Reduce the Stealth penalty from sniping by 10.
- 6 Ranks: Stealth check penalties for moving quickly are halved, including for moving full speed, and for reaching concealment after creating a distraction.
- 11 Ranks: If you attack after successfully using Stealth, your target is denied its Dexterity bonus against all attacks that you make before the end of your turn.
- 16 Ranks: You can use stealth even if you do not have cover or concealment so long as you remain still, take only mental actions, and do not move.
With sufficient ranks in Survival, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You reduce all nonlethal damage you take from heat, cold, starvation, or thirst by 1 point for every 5 ranks you possess in Survival.
- 6 Ranks: You can track creatures that leave no tracks, including flying and swimming creatures and creatures using trackless step or pass without trace, taking a -20 penalty on your Survival check.
- 11 Ranks: Once per day, you can spend 1 hour and attempt a DC 30 Survival check. Success grants you cold resistance or fire resistance 5 for 24 hours. You can share this with one ally for every 5 by which you exceeded the check.
- 16 Ranks: You take only a -10 penalty when tracking creatures that leave no tracks.
With sufficient ranks in Swim, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You gain a swim speed of 10 feet (though you do not gain the +8 racial bonus on Swim checks), but only in water with a Swim DC of 15 or lower.
- 6 Ranks: You gain a swim speed (though you do not gain the +8 racial bonus on Swim checks) equal to your base speed in water with a Swim DC of 15 or lower, or 10 feet in all other water.
- 11 Ranks: You ignore the penalties for using slashing or bludgeoning weapons underwater, as freedom of movement.
- 16 Ranks: You gain a swim speed equal to your base speed in all water. If you have both hands free, you gain a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks.
With sufficient ranks in Tactics, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: In a secure camp, you and your allies gain a bonus on armor class equal to the bonus on Spot checks.
- 6 Ranks: When you successfully extend aid, you grant a +2 to both AC and saves; for every 10 points by which you beat the DC20, you can extend aid to another ally within range.
- 11 Ranks: You can make a check to attack from higher ground as a move action. Moreover, you and your allies gain a bonus on melee damage equal to the bonus to attack.
- 16 Ranks: You can extend the effects of all tactics checks (except extend aid) to up to 1,000 allies within line of sight.
With sufficient ranks in Tumble, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You can move at normal speed through a threatened square or enemy-occupied square without provoking an attack of opportunity by increasing the DC of the check by 5 (instead of by 10). You aren't denied your Dexterity bonus when attempting Tumble checks with DCs of 20 or lower.
- 6 Ranks: You can roll a Tumble check at a -10 penalty and use the result as your CMD against trip and dirty trick maneuvers, if the check result is higher than your normal CMD.
- 11 Ranks: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity when standing up from prone. You can stand from prone as a swift action.
- 16 Ranks: With a move action, you can crawl at half your speed, not 5 ft. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity while crawling. You have no penalty on melee attack rolls while prone. You still gain a +4 bonus to Armor Class against ranged attacks while prone, but you take no penalty to AC against melee attacks.
Use Magic Device
With sufficient ranks in Use Magic Device, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You can use the aid another action to assist another creature's Use Magic Device check by attempting a check against the item's Use Magic Device DC.
- 6 Ranks: If you roll a natural 1 when activating an item, you take a -10 penalty on Use Magic Device checks with that item for 24 hours instead of being unable to activate it. This penalty stacks with itself.
- 11 Ranks: You can use this skill to emulate two races or two alignments simultaneously.
- 16 Ranks: If you roll a natural 1 when activating an item, you can reroll the check at a -10 penalty to activate the item. You must take the result of the second check, even if it is worse, and you can't reroll it again.
Use Rope
With sufficient ranks in Use Rope, you earn the following.
- 1 Rank: You may climb a rope with your Use Rope skill instead of your Climb skill. You may walk a tightrope using your Use Rope skill instead of your Tumble skill. You only fall from a rope (climbing, tightrope-walking, using a zip line, and fast-roping) if you fail your check by 10 or more.
- 6 Ranks: You gain proficiency with whips, bolas, and nets.
- 11 Ranks: When securing a grappling hook, you know if it is secure or not. The DC modifier for range when throwing a grappling hook is -1 per 10 ft, not -2, and you can throw up to 100 feet.
- 16 Ranks: You can tie up a character as a move action. When you tie up a character, they cannot use Escape Artist to get free. When a character tries to use the Break skill to escape bonds you have tied, they must beat your Use Rope check +10 to do so. You may use your Use Rope skill instead of Craft Traps to set up alarms and tripwire traps that use ropes and cords.