There are four types of spells in Labyriths & Liontaurs. Each type is described briefly here and links to a list of spells it includes. Note that no spell is on more than one list.
Arcane Spells — These spells tap planes of pure energy, accessed through lore or innate ability, to create the greatest range of magical effects. Arcanists, including bards, sorcerers, and wizards, use these spells.
Divine Spells — These miracles, invoked by faith and bestowed by dieties, include powerful healing magic. Priests, including clerics, paladins, and summoners, use these spells.
Inherent Spells — These spells use a person's personal reserves and innate magical ability to create effects that practitioners often do not even realize are magical. Marrowmancers, including fighters and rogues, use these spells.
Natural Spells — These spells draw on natural forces, the sun and the earth, and elemental planes, to create spells that revolve around flora, fauna, weather, and other aspects of the natural world. Naturalists, including druids, monks, and rangers, use these spells.
Spell Descriptions
A nuanced level of detail on spell particulars can be found in the Spell Descriptions subsection of the Magic Rules. To summarize, spell entries linked above include the spell's name; school; subschool and descriptor, if any; spell type; spell level; components; casting time; range; area; effect; targets; duration; saving throw; spell resistence; and description.
Spell Lists and Index
Spell Lists: This is a summary of every spell and a link to its detailed description.
Spell Index: This is an index of every spell in the game, listed alphabetically.
A Googledoc Spreadsheet listing every spell is also available.